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Duplicate blog posts affects old Disqus comments #323

Open jdblischak opened 7 years ago

jdblischak commented 7 years ago

I noticed that some blog posts are duplicated, and thus Disqus comments only appear on one. As an example, navigating from the home page to the blog link in the navbar to the blog post "Testing packages with R Travis for OS-X" takes me to, which has no Disqus comments. If I delete the extra blog in the URL, then that link has the Disqus comments:

This duplication only affects older blog posts. The post Postdoctoral Scholar – Sustainable Software and Reproducible Research from 2016-09-07 and earlier posts have both a blog/ and a blog/blog/ entry. The post Greetings from Your Community Manager! and later posts only have the blog/blog/ entry.

I apologize if this is a known issue or desired behavior. I looked through the other issues and couldn't find the exact same problem. Some potentially related issues are:

I saw that you are moving away from Disqus for new posts (#282), but it would be nice if past comments could be preserved for old posts. For what it's worth, when I search for "ropensci i travis ci blog post" I find the old blog/ URL. Please close this issue if it is too much of a hassle to support this.