ropensci / rredlist

IUCN Red List API Client
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Collecting species by population trend? #48

Open lime-n opened 2 years ago

lime-n commented 2 years ago


I was wondering if it were possible to collect species by population trend? i.e. decreasing, increasing, stable or unknown?

ingomiller commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?

willgearty commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay on this @lime-n and @ingomiller. I took over maintenance of this package late last year and haven't had a chance to look into this issue/inquiry. Hopefully I'll have some free time soon.

willgearty commented 1 year ago

From a quick glance at the Red List API, this does not currently seem possible.

awpark commented 4 months ago

How about if you used something like:

x <- rl_narrative('Fratercula arctica', parse = FALSE, key=PUT YOUR TOKEN HERE)

