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rOpenSci Software Peer Review.
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targets and tarchetypes #401

Closed wlandau closed 3 years ago

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Submitting Author: Name (@wlandau)

Version submitted:

Editor: @maurolepore Reviewer 1: @limnoliver
Reviewer 2: @tjmahr
Archive: TBD
Version accepted: TBD


Package: targets
Title: Dynamic Function-Oriented Make-Like Declarative Pipelines for R
Description: The targets package is a pipeline toolkit that brings together
  function-oriented programming and Make-like declarative workflows for
  Statistics and data science in R. It implements a workflow as collection of
  interconnected tasks, analyzes the dependency relationships among these
  tasks, skips steps that are already up to date, runs the necessary
  computations with optional parallel workers, abstracts files as
  R objects, and provides tangible evidence that the results match
  the underlying code and data. The methodology in this package
  borrows from GNU Make by Richard Stallman (2015, ISBN:978-9881443519)
  and drake by Will Landau (2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00550>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Authors@R: c(
    given = c("William", "Michael"),
    family = "Landau",
    role = c("aut", "cre"),
    email = "",
    comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-1878-3253")
    family = "Eli Lilly and Company",
    role = "cph"
    given = c("Matthew", "T."),
    family = "Warkentin",
    role = "ctb"
  R (>= 3.5.0)
  callr (>= 3.4.3),
  cli (>= 2.0.2),
  codetools (>= 0.2.16),
  data.table (>= 1.12.8),
  digest (>= 0.6.25),
  igraph (>= 1.2.5),
  R6 (>= 2.4.1),
  rlang (>= 0.4.5),
  tibble (>= 3.0.1),
  tidyselect (>= 1.1.0),
  vctrs (>= 0.2.4),
  withr (>= 2.1.2)
  aws.s3 (>= 0.3.21),
  clustermq (>= 0.8.9),
  curl (>= 4.3),
  dplyr (>= 1.0.0),
  fst (>= 0.9.2),
  future (>= 1.17.0),
  keras (>=,
  knitr (>= 1.30),
  rmarkdown (>= 2.4),
  qs (>= 0.23.2),
  rstudioapi (>= 0.11),
  testthat (>= 2.3.2),
  torch (>= 0.1.0),
  usethis (>= 1.6.3),
  visNetwork (>= 2.0.9)
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Package: tarchetypes
Title: Archetypes for Targets
Description: The targets package is a pipeline toolkit that brings together
  function-oriented programming and Make-like declarative workflows for
  Statistics and data science in R. The tarchetypes package provides
  convenient user-side functions to create specialized targets,
  making pipelines easier to create and read. The methods in this package
  were influenced by the drake R package by Will Landau (2018)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Authors@R: c(
    given = c("William", "Michael"),
    family = "Landau",
    role = c("aut", "cre"),
    email = "",
    comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-1878-3253")
    family = "Eli Lilly and Company",
    role = "cph"
  R (>= 3.5.0)
  fs (>= 1.4.2),
  rlang (>= 0.4.7),
  tidyselect (>= 1.1.0),
  vctrs (>= 0.3.4),
  withr (>= 2.1.2)
  digest (>= 0.6.25),
  knitr (>= 1.28),
  rmarkdown (>= 2.1),
  testthat (>= 2.3.2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
Package: targets.manual
Title: Targets R Package User Manual
Description: This repository contains the source files of the targets R
  package user manual.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Authors@R: c(
    given = c("William", "Michael"),
    family = "Landau",
    role = c("aut", "cre"),
    email = "",
    comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-1878-3253")
    family = "Eli Lilly and Company",
    role = "cph"
  R (>= 3.5.0)
  biglm (>= 0.9.2),
  bookdown (>= 0.19),
  fs (>= 1.4.1),
  purrr (>= 0.3.4),
  tidyverse (>= 1.3.0),
  visNetwork (>= 2.0.9),
  withr (>= 2.2.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.1.0
VignetteBuilder: knitr


targets is an R-focused pipeline toolkit for Make-like declarative workflows. It resolves the dependency relationships among steps of a data analysis workflow and skips steps that are already up to date.

targets is for R users who maintain computationally intense function-oriented data analysis projects (with large codebases and/or long runtimes). Such projects may include but are not limited to Bayesian statistics, simulation, machine learning, PK/PD, and spatial statistics.

targets is the long-term successor to drake. After four years of development, drake has improved so much that its insurmountable problems have become its most pressing ones. A new package is necessary to advance the capability further. So while I still believe drake is thriving, and even though I will continue to maintain drake indefinitely, I created targets to try to break new ground. At, I take a detailed dive into the ways that targets surpasses drake's permanent limitations.



Technical checks

Confirm each of the following by checking the box.

This package:

Publication options

JOSS Options - [x] The package has an **obvious research application** according to [JOSS's definition]( - [x] The package contains a `` matching [JOSS's requirements]( with a high-level description in the package root or in `inst/`. ~~**I have written a, but I need to run it through my company's scientific disclosure process before I share it. That could take a few weeks.**~~ `` and `paper.bib` now disclosed and included inside `inst/`. - [x] The package is deposited in a long-term repository with the DOI: - (*Do not submit your package separately to JOSS*)
MEE Options - [ ] The package is novel and will be of interest to the broad readership of the journal. - [ ] The manuscript describing the package is no longer than 3000 words. - [ ] You intend to archive the code for the package in a long-term repository which meets the requirements of the journal (see [MEE's Policy on Publishing Code]( - (*Scope: Do consider MEE's [Aims and Scope]( for your manuscript. We make no guarantee that your manuscript will be within MEE scope.*) - (*Although not required, we strongly recommend having a full manuscript prepared when you submit here.*) - (*Please do not submit your package separately to Methods in Ecology and Evolution*)

Code of conduct

melvidoni commented 3 years ago

Hello @wlandau for the submission. Before I address it further, could you elaborate on the need for submitting both packages on a single submission? Could this be split into two different submissions? (Thinking about potential reviewer workload). Please, be thorough.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

tarchetypes is a collection of user-level utilities for targets, and it does not stand on its own. Its purpose is to make targets easier to use, and it requires prior familiarity with the latter. I originally considered implementing both in a single package, and I still view their physical separation as an implementation detail. So I thought that separate submissions would potentially duplicate the overall reviewer-side overhead of learning targets, especially compared to the relatively small size of tarchetypes. In addition, tarchetypes helpers like tar_render() also appear in the manual.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

But I am still happy to split up the submission if you think it best. Please let me know what you decide.

melvidoni commented 3 years ago

Hello @wlandau, thanks for the clarifications. @maurolepore will be your handling editor.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

\@wlandau, thanks for the high quality of this submission. I'm pleased to be the editor.

Here I first give an overview of what I see, then ask for more information to better understand if this or another structure is the best for this submission, and finally comment on the editor checks. Please note the comments preceded by a bullet point and respond to those preceded by a check-box; you may refer to their labels.

In this submission I see three packages: targets, tarchetypes, and targets.manual. I understand that (a) targets supersedes the popular package drake, also maintained by you; (b) tarchetyes extends targets; and (c) targets.manual would be published as an rOpenSci book containing the manual for both targets and tarchetypes. Please correct me if necessary.

With three packages, this submission is more complex than the typical 1-package submission. This may add extra pressure on resources such as rOpenSci reviewers, and rOpenSci and CRAN servers. Please help me understand why this is the best alternative (if possible, point me to the source of information that guided your decision, e.g. books, articles, conversations with other developers):

Your answers will clarify the fit -- which I leave unchecked.


Editor checks:

Editor comments




Editor checks:

Editor comments


Editor checks:

Editor comments

devtools::install_github("wlandau/targets-manual", dependencies = TRUE, 
    build_vignettes = TRUE)
#> Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
#> Downloading GitHub repo wlandau/targets-manual@HEAD
#> readr (1.3.1 -> 1.4.0) [CRAN]
#> Installing 1 packages: readr
#> Installing package into '/home/mauro/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0'
#> (as 'lib' is unspecified)
#> Error: Failed to install 'targets.manual' from GitHub:
#>   (converted from warning) installation of package 'readr' had non-zero exit status
#> > checking package dependencies ... ERROR
#>   VignetteBuilder package not declared: ‘knitr’
#>   WORD        FOUND IN
#> ’s        index.Rmd:55
#> indivdual   index.Rmd:91
#> learnings   index.Rmd:55
#> repo
#> toolkits    index.Rmd:45,47,51
#> zenodo


Reviewer: @limnoliver Reviewer: @tjmahr Due date: 2020-12-19*

* This is four weeks from the day a second reviewer confirmed. I discussed with the chief editor @melvidoni to allow one week more than usual, because of COVID and because this submission includes 2 packages.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your insightful feedback, @maurolepore. Below, I address ml04-ml15. (I will respond to ml01-ml03 in a separate post.)

