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Presubmission inquiry: stringapi #296

Closed MahShaaban closed 5 years ago

MahShaaban commented 5 years ago

Submitting Author: Name (@MahShaaban)

Package: stringapi
Type: Package
Title: An R client for STRING API
Version: 0.1.0
License: GPL-3
Authors@R: person("Mahmoud", "Ahmed",
  email = "",
  role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Provide a set of functions to interact with the STRING API in R.
  The functions are organized a round the API database and request types. The
  query parameters are checked and the output is returned in a tibble.
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: httr,
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1


The package wraps the STRING v11 API to provide access to the database from R.

Researchers in bioinformatics, computational science and biology.

I am aware of at least one Bioconductor package by the maintainers of STRING. The package is called STRINGdb. STRINGdb does more than just accessing the database and it can be a bit tricky to install. Last I checked the package uses v10, the database itself is in v11 now.

If there is an interest, I will work on improving the code and the docs.

noamross commented 5 years ago

Thank your for your inquiry, @MahShaaban! I am not yet sure if this package can meet or maintain best-in-category designation. STRINGdb installs via the standard Bioconductor methods (an alternative system to CRAN but a robust one), and it is not an issue that it has more functionality. I understand the V11 of the API has more functionality and data, but as STRINGdb has been maintained through multiple versions of the API, I would expect it to update. Do you know if it will or have you contacted the STRINGdb maintainers about it?

MahShaaban commented 5 years ago

Thanks @noamross. Please, let me clarify. Of course it is not an issue to have more functionality. What I meant is, the package does more, so it has more dependencies including Bioconductor and this increases the install requirements. I have not contacted the maintainers about updating the package.

noamross commented 5 years ago

I would ask that you contact the maintainers. From my perspective the primary justification accepting this would be it's support of v11 and the additional data, but if STRINGdb is likely to be updated to support v11, we would not likely accept this submission.

MahShaaban commented 5 years ago

Alright. Thanks @noamross for your time.