ropensci / rredlist

IUCN Red List API Client
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Package with a similar name #30

Closed maelle closed 6 years ago

maelle commented 6 years ago

Maybe the README&vignette could include a small sentence about redlistr?

sckott commented 6 years ago

perhaps, AFAICT it doesn't have any overlap functionality, right?

maelle commented 6 years ago

No it doesn't but it could lead to confusion (I was confused this morning 🙈 ), hence my suggesting to mention it :-) Plus it's related to IUCN Red List too so maybe someone could find this README and actually look for functionalities covered by the other package. (I opened a similar issue in their repo)

MirzaCengic commented 6 years ago

+1 for mentioning the name similarity. I've worked with both packages so I know the functions, but still it took me a moment just now looking for redlistr::rl_habitats() function. For someone not aware of this it might a bigger issue than changing where the extra "r" goes :)

sckott commented 6 years ago

okay, will do

arw36 commented 6 years ago

Maybe simply mentioning in the readme the difference? redlistr is the internally used package by IUCN, rather than the public api

sckott commented 6 years ago

thanks @arw36

redlistr is the internally used package by IUCN

so it's not meant for others to use then? or it is?

arw36 commented 6 years ago

Perhaps it could be... this is mainly for calculating spatial variables, which I don't believe their underlying data is publically available. So if someone has their own data they could use the same framework as IUCN - but I don't think the IUCN-calculated spatial metrics are meant to be reproducible publically. That said I haven't used this package, so not the best person to ask. I had also been confused about this a few months back.

sckott commented 6 years ago

right, was aware they have a bunch of data that's not available to public. thanks for the help