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Thanks @wlandau for addressing my comments.

The only purpose of the DESCRIPTION was to make CI easier. To reduce confusion, in wlandau/targets-manual@a2092f9 and wlandau/targets-manual@5a69d0c, I removed the DESCRIPTION and moved the relevant content into and packages.R.


wlandau commented 3 years ago
wlandau commented 3 years ago

Below, I answer ml02 and ml03, and I address the physical separation of targets-manual and other documentation. ml01 requires a much deeper answer, so I will address it in its own post.


I have had more time to reflect since @melvidoni first brought this up, and I will try to elaborate.

I could have easily implemented targets and tarchetypes in the same package. Both are essentially the same system, and tarchetypes is currently very small, supporting only a limited handful of superficial extensions to targets' deeper capabilities. So for the present, the physical separation is a trivial implementation detail, and I do not believe it will exacerbate the burden of software review.

The separation of tarchetypes is about planning for the future. From what I learned maintaining drake and observing use cases, tarchetypes will enhance maintainability, the quality of the infrastructure and user-side freedom for years to come.

Sustainable infrastructure

Interface development incurs additional challenges, code volume, bugs, tests, and documentation. I learned this the hard way while developing static branching in drake. Because drake's design did not allow me to implement static branching in a separate package, drake itself became more difficult to maintain, more prone to feature creep, and more prone to errors (see,,,,, and many more issues like these). And although I fixed all the known and reported bugs, the deeper underlying causes only worsened as the years went by, and the fundamental design of the internals and the interface made it impossible to eliminate these problems in drake itself.

As its own package, tarchetypes has plenty of room to explore alternative interfaces and shorthand for targets and pipelines. That way,targets itself will stay light, elegant, and sharply delineated in scope, and the architecture will remain clean, resilient, and sustainable in the long run.

A precedent for extensibility

In addition, tarchetypes deliberately sets a precedent for enhanced automation through third-party interface development. tarchetypes functions like tar_render() and tar_map() are easy to implement using targets::tar_target_raw(), and even now, developers are already borrowing the pattern to develop their own specialized interfaces. Internally at work, for example, one of my colleagues maintains a package for domain-specific simulation studies in the life sciences, and it has custom target archetypes tailored to the specific needs of these internal pipelines. An earlier version of this same package used drake, and the metaprogramming on top of drake_plan() was messy and nearly impossible.


In the early days of drake, all the documentation lived in the README and vignettes. Over time, the vignettes steadily accrued volume, length, and R package dependencies, and drake became difficult to install. So I moved the vignettes to their own bookdown project, and the problem was solved.

With targets-manual, I am trying to do the same thing right from the start, even though it is much shorter than drake's manual at the moment. So targets-manual is just a collection of user-side vignettes that happens to be in its own GitHub repository. As with tarchetypes, I do not believe the physical separation of targets and targets-manual increases the burden of software review relative to unifying them in a single package. Conceptually, they still belong together.

Other documentation

targets has additional repositories with extra documentation. They help people learn the package, but I am not submitting them to rOpenSci.


(1)-(3) are example projects that use targets, and (4) is a half-day short course. Again, I find the physical separation to be important. For drake, I made the mistake of curating multiple example projects in, and the repo grew without bound. With different projects in different repos now, everything is easier to maintain. The code is easier to fix, and it is easier to set up RStudio Cloud workspaces to help people learn. In addition, the pattern demonstrates to users that each targets-powered data analysis workflow should live in its own repo, which is exactly how I have observed most successful projects to be implemented in practice.


My top reviewer recommendations are power users who have already provided extensive feedback and expressed strong enthusiasm about targets. Their prior familiarity could reduce the workload.

Otherwise, it may help to reach out to folks who have spread drake throughout the community. Here are some names that come to mind.

tjmahr commented 3 years ago

I have been using targets/tarchetypes for one my projects for the past month. I would be able to provide feedback as a desktop/local machine workflow user.

mattwarkentin commented 3 years ago

Happy to be considered as a possible reviewer of targets and tarchetypes. I use both packages on a near-daily basis for many on-going projects, including projects that are developed and built as purely local, purely remote (live and run on HPC) and a mixture of local and remote (live local and selectively run locally or on HPC via SSH).

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Thank you both for your eagerness to help!

@maurolepore, I addressed ml16 and ml17 in commits through

Do you still think it is necessary to move to If the manual is accepted into rOpenSci, I expect the hyphen to go away on its own when the URLs to move to and

Other than that, I believe only ml01 remains for now.

strazto commented 3 years ago

I'm deeply appreciative to be considered to help out with targets.

I've been following it's development with interest as a daily drake user on remote systems/hpc environments with an interest in usability and discoverability in data pipelines.

I've been hesitant to migrate my workflow over. From your description, it'll be valuable to do so and I look forward to trying it out.

I'll also be making an effort to update my extension package for drake, mandrake to support targets.

billdenney commented 3 years ago

While I'm very interested in targets, I unfortunately can't help as a reviewer in the next month or two.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Almost forgot: @mattwarkentin is actually a formal contributor because of, and @noamross has a PR at that I meant to keep open. @melvidoni and @maurolepore, does this mean they might have to recuse themselves?

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Now, I will address ml01. I think it is the most pressing question from this thread so far, and it is definitely the most difficult to explain in complete depth. So please let me know if you are skeptical or if anything remains unclear or unresolved.

What all this means for drake

drake is in a position of strength, and this is exactly what allowed me to create targets in the first place. After four years of steady development, I feel that we have solved most of the solvable problems worth mentioning, which finally forced me to reckon with the unsolvable ones. targets is not about remediation, it is about breaking new ground.


I will maintain drake indefinitely. I will continue to provide one-on-one help with use cases, fix known bugs, address known inefficiencies, and consider new community-requested features. However, since I am not going to propose new feature ideas of my own or strike out on Odyssean refactoring adventures, maintenance will be far easier and less time-consuming. In fact, because targets has a much cleaner design, the combined maintenance of drake, targets, tarchetypes, and the docs could prove far less demanding than that of drake alone up to this point.

Why not an edition?

I have been hearing quite a lot about testthat editions lately. I read the vignette, and I just updated targets and tarchetypes so their test suites are compatible with both editions 2 and 3. So although I did not actually inspect the changes to the testthat code base, I think I get the idea. From the last section of the vignette:

You might wonder why we came up with the idea of an “edition”, rather than creating a new package like testthat3. We decided against making a new package because the 2nd and 3rd edition share a very large amount of code, so making a new package would have substantially increased the maintenance burden: the majority of bugs would’ve needed to be fixed in two places.

I think Hadley says it well. The breaking changes in testthat would ordinarily be disruptive to users because of the thousands of reverse dependencies. However, the impact on the testthat package itself is minor, and a totally new package would be overkill.

With drake, similar changes have occurred a small handful of times in the past. In version 6, I restructured the cache in order to improve efficiency. The change was not back-compatible, and I configured drake to error out at the right time, preserve existing data, and walk users through their available options. Similarly, version 7 removed all the obsolete parallel backends and threw a deprecation warning. These small but disruptive changes were manageable, and they did not require a new package.

This time, however, the change is tectonic. drake's goals have transformed, and the package is on the brink of outgrowing its own architecture and design principles. More than that, my entire philosophy of programming has shifted, and I think completely differently about what a pipeline tool should do and how it should be designed. A new package seemed like the only way to make meaningful progress, and I am glad I went that direction.


drake is the largest and most fruitful software development undertaking I have ever attempted. Just working through the technical issues more than doubled my proficiency in R, and the success of the tool granted me access to a fountain of community wisdom. To say I learned a lot would be an understatement. I am not the same developer I was four years ago, and I think totally differently about software.

For the purposes of targets, if I had to identify a single tipping point, it would probably be a book recommendation from Jim Hester: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, the classic text by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides. At the time, I already had some experience with traditional message-passing OOP, but I was still confused about the problems it solved, and I was unsure how to apply it properly. The first few chapters finally answered questions about when to use object composition instead of inheritance, the importance of mutable objects for certain use cases, and how to choose a mental model that fits the task at hand.

