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Tell people to change COC file name #46

Closed sckott closed 3 years ago

sckott commented 6 years ago

only if it's, then change to - i do realize usethis already has the latter, so all people using that will be fine

sckott commented 6 years ago

i'm doing this on my own packages now, though too 🐢

maelle commented 6 years ago

This should be a wave of PRs. 🤔

maelle commented 5 years ago

quick script

repos <- ghrecipes::get_repos("ropensci")
repos <- dplyr::filter(repos, !is_archived, !is_fork)

repos <- gsub("ropensci\\/", "", repos$name)

has_coc <- function(repo){
  info <- gh::gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo", 
                 owner = "ropensci", repo = repo,
                 .send_headers = 
                   c(Accept = "application/vnd.github.scarlet-witch-preview+json"))

repos <- tibble::tibble(repo = repos)
repos <- dplyr::group_by(repos, repo)
repos <- dplyr::mutate(repos,
                       has_coc = has_coc(repo))

Out of 316 repos 233 don't have a code of conduct detected by GitHub.

maelle commented 5 years ago

Maybe a tech note would help to increase awareness. 🤔

sckott commented 5 years ago

good idea

maelle commented 5 years ago

Or would it make sense to couple that with a blog post about the updates you and Stef made to the rOpenSci COC? 🤔

stefaniebutland commented 5 years ago

Code of conduct updates not finished yet but will be live in Dec. I guess we do need to put out a short post announcing that we've made updates, to name Committee etc, so could note this issue there

maelle commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of