ropensci / rredlist

IUCN Red List API Client
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Add in metadata function #37

Closed arw36 closed 4 years ago

arw36 commented 5 years ago


Added in a txt file (metadata.txt) with functions that warrant further documentation and hyperlinks this IUCN-hosted documentation. Added function rl_metadata to pull up this table (now requires DT package. I am a little unclear if hyperlinks work, or would require download user library?

Related Issue

fix #28

sckott commented 5 years ago

thanks @arw36 ! nice work!

Is that all the information that will be included moving forward? If that's all, we could more easily just include a manual file that has all the same information in a table, and not create a new function. Thoughts on that?

arw36 commented 5 years ago

Totally fine with only having the manual file, or add the classification scheme to the references section of the help page for the four functions that currently have schemes (rl_growth_forms, rl_habitats, rl_threats, rl_measures).

sckott commented 5 years ago

Cool. Can you make a manual file then, and link to it from those four functions manual files?

sckott commented 5 years ago

thanks @arw36 for the changes! a few comments and request for change though:

Instead of editing the manual files directly, can you instead change the roxygen comments in each .R file? some documentation on that

Also, instead of adding a section in R/rredlist-package.R I was thinking you could make a new file, e .,g., R/metadata.R and then put in documentation only content, e.g. like

#' Metadata ....
#' @name rl_metadata
#' more text
#' ...
#' more text

then you could link to it with [rl_metadata] in other manual files

And in this file you could create lists and other elements, see the roxygen2 documentation

sckott commented 5 years ago

@arw36 any interest in finishing this?