I began to see the limitations of drake's design. drake uses simple immutable data structures such as ad hoc lists, some of them god objects. As a result, it has serious trouble expressing features such as static branching, dynamic branching, and dynamic files. Seamless targets-style cloud integration was beyond reach, and compatibility between dynamic files and data recovery was nearly impossible and super messy to enforce.

Finally, I realized I would no longer be able to make nontrivial improvements to drake as long as it relied on the old infrastructure. The path forward needed not only a complete rewrite and a complete reevaluation of every feature, but also an entirely different programming paradigm and philosophy.

A new design

Internally, targets is a collection of interdependent, carefully constructed, sharply defined, lightweight R6 and S3 classes with mutable instances. I built these 74 classes from the ground up in order to express the complicated reasoning that happens both within and among targets, and the mental model easily captures the behavior of a dynamic pipeline tool. This internal harmonization paved the way for several improvements that were impossible in drake, some of which appear in the statement of need, notably cloud storage integration, interface extensibility, and parallel-efficient flexible dynamic branching.

Let's take dynamic branching as an example. drake struggles with this because it does not have a formal structure to express what it means to be a target. targets, on the other hand, supports a formal inheritance hierarchy of classes to express the unique role of each target in the dynamic branching process. For example, "stems" are unbranched targets capable of producing "buds", and "patterns" are special templates that generate the actual branches. (This design document overviews the different kinds of targets and their role in dynamic branching.) All instances are mutable, and the mental model completely aligns with the realities of implementation. There is rigidness where we need rigidness, and there is flexibility where we need flexibility. This is what allows targets to overcome the permanent map-reduce efficiency limitation of drake.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

And with that, I think I am all caught up on editor requests for the moment. When the time comes, please let me know what else I can do.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

An aside: you can read a lot into the package names here. "drake" is an acronym: "data frames in R for Make". In the first few versions, drake::make(parallelism = "Makefile") would actually take a data frame of commands (a drake plan) and turn it into a real Makefile. drake has long since moved beyond this approach, and the "Makefile" backend is no longer supported. In other words, drake outgrew its own name.

The name "targets" represents a different way of thinking about the design. Whereas drake's data structures operate at the level of the entire pipeline, nearly all the structure and all the reasoning of targets happens on an individual target-by-target basis. In targets, target objects are first-class citizens, and they express almost all of the behavior through method dispatch and through the nested OOP objects that compose them. This reductionism really fits the situation, and it ensures the mental model aligns with the realities of implementation.

DominikRafacz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for thinking of me as a reviewer! I don't have much time to offer, but if I'm useful, I'll be happy to get involved, especially if there's a specific task to do.

bpbond commented 3 years ago

Odyssean refactoring adventures


That's a thoughtful and interesting comment @wlandau . Happy to help review if useful.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Thanks @wlandau for addressing my comments. I'll come back to you likely next week. I would like to read your comments in greater detail, and discuss with other editors what might be the best two reviewers for this submission. But right now I'm on a short vacation with limited access to internet. I'm excited about how interesting this discussion already is. Thanks! :+1:

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Thanks @wlandau for your patience. I can now confirm this submission satisfies editor checks. I'll start seeking reviewers (thanks for your suggestoins).

Please ensure the README files of each package in this submission has an rOpenSci review badge -- maybe via --rodev::use_review_badge(), rodev::use_review_badge(<issue_number>). Badge URL is Full link should be:

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

RE Thanks for the heads up. If a potential conflict of interest is unclearly defined in the guidelines, I'll discuss with other editors. For now you should not worry.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Thanks @wlandau for your patience. I can now confirm this submission satisfies editor checks. I'll start seeking reviewers (thanks for your suggestions).

So glad to hear it!

Please ensure the README files of each package in this submission has an rOpenSci review badge -- maybe via --rodev::use_review_badge(), rodev::use_review_badge().

Now added.

Also, just an FYI: my employer just approved my JOSS manuscript for disclosure, so I added it to the targets repo ( and paper.bib inside inst/). I will update the original post in this thread.

MilesMcBain commented 3 years ago

We're cutting over to {targets} for our project templates at work very soon, so that would give me an opportunity to review. I'd be happy to be reviewer if requested.

I do have one reservation and that is that I would be 'coming in hot', off the back of daily {drake} use for the last 18 months, and frequent correspondence with Will. I do wonder if a lot of the value of a review is derived from 'fresh' eyes looking at the project critically? I wouldn't want to deny {targets} that opportunity.

Edit: You can expect feedback from the cutover either way, @wlandau 😁

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @MilesMcBain! Your feedback has helped a lot already, particularly with interactive debugging support, and I look forward to more.

You also suggested this may be a good time to coordinate with RStudio, and which immediately brought more potential reviewers to mind:

And I originally meant to include @HenrikBengtsson and @mschubert.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

I'm excited to announce that @limnoliver and @tjmahr will be reviewing this submission. Please notice this submission includes two closely related packages: "targets" and "tarchetypes".

There is a third package, "targets.manual", that provides documentation; your feedback on "targets.manual" is welcome but a full review is not required.

The due date for your reviews is 2020-12-19. This is four weeks from today -- a bit longer than usual considering this double-submission and COVID.

Please let me know if you have any issues, questions or comments. I look forward to working with you all.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Thanks for making this happen, @maurolepore. @limnoliver and @tjmahr, I am looking forward to your feedback.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

I have a new package on GitHub called stantargets, an extension to targets for Stan-powered Bayesian data analysis. stantargets makes it super easy to set up useful pipelines without having to write many functions or think about branching. It can access all the major algorithms of cmdstanr (MCMC, variational Bayes, optimization), and it supports both single-fit workflows and multi-rep simulation studies (vignettes here).

I mention stantargets here just to give you an overall sense of where I am taking targets. I intend stantargets to set a precedent for other methodology-specific workflow frameworks built on top of targets, e.g. possibly for machine learning with keras and torch.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

To give you more of a sense of where I am going with this, I just announced the targetopia, an ecosystem of packages to democratize Make-like pipelines in R. I hope to add more packages and cover more kinds of data science in 2021.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Maybe targetopia is slightly outside the scope of this review, but I would at least like to mention this: I envision it to reach more fields of data science than I have the expertise to cover. (I am starting with Bayesian statistics because that is where I am strongest.) So if anyone reading this would like to contribute a targetopia package, that would be amazing. I just added some tips at the bottom of, and I would be eager to get in touch.

tjmahr commented 3 years ago

Can I have an extension on this review? I'm sorry this review period overlaps with some funky holiday scheduling.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Thanks @tjmahr for acknowledging the deadline. It is indeed a difficult time. When would you be ready?

limnoliver commented 3 years ago

Similarly, I could use an extension! I'll be able to complete a review by Dec. 29.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Thanks @limnoliver. I anticipated this time would be inconvenient. Dec 29 would be okay.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

I think academic peer review in general is already generous and altruistic, not to mention daunting. The holidays, COVID, and the volume of this submission compound all that so much. So I am extremely grateful that you signed up, and I will do whatever I can to recognize your efforts. December 29 is small as delays go, not a big deal on my end.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Dear @limnoliver and @tjmahr,

I hope you are having a good end of the year.

I imagine this might be a difficult time to review a package. Do you need extra time or some other help?

Thanks again for your generosity. I hope you don't mind my reminders.

tjmahr commented 3 years ago

I expect to find time in the first week of the new year. I created an issue and Will resolved my biggest hang up with the package so far.

limnoliver commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay! The review took a big longer than expected, but I really enjoyed doing it. Kudos to you @wlandau, for creating such a useful tool. For context, I'm coming at this review with experience using pipelines in R (using remake and a wrapper package to handle errors, shared caching, and what you're calling branching), but am almost completely naïve to drake.

