ropensci / roregistry

ropensci registry
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Packages with incorrect GitHub addresses #38

Closed steffilazerte closed 8 months ago

steffilazerte commented 10 months ago

I found two packages in the roregistry registry.json file with incorrect GitHub addresses:

        name                          github
1 commonmark  # Should be
2       gert  # Should be
maelle commented 10 months ago

Thank you!

codemetar gives priority to URLs in DESCRIPTION so it picks up the first correct looking one... whereas pkgdown gives more weight to the issue tracker field.

One possible fix: changing DESCRIPTION as in

Another fix: special-case these repos in makeregistry.

Yet another fix: suggest updating the logic of {codemetar} and {codemetar}

@jeroen, what do you think?

jeroen commented 10 months ago

I think codemetar should be smart enough to see that the URL in BugReports is a GitHub URL, and the other ones are not.

maelle commented 10 months ago

Actually codemetar is smart enough so it must be a makeregistry problem (codemeta makes the mistake but that's another problem as we don't use it in makeregistry)

maelle commented 10 months ago

ah we do use codemeta :joy:

maelle commented 10 months ago

maelle commented 10 months ago

@steffilazerte how urgently do you need the fix?

steffilazerte commented 10 months ago

Not urgent, I have an easy workaround for now

maelle commented 8 months ago

Fixed :tada:

Thanks for catching and reporting this!