ropensci / rsvg

SVG renderer for R based on librsvg2
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exported pdf not opened by #22

Closed tbates closed 3 years ago

tbates commented 3 years ago
tmp = DiagrammeR::grViz('digraph{a->b; c->a; c->b; c->d;}') # make a graph
tmp = DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg(tmp) #export as SVG
tmp = charToRaw(tmp) # flatten
rsvg::rsvg_png(tmp, "g.png") # save as png in current working directory
rsvg::rsvg_pdf(tmp, "g.pdf") # save as pdf says the pdf is damaged or in an unrecognised format

If you open the png, all is fine. And the pdf file shows a valid preview-image if you do quick-view in the Finder (on MacOS 11.2).

Not sure if this is an Apple bug, or an rsvg pdf export problem, or something else.

Here's the miscreant file


jeroen commented 3 years ago

The code you give above seems to work on my mac. Are you using the latest version of rsvg?


tbates commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking!

I'm on CRAN packageVersion("rsvg") [1] ‘2.1’

But the example pdf opens for you in, it may be a bug in preview Version 11.0 (1018.2)

Will pass on to Apple feedback.