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Comments on documentation:

  1. In the Contributing document, you reference a three-paragraph format, but don't give an example in section Issues.

  2. I read a lot of your justification for why documentation is in certain places, and this all made sense to me (and overall I thought your documentation was accessible and thorough enough). However, I got tripped up in a few places, so here are some suggestions based on my experience. I don't think the Statement of Need vignette belongs in the package. A lot of this info is duplicated in the user manual, and it feels like a better fit in the manual because there is a lot of narrative relative to code/demonstrating functions within targets. Overall, I don't think the three vignettes in targets help someone use the functions within the package. "The composition of target objects" totally caught me off guard because I had read the entire manual and never saw mention of these target classes. While overall this vignette helps me to understand the package, it didn't help me use it. In the "orchestration and branching model", I found it hard to wrap my head around how or when I would interact with object classes without concrete examples preceding it. I think this is important info, but if I had to pick three vignettes for the package itself, I would maybe stick this in the manual and opt for more of a how-to vignette (or two or three). I think the targets package itself would benefit from a "Getting Started" vignette. While this info is elsewhere (through the tutorial or minimal example), I found the vignettes for the package itself to not be a good starting point for a new user like myself. There are hours and hours of documentation across your ecosystem (which is great!), but how can someone get started in under an hour? This should be the role of the vignettes (in my opinion!).

  3. In the "skipping up-to-date targets" section of the "Data and metadata management" vignette, I think it's supposed to say "targets checks these rules in the order given below"

  4. In section 2.2 of "The orchestration and branching model", in the example pipeline, it's unclear how "all analyses use the entirety of data1" because I don't see that target used in any other targets?

  5. In targets-manual, chapter 7 introduces a pipeline in the opening section, but the code chunk does not contain a pipeline, only “tar_visnetwork()”. I think the pipeline that is supposed to appear is below in section 7.1.2?

  6. It would be nice to have a section on "cleaning up", and best practices around when to use some of the cleaner functions. I came across old targets that no longer existed when I was experimenting, and I wasn't sure what the best approach was to cleaning up the pipeline.

  7. In the manual in section 4.1 Internal Files, it says the progress file is _targets/meta_progress, but in my experience this was _targets/meta/progress.

  8. Some of the examples in the help files are more helpful than others. I appreciated examples like in ?tar_make that actually can run a complete example. In cases like ?tar_cancel, because it's not a complete example (and is_monday() does not exist) we don't get to really see it in action, and it took me slightly longer to think about what how I should use it in my pipeline, and what the consequences of cancelling a target would be (I was pleasantly surprised to see that the pipeline skips it as if it is up-to-date...this is a really handy function!).


Comments: Packages passed devtools::check(), devtools::test(), goodpractice::gp(). covr::package_coverage() indicated 96% coverage, and I believe the author explained manual tests in the convo above. For tarchetypes there were 14 warnings about testthat:

Warning (test-tar_render_raw.R:44:1): (code run outside of `test_that()`)
The `code` argument to `test_that()` must be a braced expression to get accurate file-line information for failures.
    1. testthat::test_that(...) test-tar_render_raw.R:44:0

Despite the power and complexity of the package, overall I thought the user interface was great. It was easy to look at the list of functions, guess what they did, and get to a point of understanding what they did.

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 10+ (I would call it 10 critically thinking about the package/documentation, but spent much more time teaching myself targets in anticipation of using it.)

testing package functions I wanted to test the debug functions. I built upon your example, and came across something I wasn't expecting. I often want to expose important choices/options in the function arguments so anyone else using the pipeline doesn't have to dig into the functions to find something. In my example, I expected the value of y to also be included in the workspace environment, but it wasn't:

options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE)
options(crayon.enabled = FALSE)
tar_option_set(error = "workspace")
f <- function(x, y) {
  stopifnot(x < 4)
  tar_target(x, seq_len(4)),
  tar_target(y, f(x, 'hello!'), pattern = map(x))
# in console
#* run target x
#* run branch y_80b9a5d2
# "hello!"
#* run branch y_54f0a599
# "hello!"
#* run branch y_be82812d
# "hello!"
#* run branch y_dca2bb53
#x error branch y_dca2bb53
#* record workspace y_dca2bb53
# [1] 4
# Error in print(y) : object 'y' not found

Going back to inspect the manual, I figured out why this is happening (targets doesn't recognize y as a dependency, y is not in the global environment). I expected the workspace to function similar to browser(), so this threw me off when it wasn't a fully ready interactive environment. Maybe explicitly include more arguments in your top-level functions in the arguments to demonstrate the limitations there, and solutions/tradeoffs? In a bigger pipeline, it would be cumbersome to declare those as targets themselves, and I think the other option is to set those variables in the _targets.R script. Could you talk about how you handle those limitations? (Now after reviewing tarchetypes, I also realize the targets can get simpler with tar_plan.)

To learn the package and test the core functionality, I tried out a common use-case for us. Currently, we use remake and an internal wrapper package (example here) that provides shared cache, error handling, and task splitting (similar to branching) services on top of remake. The ease of creating this example made me really, really excited about targets!


options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE, crayon.enabled = FALSE)

# use case:
# want to retrieve data from the National Water Information System (NWIS)
# problem for big calls is that service times out or errors if
# too many records returned or too many sites called at once.
# Solution is to figure out what sites are available and how much data
# each site has, and download in batches of sites. For a national pull, this can
# take a day or two, so a good use case for pipelining.
query_nwis <- function(states, parameters) {
  sites <- dataRetrieval::whatNWISdata(stateCd = states, parameterCd = parameters, service = 'dv')

group_sites <- function(sites, max_results, max_sites) {
  out <- sites %>%
    filter(stat_cd %in% "00003") %>%
    select(site_no, count_nu) %>%
    distinct() %>%
    arrange(desc(count_nu)) %>%
    mutate(task_num = MESS::cumsumbinning(x = count_nu, 
                                          threshold = max_results, 
                                          maxgroupsize = max_sites)) %>%
    group_by(task_num) %>%
pull_data <- function(sites, parameters) {
  dat <- readNWISdv(siteNumbers = sites$site_no, parameterCd = parameters)

  tar_target(states, c('RI', 'DE')), # NWIS accepts two-letter state abbreviations
  tar_target(parameters, '00010'), # parameter is USGS code for temperature
  tar_target(sites, query_nwis(states, parameters), map(states)),
  tar_target(site_batches, group_sites(sites, max_results = 50000, max_sites = 50), iteration = 'group'),
  tar_target(dat, pull_data(site_batches, parameters), pattern = map(site_batches))

One surprise digging into my example above was that tar_path(dat) returns _targets/objects/dat, despite that file not existing, and despite the path in the metadata being NA. Should this return NA, or the children names, or the filepath with a wildcard for clarity? I do appreciate that you can tar_read(dat) or tar_load(dat) with helpers behind the scenes.

A common use-case I have is once we get to doing site-level things (plotting, modeling), I'll notice a problem and want to see the original data that was pulled from the web service. Or, the combined target is huge, and I just want to look at the (much smaller) branch that containes a particular site. How do I know which branch file site "01115120" is in, for example? Because in the code above, my batches are groups of sites, I want a dataframe of site IDs with corresponding filenames of which branches they belong to. I was expecting that crosswalk information to exist in _targets/meta/meta. The manual spends a lot of time showing how you can check the pattern created, what order the branches are created, and tar_pattern gets close. I wonder if a function like tar_pattern could accept the name of a target with type == pattern, and it produces a dataframe that shows the existing filenames and corresponding values of the variables that were mapped over? Admittedly, it wasn't too terrible to come up with what I wanted (see below), so at a minimum maybe include an example somewhere in the manual when discussing patterns and branching for those that want a post hoc crosswalk?

file_names <- filter(tar_meta(), name %in% 'dat') %>%
  pull(children) %>% unlist()

crosswalk <- tar_read(site_batches) %>% 
                   tar_group = seq(length(file_names))))

# check if my assumptions were true!
# [1] "dat_abef3008"

actual <- tar_read("dat_abef3008") %>%
  select(site_no) %>% distinct() %>% pull(site_no)
predicted <- filter(crosswalk, file_names %in% "dat_abef3008") %>%

all.equal(sort(actual), sort(predicted))
# [1] TRUE
wlandau commented 3 years ago

This is fantastic, Sam! I know the review was an enormous effort, and I cannot thank you enough! I will digest your feedback and respond this week.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Reply to @limnoliver's review

Thank you for your thorough and insightful review. Your feedback is super impactful, and I incorporated everything I could into the packages and documentation.

  1. In the Contributing document, you reference a three-paragraph format, but don't give an example in section Issues.

I actually ended up changing my mind about that. All mentions of that three-paragraph format should now be gone.

  1. I don't think the Statement of Need vignette belongs in the package. A lot of this info is duplicated in the user manual, and it feels like a better fit in the manual because there is a lot of narrative relative to code/demonstrating functions within targets.

