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rOpenSci Software Peer Review.
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Presubmission inquiry: packexplorer #355

Closed arielolafsalgado closed 4 years ago

arielolafsalgado commented 4 years ago

Submitting Author: Ariel Salgado (@arielolafsalgado)

Package: packexplorer
Title: Help in searching for new packages
Authors@R: as.person(c(
    "Ariel Salgado <> [aut, cre]", 
    "Andrés Farall <> [aut]",
    "Inés Caridi <> [aut]"
Description: Tools to explore CRAN and visualize relationships between packages. With a leaflet-based visualization, create your own network of packages and get information about new packages, related to the packages you use regularly. Also, find packages based on specific terms, taking into account the underlying dependency network.
Depends: R (>= 3.5), igraph
Imports: leaflet, stringr, Matrix, htmltools, methods
Suggests: mailR, knitr,rmarkdown,testthat
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
VignetteBuilder: knitr


This package aims to shorten the distance between the multiplicity of packages available in CRAN and the user. Provides a friendlier view of software package options, from a network perspective.

We hope that the basic user of R will be helped with this tool, providing a better experience in finding useful software for their specific work area.

This package relates to cranlogs, which provides information on the different package downloads, andcranly, which allows you to browse the CRAN network. It is different in that this package aims to recommend new packages, based on those already installed, with the addition of useful support tools to explore specific packages or topics.

maelle commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your pre-submission inquiry @arielolafsalgado ! However, your package is out-of-scope: it is a too general tool (rather than a tool helping scientific workflows and scientific research) that's beyond our current aims and scopes.

It is a good idea for a package, best of luck with its future development and promotion!