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Peer-review badge between reviews? #100

Open maelle opened 1 year ago

maelle commented 1 year ago


A package will be extensively re-written and after that submitted again for peer-review.

In the meantime is it fine to "claim" the software-review badge? The badge links to the old thread that has a date but the badge might be misleading? Unless tempered with some "WIP" warning in the README?

datapumpernickel commented 11 months ago


I think we are slowly approaching a moment, where we could possibly think about submitting to CRAN again. If there were another Peer-Review, which I would greatly appreciate, I think it would make sense to do it beforehand. Hence I wanted to ask, whether there is any news on this @maelle . :) Before starting the peer-review process, we will still have to clean up a little bit anyways.

All the best!

noamross commented 11 months ago

We are happy to another review for the relaunch, @datapumpernickel! This happens rarely but we have done re-reviews for major releases - such as for rebi.

I suggest that you re-submit as a regular submission, noting that this is for a re-release, and then update your badge to refer to the the new issue.

datapumpernickel commented 11 months ago

Thank you, that is great! We will then re-submit as regular submission as soon as we are ready!