Now that you mention it, I completely agree. I moved most of the statement of need into a new chapter on drake: the future direction of drake, how to transition to targets, and technical details about the advantages of targets. Together, I think that chapter and the intro chapter sufficiently motivate the package, and the shift deduplicates a lot of text. Really glad to have done this.

Overall, I don't think the three vignettes in targets help someone use the functions within the package. "The composition of target objects" totally caught me off guard because I had read the entire manual and never saw mention of these target classes. While overall this vignette helps me to understand the package, it didn't help me use it. In the "orchestration and branching model", I found it hard to wrap my head around how or when I would interact with object classes without concrete examples preceding it. I think this is important info, but if I had to pick three vignettes for the package itself, I would maybe stick this in the manual and opt for more of a how-to vignette (or two or three). I think the targets package itself would benefit from a "Getting Started" vignette. While this info is elsewhere (through the tutorial or minimal example), I found the vignettes for the package itself to not be a good starting point for a new user like myself. There are hours and hours of documentation across your ecosystem (which is great!), but how can someone get started in under an hour? This should be the role of the vignettes (in my opinion!).

Sorry, it must have been frustrating to expect friendly user-side documentation in the vignettes and find esoteric developer-side documentation instead. I just moved all those developer vignettes to a new bookdown website at and added a short new introductory vignette at targets/vignettes/start.Rmd. The vignette is pretty high-level, it describes the order in which to walk through resources and what to expect from each. and added a new section to the README to chart a smooth path through the material for new users.

Beyond that, I am concerned about adding more vignettes to the targets package itself. In addition to the potential tech debt I described before, it seems like it might create some ambiguity with the manual. (Which vignettes belong with targets, which belong with targets-manual, and how will users know when to use which resource?). In addition, is its own supply of introductory vignettes, and these come with an RStudio Cloud workspace to help users try out the code. Lastly, drake users told me they sometimes struggled with the volume of reading material (and documentation in general) and I would like to be more conscious of that this time around.

  1. In the "skipping up-to-date targets" section of the "Data and metadata management" vignette, I think it's supposed to say "targets checks these rules in the order given below"

Should be fixed now in

  1. In section 2.2 of "The orchestration and branching model", in the example pipeline, it's unclear how "all analyses use the entirety of data1" because I don't see that target used in any other targets?

Yup, that's a typo in the pipeline code. I meant to use data1 in the analysis target. Fixed in

  1. In targets-manual, chapter 7 introduces a pipeline in the opening section, but the code chunk does not contain a pipeline, only “tar_visnetwork()”. I think the pipeline that is supposed to appear is below in section 7.1.2?

Yes, the pipeline and graph were supposed to appear. Should be fixed now.

  1. It would be nice to have a section on "cleaning up", and best practices around when to use some of the cleaner functions. I came across old targets that no longer existed when I was experimenting, and I wasn't sure what the best approach was to cleaning up the pipeline.

I just added a new section at the end of the chapter on best practices: It describes all the cleaning functions except tar_deduplicate(). (tar_make() etc. deduplicate the metadata automatically, so most users should not need to invoke it manually.)

  1. In the manual in section 4.1 Internal Files, it says the progress file is _targets/meta_progress, but in my experience this was _targets/meta/progress.

Definitely a typo, fixed in

  1. Some of the examples in the help files are more helpful than others. I appreciated examples like in ?tar_make that actually can run a complete example. In cases like ?tar_cancel, because it's not a complete example (and is_monday() does not exist) we don't get to really see it in action, and it took me slightly longer to think about what how I should use it in my pipeline, and what the consequences of cancelling a target would be (I was pleasantly surprised to see that the pipeline skips it as if it is up-to-date...this is a really handy function!).

I went back and wrote runnable examples for the functions that lacked them:

Comments: Packages passed devtools::check(), devtools::test(), goodpractice::gp(). covr::package_coverage() indicated 96% coverage, and I believe the author explained manual tests in the convo above.

That's odd. I meant to write explicit #nocov comments in all the places I gave up on automated coverage, and the online coverage reports show 100%. What do you see when you run devtools::test()? Are any tests skipped because Suggests: packages are missing?

For tarchetypes there were 14 warnings about testthat:

Yes, I reproduced that with testthat version 3.0.1. It was because I was writing tests that look like test_that("", suppressMessages(...)). I recently updated tarchetypes to begin the test code with braces, and the warnings should be gone as of

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 10+ (I would call it 10 critically thinking about the package/documentation, but spent much more time teaching myself targets in anticipation of using it.)

Knowing what you know now, should I have opened a different submission for each of targets, tarchetypes, and the manual? Do tarchetypes and the manual each make sense to review in isolation? How much time would that have saved you? The editors tried to warn me about the workload I would be inflicting on reviewers, and if I judged poorly, maybe this could help future submissions.

I wanted to test the debug functions. I built upon your example, and came across something I wasn't expecting. I often want to expose important choices/options in the function arguments so anyone else using the pipeline doesn't have to dig into the functions to find something. In my example, I expected the value of y to also be included in the workspace environment, but it wasn't: ... Going back to inspect the manual, I figured out why this is happening (targets doesn't recognize y as a dependency, y is not in the global environment). I expected the workspace to function similar to browser(), so this threw me off when it wasn't a fully ready interactive environment.

I updated the debugging section to try to clear up this ambiguity.

Maybe explicitly include more arguments in your top-level functions in the arguments to demonstrate the limitations there, and solutions/tradeoffs?

Yeah, I now see that it might have been confusing to have target named x and function f() whose only argument was also named x. Now, f() has multiple arguments, none of which is named x.

In a bigger pipeline, it would be cumbersome to declare those as targets themselves, and I think the other option is to set those variables in the _targets.R script. Could you talk about how you handle those limitations?

Yes, that's a big advantage of the built-in interactive debugging support in targets, as opposed to tar_workspace(). I added some more explanation in to try to clear things up.

To learn the package and test the core functionality, I tried out a common use-case for us. Currently, we use remake and an internal wrapper package (example here) that provides shared cache, error handling, and task splitting (similar to branching) services on top of remake.

That's a really neat use case and a great example of tar_group() in action.

One surprise digging into my example above was that tar_path(dat) returns _targets/objects/dat, despite that file not existing, and despite the path in the metadata being NA.

Looking back at the documentation, I realize now that the help file was not totally clear. My intention was to give tar_path() a much simpler niche: just identify the path without worrying if it exists. This gives advanced users some building blocks for custom cues, as in Hopefully clears that up.

Should this return NA, or the children names, or the filepath with a wildcard for clarity?

I believe tar_meta() covers this.

tar_meta(dat, path)$path[[1]]
#> [1] NA
tar_meta(dat, children)$children[[1]]
#> [1] "dat_ab76cb22" "dat_f2821206" "dat_b8dadf92"

A common use-case I have is once we get to doing site-level things (plotting, modeling), I'll notice a problem and want to see the original data that was pulled from the web service. Or, the combined target is huge, and I just want to look at the (much smaller) branch that containes a particular site. How do I know which branch file site "01115120" is in, for example? Because in the code above, my batches are groups of sites, I want a dataframe of site IDs with corresponding filenames of which branches they belong to. I was expecting that crosswalk information to exist in _targets/meta/meta. The manual spends a lot of time showing how you can check the pattern created, what order the branches are created, and tar_pattern gets close. I wonder if a function like tar_pattern could accept the name of a target with type == pattern, and it produces a dataframe that shows the existing filenames and corresponding values of the variables that were mapped over? Admittedly, it wasn't too terrible to come up with what I wanted (see below), so at a minimum maybe include an example somewhere in the manual when discussing patterns and branching for those that want a post hoc crosswalk?

