ropensci / rzmq

R package for ZMQ
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Initial Travis setup #13

Closed rgbkrk closed 8 years ago

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

This uses to setup Travis builds for rzmq. You'll need to add the actual integration with Travis after merge.

armstrtw commented 8 years ago

could you walk me through this? perhaps via email? or just send a link to your favorite documentation for travis? thx.

rgbkrk commented 8 years ago

Actually, it looks like Travis now supports R directly. I'll have to update this PR now.

armstrtw commented 8 years ago

Right. We have this working for Rblpapi, so I can just copy the config over changing the account... I assume there is some account that needs to exist over at the Travis site.

rgbkrk commented 8 years ago

Travis is tied to the owner of the repo. Since yours is under a user, it's under your control to enable within

Here's the starter guide that Travis offers, though you'll probably be able to flip a switch on your profile that looks like this:

screenshot 2015-12-22 09 11 34

to this:

screenshot 2015-12-22 09 10 27

rgbkrk commented 8 years ago

I'm clearing out all my old PRs. Feel free to revisit if someone wants it.