That's a tough one because the metadata file does not actually store dependency relationships (to keep storage light) and there could be a mismatch between the old _targets/meta/meta and current _targets.R. So I implemented a new tar_branches() function that accepts a pattern definition and returns a data frame of branch names and their dependencies, all constructed from the metadata file alone.

tar_branches(dat, map(site_batches))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   dat          site_batches         
#>   <chr>        <chr>                
#> 1 dat_ab76cb22 site_batches_d249d09b
#> 2 dat_f2821206 site_batches_eaa4bb57
#> 3 dat_b8dadf92 site_batches_3a2d01e7

It's an improvement, but it's not perfect. If site_batches were a pattern, you could just call readd(site_batches_eaa4bb57) to check the site of branch dat_f2821206. But site_batches is a stem, so site_batches_eaa4bb57 is a bud, not a branch. In other words, there is no actual value of site_batches_eaa4bb57 in storage. (And I do not think it would be wise to reconstruct the actual data in each bud because it could get quite large.) We have a similar problem when we match sites and states.

tar_branches(sites, map(states))
#> # A tibble: 2 x 2
#>   sites          states         
#>   <chr>          <chr>          
#> 1 sites_83036b8f states_ce340191
#> 2 sites_2b7c2325 states_14e6a3f8

So I think some use cases will require the user to proactively keep track of branch names (with tar_name()) and site names, and then pass that information forward to downstream branches. Fortunately, you are already working with data frames as much as possible, and I think it would be straightforward to manually append new columns. I added a new section to the manual to discuss this issue:

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Update: after thinking more about your experience with the documentation, I decided to add a new "How to get started section at the top of the README. Minutes 6-40 of the video, along with the walkthrough chapter of the manual, should help most people get started in under an hour. For continued learning, the first 3 chapters of the short course have friendly hands-on practice, and then the example projects should get folks ready to start serious projects of their own. I also rearranged the sections of the README to convey a more logical progression through the material.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

I also decided to delete targets/vignettes/start.Rmd. I feel that potential future written documentation would be better off in other places: the README and reference website home page are more obvious and discoverable for small sections of prose, and the two bookdown books are more natural homes for full articles. It's not that I disagree with vignettes in general. In fact, jagstargets and stantargets each have two, and they fit quite well and serve crucial roles. But for a package system as large and sprawling as targets, it seems like the vignette system has both poor discoverability and too little room to scale, and I find it hard to bring myself to use it for this.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

@wlandau, I really like your new section I did steps 1. and 2. and they did help me understand targets in about 1h. While I did that I took some notes. This is not strictly a review but I figured you might find some of this useful:

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, @maurolepore.

@wlandau, I really like your new section I did steps 1. and 2. and they did help me understand targets in about 1h.

Glad to hear that helped.

It surprised me that the README file of targets did not show any example.

Yes, I realize this unconventional, but I find it hard to find room because there are so many external resources that need to be visible. I feel the README is the most discoverable piece of documentation, so I am trying to keep it concise and avoid drake's catch-all approach that buried important links under a lot of volume.

The chapter Walkthrough seems out of sync with the source code. It seems that the book chapter hard-codes content rather than reference it from the source code. It seems that the source code changed and the manual became outdated. In general, code chunks of the manual that use eval = FALSE seem oudtated, including the directory tree of the targets-minimal repo,

I wanted to include more in than I do at more realistic workflow files, HPC, etc. So I just updated the manual to mention that the latter is an really abridged version of the former.

and the use of list() instead of tar_pipeline() in the file _targets.R (which causes targets::tar_visnetwork() to throw Error : not a tar_pipeline() object. _targets.R must end with one.). is a recent update that deprecates tar_pipeline() in favor of list(). I feel this is a much friendlier interface.

In the book I didn't find an "edit this file" icon. Is this intentional? (I use it a lot when I read bookdown books and want to help fix a typo).

I just forgot, thanks for the reminder. Just pushed an _output.yml file which should take care of that.

tar_manifest() and tar_meta() return a tibble but I see them wrapped in Is that because in that particular case you prefer the print method of vanilla dataframe?

For tar_manifest() and tar_progress(), there is no real reason, and I just pushed a fix. For tar_meta() I used a plain data frame so users could see more columns.

targets::tar_visnetwork() warns:

Yes, it is better to keep future::plan() commented out and to use the multisession plan instead of multiprocess. Should be fixed now in and the cloud workspace.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

I wanted to include more in than I do at more realistic workflow files, HPC, etc. So I just updated the manual to mention that the latter is an really abridged version of the former.

Just changed my mind on that. I simplified so it is easier to digest and agrees with the manual.

tjmahr commented 3 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide

I met the package author at an R-Unconference meetup in Chicago in 2019 (?). At the event, Will taught me how to use the drake package and I closed an issue for the package. Overall, I am a two-time contributor to drake.


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


targets: All tests pass or skip. Package check succeeds. All examples run. tarchetypes: All tests pass. Package check succeeds. All examples run. There is a bad argument in tar_map()'s call to tar_manifest().

The documentation has this trick where it skips examples unless a system environment variable is set, instead of using \dontrun or \donttest directives. Would it be better to use these conventions?

I was able (I think) to run all the examples with the following code. It confirms that all help topics for user-facing functions have examples.


shhh_example <- purrr::quietly(example)

d <- hsearch_db("targets")

results <- d$Base$Topic %>% 
    character.only = TRUE,
    run.dontrun = TRUE

results %>% 
  map("warnings") %>% 
#> [1] "‘as_pipeline’ has a help file but no examples"                 
#> [2] "‘reexports’ has a help file but no examples"                   
#> [3] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_glimpse’ has a help file but no examples"   
#> [4] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_load’ has a help file but no examples"      
#> [5] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_make_bg’ has a help file but no examples"   
#> [6] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_outdated’ has a help file but no examples"  
#> [7] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_progress’ has a help file but no examples"  
#> [8] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_read’ has a help file but no examples"      
#> [9] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_target’ has a help file but no examples"    
#>[10] "‘rstudio_addin_tar_visnetwork’ has a help file but no examples"
#>[11] "‘tar_watch_app_ui’ has a help file but no examples"            
#>[12] "‘target_run_worker’ has a help file but no examples"           
#>[13] "‘targets-package’ has a help file but no examples"  

d2 <- hsearch_db("tarchetypes")

results2 <- d2$Base$Topic %>% 
    character.only = TRUE,
    run.dontrun = TRUE

results2 %>% 
  map("warnings") %>% 
#> [1] "‘reexports’ has a help file but no examples"                
#> [2] "‘tar_force_change’ has a help file but no examples"         
#> [3] "‘tar_knit_run’ has a help file but no examples"             
#> [4] "‘tar_render_rep_run’ has a help file but no examples"       
#> [5] "‘tar_render_rep_run_params’ has a help file but no examples"
#> [6] "‘tar_render_run’ has a help file but no examples"           
#> [7] "‘tar_rep_run’ has a help file but no examples"              
#> [8] "‘tarchetypes-package’ has a help file but no examples"      

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 24

Review Comments

First, a bit about the scope of my review. I am not able to confirm all of the functionality of this package, as I lack the experience and resources to test some of the high-performance or cloud-based features of targets. I used the package as local single-machine user. I also did not closely review the source code in the package as it is immense. My review, beyond the checkboxes above, focuses on the manual and using targets in two test cases.

Notes on the manual

Whenever I use drake, I find myself with a browser window with tabs on the manual pacakges. My test-drive of targets was no different. Therefore, I closely read over the manual. Here are notes on each chapter.

The first two chapters of the manual are clear and brief. Chapter 1 introduce build pipelines and targets. Chapter 2 walks through a minimal example.

Chapter 3 describes best practices. Here the focus abruptly shifts from describing a style of programming (away from imperative, using functions instead of scripts) to describing how to use targets. I think there are two sets of best practices. One is a change in mindset and programming style (from a sequence of files that run R code to a sequence of function calls that run data through a pipeline), and the other is a set of tips for using targets. I recall that drake had a bunch of documentation (and even functions) for how to make this conceptual shift, but some more guidance here for users might be helpful. Currently, the "clean, organized, modular, function-oriented style of programming" is mentioned but not much guidance is given about it. Just a basic sketch of how


might be realized as

raw_data <- get_data(...)
data <- preprocess_data(raw_data, ...)
model <- fit_model(data, ...)
summary <- summarize_model(model, ...)

would be helpful.

The debugging section is really helpful and informative and I had missed these originally. It might make sense to promote debugging features to their own chapter.

Because Chapter 3 provides miscellaneous guidance about using targets, there should be a section on how to interface with other tools out of R. For example, how might I run a nodejs script to spellcheck or lint my markdown files produced by RMarkdown whenever they change? How might I perform some basic python task on a csv produced within the pipeline?

Chapter 4 talks about files. This section is well done. One thing I would impress upon users is that they might think of "data.csv" as a file. But it's just a string of characters. We have to use tar_target(data, "data.csv", format = "file") to tell targets that this string names a file that needs to be tracked.

Chapters 5 and Chapters 6 cover dynamic and static branching. I go back and forth on what I would like to see here. I like that each chapter starts with a summary of when to use each kind of branching, but the basic problem that branching is meant to solve--creating several related targets at once--is not fleshed out in either spot. This is just an observation and not a request.

In both my test projects, I went with static branching because I wanted the created targets to have meaningful names. Am I missing something about how to get good names with dynamic branches? The examples all seem to use trivial examples instead of fitting multiple models or loading different datasets.

Chapter 7 covers high performance computing. I am able to use tar_make_future() successfully. Does the default worker value (1L) mean that tar_make_future() by default is not parallel? In one of my projects, I had been using furrr::future_map() inside of a function to sweep through a large dataframe. Is there any guidance about having two layers of parallelism?

Chapter 8 covers cloud features. The details for Amazon S3 look detailed enough.

And additional thought, just about teaching or describing this package: Should targets should be explicitly described as a framework or language for describing R pipelines? Just as a ggplot2 is its own grammar of graphics and R's formula syntax describes linear models, targets provides a set of functions that provide a language for describing a build pipeline. For example, you eventually to learn about upstream and downstream targets, dynamic files, and branching.

Kicking the tires (1)

For my review, I decided to convert my website to use targets. Each post is an Rmd file and they are knitted if the .Rmd file is newer than the .md file. I have been only using timestamps but I would like to try something smarter and more portable. The build pipeline in principle is easy to describe:

[The following comments predate the first review and Will's fixes of the issue.] Reading the package overview page, I do not see any indication for where to get started quickly. I see the manual linked as a resource for a deep dive. I see links to examples and talks. The vignettes only cover software design issues. Chapter 2 provides a walkthrough for an example analysis; here I figure out that I can use tar_script() to create a usethis-like placeholder file. This placeholder is well commented with sections and instructions. The only thing it's missing is that the user just needs to run tar_make() to run the build pipline. I think a Getting Started vignette would be useful, especially because getting started is pretty easy, as it turns out:

[Okay, based on other comments, Will thinks that vignettes are not the best way to document targets. I do think that it worthwhile to highlight how easy it is to add targets to a project using the three steps above.]

I knew from drake that I would need branching to work on my files and I know that files are something drake can struggle with. Dynamic branching over files provides the steps for registering dynamic input files. The manual notes that

Dynamic branching over files is tricky. A target with format = "file" treats the entire set of files as an irreducible bundle. That means in order to branch over files downstream, each file must already have its own branch.

tarchetypes provides some sugar for registering file inputs with tarchetypes::tar_files_input(). But this way imposes dynamic branching where objects come in batches with uninformative names. My list of posts, for example, shows up as:

* run branch posts_31d3b445
* run branch posts_669f285f
* run branch posts_b4b851e3
* run branch posts_ae29f28f

To get better names, I switched to static branching and now find targets with meaningful names:

v skip target in_current_.._R.2016.08.04.fixing.apa.citations.from.pandoc.Rmd
v skip target in_current_.._R.2016.03.23.setnames.dots.Rmd
v skip target in_current_.._R.2016.08.15.recent.adventures.with.lazyeval.Rmd

Drake provided a way to customize names for branched-over objects but targets lacks this feature.

With a knitting workflow in place, I decided to add automatic spellchecking to the pipeline. This is an easy addition, and tar_force() allows me to print the spell check results only when there is a spelling mistake. 👍

    command = print(spellcheck_current),
    force = nrow(spellcheck_current) > 0

Kicking the tires (2)

I also tested targets by converting an existing analysis project from drake to targets. This involved reading from a database, cleaning the data, fitting models, doing a parametric bootstrap on the model coefficients and estimating bootstrap intervals on quantiles. It was easy to mechanically convert drake statements of the form target = command to tar_target(target, command). The style of drake plans is more readable and interactive (you can highlight part of a plan and run it to debug a target). tarchetypes provides a tar_plan() for recreating that style but this review I stuck with the vanilla style.

Working on regular lists (instead of some tar_list() or some specialized function) made it easy for me to break up my build pipeline with a series of target lists. First, targets_data = list(...), then targets_models = list(...), then ending the file with list(targets_data, target_models).

Again, I preferred static branching because I had a small number of models and wanted predictable names. The porting was straightforward, although a couple of times I pasted a map() from a drake target into a tar_target(..., pattern) triggering dynamic branching instead of dynamic branching.

Some themes from testing

Comments as a drake user

I first tried targets in summer 2020 to overcome a strange issue in drake. On Windows, filenames have a maximum length. drake's data-store produces files with very long names that would sometimes not work on Windows. I did not want to mess with the data-store or hashing configuration, so I tried targets and the problem was solved. This change in data storage is documented in the package's statement of need under "lighter, friendlier data management". In this case, switching to targets provided me with an immediate win.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

Reply to @tjmahr's review

Thank you so much for your review, TJ. You raised some really interesting points, and I enjoyed responding.

There is a bad argument in tar_map()'s call to tar_manifest().

Fixed in

The documentation has this trick where it skips examples unless a system environment variable is set, instead of using \dontrun or \donttest directives. Would it be better to use these conventions?

I definitely would prefer \dontrun{} and \donttest{}, but CRAN now routinely rejects packages that frequently use these directives. I just went through this with rfacts late last year. CRAN rejected \dontrun() but accepted this workaround instead.

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 24

Knowing what you know now, would it have made sense to split up this monolithic submission into 3 different ones? As I mentioned to @limnoliver, although I still view the 3 (now 4) repositories as one unified product, I am still concerned I judged poorly when I plowed ahead with everything at once.

Chapter 3 describes best practices. Here the focus abruptly shifts from describing a style of programming (away from imperative, using functions instead of scripts) to describing how to use targets. I think there are two sets of best practices. One is a change in mindset and programming style (from a sequence of files that run R code to a sequence of function calls that run data through a pipeline), and the other is a set of tips for using targets. I recall that drake had a bunch of documentation (and even functions) for how to make this conceptual shift, but some more guidance here for users might be helpful. Currently, the "clean, organized, modular, function-oriented style of programming" is mentioned but not much guidance is given about it.

In, I add a new chapter on functions (based the existing walkthrough chapter and drake's functions chapter).

The debugging section is really helpful and informative and I had missed these originally. It might make sense to promote debugging features to their own chapter.

Thanks. In, I moved the debugging section to its own chapter.

Because Chapter 3 provides miscellaneous guidance about using targets, there should be a section on how to interface with other tools out of R. For example, how might I run a nodejs script to spellcheck or lint my markdown files produced by RMarkdown whenever they change? How might I perform some basic python task on a csv produced within the pipeline?

Now discussed in

One thing I would impress upon users is that they might think of "data.csv" as a file. But it's just a string of characters. We have to use tar_target(data, "data.csv", format = "file") to tell targets that this string names a file that needs to be tracked.

I tried to make this clearer in

Chapters 5 and Chapters 6 cover dynamic and static branching. I go back and forth on what I would like to see here. I like that each chapter starts with a summary of when to use each kind of branching, but the basic problem that branching is meant to solve--creating several related targets at once--is not fleshed out in either spot. This is just an observation and not a request.

I took that for granted. As of, the dynamic branching chapter starts off by motivating the idea of branching in general..

In both my test projects, I went with static branching because I wanted the created targets to have meaningful names. Am I missing something about how to get good names with dynamic branches?

Sounds like static branching fits your use cases much better, and that's totally fine. As I explain in, different kinds of branching fit different preferences.

There are many real-world scenarios where dynamic branching wins out: for example, the USGS use case @limnoliver described in her review using tar_group() to branch over a dataset. In that example, we don't even know what branches we are going to need (or even how many) until tar_make() reaches that point in the pipeline.

Personally, I use dynamic branching in the life sciences for simulating thousands of reps of clinical trials, as I describe in the second half of my R/Pharma 2020 talk (slides, source). And I routinely use dynamic branching for simulation-based calibration to validate Bayesian models, which motivated examples here and here.

As you saw, both kinds of branching are difficult to learn. One of my major goals with the R Targetopia is to completely abstract it away so users do not need to think about it for the most common domains of data science. For example, jagstargets and stantargets use both forms of branching, but only behind the scenes.

Now for names. With dynamic branching, it is just not feasible to generate friendly names. A common first assumption is that if target x branches over target y and y has the value c("a", "b", "c"), then the branch names of x should be x_a, x_b, and x_c. But what if y is a grouped data frame? Or a list of Keras models? There is no fully automated way to get unique reproducible friendly informative names from any kind of arbitrary object. The remaining choices are:

  1. Use a simple indexing scheme like 1, 2, 3, ..., or
  2. Construct the suffixes from the hashes of the input values.

(1) does not work for targets because it invalidates too may branches. To demonstrate, let's say x has branches x_1, x_2, and x_3 corresponding to inputs in y <- c("a", "b", "c"). But what if the user changes the input vector to y <- c("a", "c", "b")? That would require us to switch x_2 and x_3 and thus invalidate both branches. We have similar situations with insertion and deletion, and it is just not worth trying to manually fight all that.

(2) is the only option I see because hashes are reproducible and the order does not matter. Unfortunately, hashes are unappealing to look at, but all I can do is choose a short hash function (xxhash32).

The examples all seem to use trivial examples instead of fitting multiple models or loading different datasets.

I often find it difficult to cover features this complicated while expressing them through a sufficiently motivating yet pedagogically simple example. Hopefully example projects like make up for some of this.

Chapter 7 covers high performance computing. I am able to use tar_make_future() successfully. Does the default worker value (1L) mean that tar_make_future() by default is not parallel?

tar_make_future(workers = 1L) spawns one remote worker and farms everything out to it. So yes, it's not parallel, but it's not the same as running locally either. But I still believe a default of workers = 1L is good practice because it consumes as few resources as possible, and I do not want to make assumptions about what other users' computers can handle. And believe it or not, tar_make_future(workers = 1L) is sometimes exactly what you want. Last summer, I used it to submit one really slow Bayesian model to a cluster because I knew the compute node would be a lot more powerful than the login node.

Is there any guidance about having two layers of parallelism?

I mostly defer to packages future and clustermq on that one. Users of targets need to be reasonably familiar with each because the configuration goes in _targets.R (e.g. future::plan()). The future README describes nested futures, and the same principles apply to targets. In the two-level nesting case, the outer future controls parallelism among targets, and the inner future controls parallelism within targets.

In traditional HPC settings, nested parallelism is most useful when you farm out different targets to different nodes on a cluster and each target uses multiple local cores on its node. The current HPC chapter walks through how to do that for both tar_make_clustermq() and tar_make_future().

And additional thought, just about teaching or describing this package: Should targets should be explicitly described as a framework or language for describing R pipelines? Just as a ggplot2 is its own grammar of graphics and R's formula syntax describes linear models, targets provides a set of functions that provide a language for describing a build pipeline. For example, you eventually to learn about upstream and downstream targets, dynamic files, and branching.

I think of targets as more of a framework than a language, and I am on the fence about whether most users actually need to know that. The framework perspective is most relevant for package developers who write target factories in R Targetopia packages like jagstargets and stantargets. The reason why targets succeeds as a framework is precisely because it is not a language: i.e., it does not force users into a DSL for pipeline construction. drake is the opposite: drake_plan() is a DSL with maximum user convenience and minimum developer convenience. (It is really hard to build drake plan factories.) That is why we have no drake-topia.

tar_script() to create a usethis-like placeholder file. This placeholder is well commented with sections and instructions. The only thing it's missing is that the user just needs to run tar_make() to run the build pipline.

I recently added comments to that placeholder file to encourage users to try out tar_make() and tar_read().

I think a Getting Started vignette would be useful...[Okay, based on other comments, Will thinks that vignettes are not the best way to document targets. I do think that it worthwhile to highlight how easy it is to add targets to a project using the three steps above.]

I am trying to use the walkthorugh chapter as a "get started" vignette, and it is now linked from the "how to get started" section of the README. I also added these comments about tar_script() and tar_edit() to that chapter:

Whereas files raw_data.csv and functions.R are typical user-defined components of a project-oriented workflow, _targets.R file is special. Every targets workflow needs a file called _targets.R in the project’s root directory. Functions tar_script() and tar_edit() can help you create one.

But to really get a handle on _targets.R, I think people will need hands-on practice. That's why I linked to the targets-tutorial short course as part of the "how to get started" section of the README. The short course has lots of practice using tar_edit() and modifying _targets.R. And I tried to make the course as accessible as possible with this RStudio Cloud workspace.

I knew from drake that I would need branching to work on my files and I know that files are something drake can struggle with. Dynamic branching over files provides the steps for registering dynamic input files. The manual notes that

For files, static branching is much easier, and it is free of all the perils identified in that section of the manual. For your use cases, I would stick with static-only branching.

Drake provided a way to customize names for branched-over objects but targets lacks this feature.

tar_map() actually does have a names argument that lets you select elements from values to construct the names. If you want custom names, simply add another element to values and then identify it in names. Example:

  tar_option_set(packages = "rmarkdown")
    values = list(
      slug1 = c("file", "blog"),
      slug2 = c("new", "old"),
      file = c("fixing.apa.citations.from.pandoc.Rmd", "recent.adventures.with.lazyeval.Rmd")
    names = starts_with("slug"), # tidyselect is optional
    tar_target(out, render(file))

#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#>   name         command                                            pattern
#>   <chr>        <chr>                                              <chr>  
#> 1 out_blog_old "render(\"recent.adventures.with.lazyeval.Rmd\")"  <NA>   
#> 2 out_file_new "render(\"fixing.apa.citations.from.pandoc.Rmd\")" <NA>

Created on 2021-01-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

tar_eval() may be an easier way to do this. It has fewer guardrails but more flexibility.

  tar_option_set(packages = "rmarkdown")
    values = list(
      name = c("file_new", "blog_old"),
      file = c("fixing.apa.citations.from.pandoc.Rmd", "recent.adventures.with.lazyeval.Rmd")
    tar_target(name, render(file))

#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#>   name     command                                            pattern
#>   <chr>    <chr>                                              <chr>  
#> 1 blog_old "render(\"recent.adventures.with.lazyeval.Rmd\")"  <NA>   
#> 2 file_new "render(\"fixing.apa.citations.from.pandoc.Rmd\")" <NA>

Created on 2021-01-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

With a knitting workflow in place, I decided to add automatic spellchecking to the pipeline. This is an easy addition, and tar_force() allows me to print the spell check results only when there is a spelling mistake.

Glad to hear that was useful. triggers in drake were a struggle because I implemented them at a low level. This time around, tarchetypes can fortunately handle all that at the interface level (e.g. target factories like tar_force()).

Again, I preferred static branching because I had a small number of models and wanted predictable names. The porting was straightforward, although a couple of times I pasted a map() from a drake target into a tar_target(..., pattern) triggering dynamic branching instead of dynamic branching.

Some people have proposed an automatic drake-to-targets converter, which I do not think is possible because of the advanced features. (We went through this same thing during the shift from remake to drake, but the converter never got developed.) I try to make up for this in the drake chapter of the manual.

I expect that files will be a hurdle for learners because of the need to target-ify names to track and target-file-ify files named by both names.

As I mentioned above, there is an extra step for names in tar_map().

Static branching is better at creating a small number of targets or targets where we are interested the target names, but dynamic branching is introduced first. I expect users to experiment with dynamic branching but run into issues with the names.

Conceptually, static branching is an outer layer on top of dynamic branching, and the former operates on the latter during dynamic-within-static. That is why I put the dynamic branching chapter first. dynamic-within-static is really a static branching technique, but it assumes knowledge of dynamic branching.

The top of the dynamic branching chapter now states that with the exception of dynamic-within-static, those chapters can be read in any order.

wlandau commented 3 years ago

And I believe that completes my first round of replies. Please let me know if I missed anything.

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

And I believe that completes my first round of replies. Please let me know if I missed anything. -- @wlandau

Upon changes being made, change the review status tag to 5/awaiting-reviewer-response, and request that reviewers indicate approval with the reviewer approval template. -- Section 8.1.3 of


@limnoliver and @tjmahr,

Thanks a lot for your amazing reviews. I understand @wlandau feels the changes he made address all reviewer's comments. Still I see one reviewer box unchecked: "Vignette(s) demonstrating major functionality that runs successfully locally".

@wlandau explained why he excluded vignettes. But such exclusion rose the reviewer's attention and fails to meet rOpenSci's guidelines. As a fresh editor, I feel uncomfortable accepting the exclusion just now and I propose: