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rOpenSci Software Peer Review.
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birdsize: Estimate avian body size distributions #577

Closed diazrenata closed 7 months ago

diazrenata commented 1 year ago

Date accepted: 2023-11-30

Submitting Author Name: Renata Diaz Submitting Author Github Handle: !--author1-->@diazrenata<!--end-author1-- Repository: Version submitted: Submission type: Standard Editor: !--editor-->@maelle<!--end-editor-- Reviewers: @mstrimas, @qdread

Due date for @mstrimas: 2023-04-04 Due date for @qdread: 2023-04-11

Archive: TBD Version accepted: TBD Language: en

Package: birdsize
Title: Estimate Avian Body Size Distributions
    person("Renata", "Diaz", , "", role = c("aut", "cre"),
           comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0803-4734"))
Description: Generate estimated body size distributions for populations or communities of birds, given either species ID or species' mean body size. Designed to work naturally with the North American Breeding Bird Survey, or with any dataset of bird species, abundance, and/or mean size data.   
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
    testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3
    R (>= 2.10)
VignetteBuilder: knitr


This package automates a workflow (seen in the wild e.g. here and here) of generating estimates of body size and basal metabolic rate, from the individual to ecosystem level, for birds. In my presubmission inquiry (#561,, the editors determined this was best described as "field and lab reproducibility tools" because it's automating a workflow used by empirical ecologists to work with field data.

The target audience is ecologists/biodiversity scientists interested in studying the structure, function, and dynamics of bird populations and communities - specifically linking between abundances/population size and other dimensions of community function, like total biomass. Studying size-based and abundance-based properties of bird communities is key to understanding biodiversity and global change, but it is challenging for most ecologists because most survey methods do not collect size-related data. This package standardizes a computationally-intensive workaround for this challenge and makes it accessible to ecologists with relatively little computational training.

I have not encountered another package that accomplishes this.


The editor who responded to me was @annakrystalli.

As part of that conversation, the question was raised of adding the authors of some of the datasets that this package draws on as "data contributors". I agree that this is an important consideration, and I wanted to go ahead and include a little more information here so we can make sure this is done in the most appropriate way.

This package uses two sources of "external" data:

For both of these, again, I'm happy to explore whatever approaches to citing/crediting the original data creators seems most appropriate! I'd appreciate any thoughts or guidance in this area.


Technical checks

Confirm each of the following by checking the box.

This package:

Publication options

MEE Options - [x] The package is novel and will be of interest to the broad readership of the journal. - [x] The manuscript describing the package is no longer than 3000 words. - [x] You intend to archive the code for the package in a long-term repository which meets the requirements of the journal (see [MEE's Policy on Publishing Code]( - (*Scope: Do consider MEE's [Aims and Scope]( for your manuscript. We make no guarantee that your manuscript will be within MEE scope.*) - (*Although not required, we strongly recommend having a full manuscript prepared when you submit here.*) - (*Please do not submit your package separately to Methods in Ecology and Evolution*)

Code of conduct

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Thanks for submitting to rOpenSci, our editors and @ropensci-review-bot will reply soon. Type @ropensci-review-bot help for help.

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago


Editor check started


ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Checks for birdsize (v0.0.0.9000)

git hash: bbe4921e

Package License: MIT + file LICENSE

1. Package Dependencies

Details of Package Dependency Usage (click to open)

The table below tallies all function calls to all packages ('ncalls'), both internal (r-base + recommended, along with the package itself), and external (imported and suggested packages). 'NA' values indicate packages to which no identified calls to R functions could be found. Note that these results are generated by an automated code-tagging system which may not be entirely accurate. |type |package | ncalls| |:----------|:---------|------:| |internal |base | 124| |internal |birdsize | 26| |imports |magrittr | 40| |imports |dplyr | 16| |imports |stats | 12| |imports |purrr | 1| |imports |rlang | NA| |suggests |covr | NA| |suggests |ggplot2 | NA| |suggests |knitr | NA| |suggests |rmarkdown | NA| |suggests |testthat | NA| |linking_to |NA | NA| Click below for tallies of functions used in each package. Locations of each call within this package may be generated locally by running 's <- pkgstats::pkgstats()', and examining the 'external_calls' table.


list (30), as.character (28), as.numeric (17), mean (7), c (5), nrow (5), colnames (4), sum (4), which (4), for (2), length (2), log (2), tolower (2), all (1), any (1), data.frame (1), exp (1), F (1), matrix (1), names (1), ncol (1), return (1), sqrt (1), suppressMessages (1), unique (1)


%>% (40)


add_estimated_sds (2), clean_sp_size_data (2), get_sd_parameters (2), get_sp_mean_size (2), ind_draw (2), individual_metabolic_rate (2), is_unidentified (2), community_generate (1), community_summarize (1), filter_bbs_survey (1), find_nontarget_species (1), find_unidentified_species (1), generate_sd_table (1), identify_richness_designator (1), pop_generate (1), pop_summarize (1), species_define (1), species_estimate_sd (1), species_lookup (1)


mutate (5), filter (4), n (3), left_join (1), row_number (1), select (1), summarize (1)


sd (7), lm (2), formula (1), rnorm (1), var (1)


pmap_dfr (1)

**NOTE:** Some imported packages appear to have no associated function calls; please ensure with author that these 'Imports' are listed appropriately.

2. Statistical Properties

This package features some noteworthy statistical properties which may need to be clarified by a handling editor prior to progressing.

Details of statistical properties (click to open)

The package has: - code in R (100% in 15 files) and - 1 authors - 6 vignettes - 7 internal data files - 5 imported packages - 19 exported functions (median 13 lines of code) - 19 non-exported functions in R (median 22 lines of code) --- Statistical properties of package structure as distributional percentiles in relation to all current CRAN packages The following terminology is used: - `loc` = "Lines of Code" - `fn` = "function" - `exp`/`not_exp` = exported / not exported All parameters are explained as tooltips in the locally-rendered HTML version of this report generated by [the `checks_to_markdown()` function]( The final measure (`fn_call_network_size`) is the total number of calls between functions (in R), or more abstract relationships between code objects in other languages. Values are flagged as "noteworthy" when they lie in the upper or lower 5th percentile. |measure | value| percentile|noteworthy | |:------------------------|-----:|----------:|:----------| |files_R | 15| 73.0| | |files_vignettes | 6| 97.9| | |files_tests | 11| 91.7| | |loc_R | 384| 39.4| | |loc_vignettes | 398| 72.3| | |loc_tests | 330| 66.1| | |num_vignettes | 6| 98.7|TRUE | |data_size_total | 50278| 79.8| | |data_size_median | 5209| 74.7| | |n_fns_r | 38| 47.6| | |n_fns_r_exported | 19| 65.9| | |n_fns_r_not_exported | 19| 39.2| | |n_fns_per_file_r | 3| 47.0| | |num_params_per_fn | 1| 1.6|TRUE | |loc_per_fn_r | 16| 51.4| | |loc_per_fn_r_exp | 13| 30.5| | |loc_per_fn_r_not_exp | 22| 66.9| | |rel_whitespace_R | 36| 61.4| | |rel_whitespace_vignettes | 69| 90.5| | |rel_whitespace_tests | 59| 84.6| | |doclines_per_fn_exp | 20| 14.0| | |doclines_per_fn_not_exp | 0| 0.0|TRUE | |fn_call_network_size | 14| 39.0| | ---

2a. Network visualisation

Click to see the interactive network visualisation of calls between objects in package

3. goodpractice and other checks

Details of goodpractice checks (click to open)

#### 3a. Continuous Integration Badges (There do not appear to be any) **GitHub Workflow Results** | id|name |conclusion |sha | run_number|date | |----------:|:--------------------------|:----------|:------|----------:|:----------| | 4263965118|check-coverage |success |999038 | 49|2023-02-24 | | 4263965032|pages build and deployment |success |999038 | 61|2023-02-24 | | 4263965125|pkgcheck |success |999038 | 56|2023-02-24 | | 4263965120|pkgdown |success |999038 | 59|2023-02-24 | | 4263965126|R-CMD-check |NA |999038 | 90|2023-02-24 | --- #### 3b. `goodpractice` results #### `R CMD check` with [rcmdcheck]( rcmdcheck found no errors, warnings, or notes #### Test coverage with [covr]( Package coverage: 88.26 #### Cyclocomplexity with [cyclocomp]( No functions have cyclocomplexity >= 15 #### Static code analyses with [lintr]( [lintr]( found the following 241 potential issues: message | number of times --- | --- Avoid 1:nrow(...) expressions, use seq_len. | 2 Avoid library() and require() calls in packages | 13 Lines should not be more than 80 characters. | 224 Use <-, not =, for assignment. | 2

Package Versions

|package |version | |:--------|:--------| |pkgstats |0.1.3 | |pkgcheck | |

Editor-in-Chief Instructions:

This package is in top shape and may be passed on to a handling editor

maurolepore commented 1 year ago

Thanks @diazrenata for your full submission!

Before I start the search for a handling editor can you please address these two minor yet important issues?


In the pre-submission I see:

One thing to note is that given the package contains external data, it would be appropriate to state the source in the DESCRIPTION file under authors using author type "dtc" which stands for "data contributor". -- @annakrystalli

But DESCRIPTION still shows role = c("aut", "cre") rather than role = c("aut", "cre", "dtc").

Can you please make that change or argue against it?


On the package website I see a lot of documentation and examples, well done! However the landing page is README and I see very little there. an you please add the most important bits to README to help editors, reviewers, and users understand the package quickly?

The author's guide is a bit vague about whether you should duplicate in README documentation you already have elsewhere, but previous reviews and packages in the wild suggest a self-contained README is as important to a package as an abstract is to an academic paper.

A good guide for what to include in a helpful README is this one:

diazrenata commented 1 year ago

Hi Mauro, thank you for the quick response! In response to your points....

I agree that this is an important conversation, and I want to be sure to handle this appropriately. I included a little more context on this in my initial submission, which I am quoting again below to make it easier to find:

As part of that conversation, the question was raised of adding the authors of some of the datasets that this package draws on as "data contributors". I agree that this is an important consideration, and I wanted to go ahead and include a little more information here so we can make sure this is done in the most appropriate way.

This package uses two sources of "external" data: First, the sd_table dataset included in the package includes (cleaned and selected) data values hand-entered from the CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses (Dunning 2008; Neither Dunning, nor the authors of the studies cited in the CRC Handbook, were involved in this project. In the current iteration, I've followed the approach I would use for a paper - that is, the package and package documentation cite Dunning liberally, but I have not listed any additional authors as "data contributors" because I generally wouldn't list folks as co-authors without their knowledge and consent. In this context, would you encourage listing Dunning as a contributor, and/or reaching out to open that conversation?

Second, this package is designed to interface with the North American Breeding Bird Survey data (, doi:10.5066/P9HE8XYJ), but I have taken care not to redistribute any actual data from the Breeding Bird Survey in the package itself. The demo_route_raw and demo_route_clean data tables in birdsize are synthetic datasets that mimic data from the Breeding Bird Survey. That is, they have the same column names as BBS data, and valid AOU (species identifying codes) values, but the actual data values are simulated. The bbs-data vignette directs users to instructions for accessing the BBS data, and demonstrates using the functions in birdsize on BBS-like data using the demo routes. Again, the package cites the Breeding Bird Survey liberally, but stops short of redistributing data so as to encourage users to access and cite the creators directly.

For both of these, again, I'm happy to explore whatever approaches to citing/crediting the original data creators seems most appropriate! I'd appreciate any thoughts or guidance in this area.

I have updated the README to be more comprehensive. Some of the text is borrowed from the Getting started vignette, and I am currently directing folks to the [community](] vignette for worked examples. (If it would be preferable, and not too redundant, I can copy the contents of that vignette directly to the README).

I hope this helps provide context to get things started! Thank you again.

maurolepore commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @diazrenata for making your arguments about the data visible here. I'm more than happy with your careful consideration, and prefer for the handling editor or reviewers to follow up.

Also thanks for working on README. Anything that makes saves a bit of time to our reviewers will free them cognitive load to focus on the more interesting aspects of your work.

I'll start looking for a handling editor.

maurolepore commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot assign @maelle as editor

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Assigned! @maelle is now the editor

maelle commented 1 year ago

Editor checks:

Editor comments

Thanks for your submission @diazrenata! I'll start looking for reviewers. A few comments in the meantime:

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot seeking reviewers

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Please add this badge to the README of your package repository:

[![Status at rOpenSci Software Peer Review](](

Furthermore, if your package does not have a file yet, please create one to capture the changes made during the review process. See

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot add @mstrimas to reviewers

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

@mstrimas added to the reviewers list. Review due date is 2023-03-23. Thanks @mstrimas for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide.

rOpenSci’s community is our best asset. We aim for reviews to be open, non-adversarial, and focused on improving software quality. Be respectful and kind! See our reviewers guide and code of conduct for more.

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

@mstrimas: If you haven't done so, please fill this form for us to update our reviewers records.

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot set due date for @mstrimas to 2023-04-04

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Review due date for @mstrimas is now 04-April-2023

mstrimas commented 1 year ago

Hi @diazrenata, I'm looking forward to reviewing the package! I won't be able to get to looking at in detail until later in March, but I took a quick skim through the code and sent a small PR with a few quick fixes. Also, I thought I'd mention a few general things now ahead of my full review in April since they may take some time to address:

maelle commented 1 year ago

Thanks @mstrimas!

Adding a reference about code comments

diazrenata commented 1 year ago

Thank you both for your time and attention! I'll incorporate these changes as quickly as I can, probably early next week!

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot add @qdread to reviewers

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

@qdread added to the reviewers list. Review due date is 2023-04-11. Thanks @qdread for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide.

rOpenSci’s community is our best asset. We aim for reviews to be open, non-adversarial, and focused on improving software quality. Be respectful and kind! See our reviewers guide and code of conduct for more.

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

@qdread: If you haven't done so, please fill this form for us to update our reviewers records.

mstrimas commented 1 year ago

I just finished up my review. This is a concise, well-documented package and was a pleasure to review. Note that the suggestions I made in an earlier comment on this issue, and in the PR I submitted, still apply and I haven't duplicated them below.

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 7

Review Comments

This is a useful, well-documented package with a clear and well defined scope. The documentation and vignettes have plenty of examples that I think most users should easily be able to follow. In addition to suggestions I've made in an earlier comment, I have a few suggestions that I think would improve the package documentation and align the source code better with best practices.

Working through the five vignettes, I did wonder if the vignette ordering and organization should be re-worked. For me, I found the population vignette to be the most useful for understanding what the package is actually doing under the hood. After working through this vignette, the community vignette made more sense to me. The species vignette covers an intermediate-level topic, so probably belongs next, followed by scaling since it's a more advanced topic that many users won't require knowledge of. Both the README and the "Getting Started" vignette contain essentially no code. This feels like missed opportunity to shown some of the most basic functionality, e.g. simulate a population of a single species and plot a histogram and/or simulate a community. Finally, there is fair amount of duplication in the vignettes, which makes me wonder if some of them could be combined together into one? All this may just be personal preference though, and other users may find the current organization better, but something to think about.

This package relies heavily on BBS data in all examples and package functionality. Given its prominence, I think there could more description of what the BBS is and the structure of the dataset. I initially assumed the bbs-data vignette would cover this, but it mostly duplicates what's already found in the community vignette without providing additional explanation of the BBS. I think at the very least a brief description of the route/stop structure, sampling design, and spatial/temporal coverage of the BBS is warranted. Also, I see the fields of demo_route_raw are described in the help for that dataset, but I think you should point users to that help file or directly include a description of the fields in the bbs-data vignette. I don't think you need to get into extensive detail since all of this is explained in other places, which you've referenced, but you should provide at least some explanation.

Defining species in function arguments could be clarified. In the arguments to pop_generate() and species_define(), species can be identified either by AOU code or scientific name. Given that both genus and species are required, it feels more intuitive to me to use a single argument (e.g. scientific_name). The documentation also doesn't make it clear that species is the species' epithet and not the scientific or common name. As it stands, it feels like you should be able to call pop_generate(100, species = "Selasphorus calliope") or even pop_generate(100, species = "Calliope Hummingbird").

I wonder if the _summarize() functions are necessary since they're essentially just calling group_by() %>% summarize(). Personally I'd prefer to do this directly myself with dplyr so I know exactly what's going on and the vignettes could demonstrate exactly how users should do it. However, I can imagine that some users aren't as comfortable with dplyr so these convenience functions could be useful.

The internal function ind_draw() seems dangerous to me since it has a while loop to get rid of negative sizes with potential to run for a very long time. This is especially true because there appears to be no checks to ensure the mean size is positive. For example the following will run indefinitely:

pop_generate(1000, mean_size = -1000, sd_size = 0.001)

At the very least, please add a check to ensure mean_size and sd_size are positive and some method to ensure the while loop won't run forever, e.g. after a certain number of iterations maybe it should stop and raise an error. Even better would be re-writing this function to use a less brute force method to ensure the sizes generated aren't negative. It's not immediately clear what that would look like, since simple solutions like take the absolute value, won't preserve the desired normal distribution.

Some additional, specific comments about the code:

maelle commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @mstrimas for your thoughtful review!! :pray:

As a side note on source filenames, it's also nice to align them with test filenames so if you rename one, make sure you rename the other. See and devtools::test_active_file().

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot submit review time 7

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Logged review for mstrimas (hours: 7)

qdread commented 1 year ago

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to review this cool package! I like bird body size a lot so it was enjoyable to review this. I think the package overall is good in terms of having a well-defined objective, meeting that objective, and documenting how it's done. I do have some suggestions for improvement. If anything needs clarification, don't hesitate to get in touch with me! I also want to say that I agree with essentially everything in Matt's review, so I've tried not to be too redundant with what he already said.

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 5

Review Comments

I think the purpose of the package is well-defined. It does a few well-defined and related tasks, and does them well. It also has demonstrated use cases, which is nice. The vignettes were well-organized and do a good job of providing examples of all the functions. I've divided my comments into three categories: code style, documentation, and "science stuff."

Code style review

community <- community %>%
          richnessSpecies = .data$aou,
          species_designator = "aou"


community[['richnessSpecies']] <- community[['aou']]
community[['species_designator']] <- "aou"

I understand this would be a lot of work to implement because tidyverse is used in most of your functions. If you do not want to fully remove the tidyverse dependencies, the most urgent one to address would be to replace dplyr::group_by_at() with dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across()). group_by_at() has been deprecated and will likely be removed from future versions of dplyr. (I'm in agreement with Matt's advice on that point).

Documentation review

Comments on science stuff

population <- rnorm(n = species_abundance, mean = species_mean, sd = species_sd)

  while (any(population < 0)) {
    population[which(population < 0)] <- rnorm(n = sum(population < 0), mean = species_mean, sd = species_sd)

This looks like you are doing rejection sampling to generate samples from a truncated normal distribution with lower truncation bound of 0. I think that is fine, but it should be made clear in the documentation that you are doing this. I might even recommend allowing the user to input a lower truncation bound instead of hard-coding it at 0 (the default could be 0 but you could allow the user to modify this). For example the user might want to ensure that all masses are greater than 2 grams (that is roughly the lowest value I got when I generated the body masses for a_hundred_hummingbirds). Not too many birds weigh less than the Calliope Hummingbird! :-) Actually, in general I don't think it is clear in your documentation that samples are drawn from a normal distribution. Yes, it is implied by the fact that the parameters are mean and standard deviation but I think it would be good to be explicit about it. I also wanted to address Matt's point that the while loop in the rejection sampling may run infinitely or nearly so if invalid input is provided such as negative body mass. It would be good for you to expand the error checking code to cause failure on body mass means that are not positive, avoiding the potential of an infinite (or almost infinite loop).

mstrimas commented 1 year ago

@qdread Thanks for expanding on my comments about the while loop! I hadn't heard of "rejection sampling" before. truncnorm seems quite lightweight, so maybe that's a good option. Or keep the while loop but put in some logic so it stops after some number of iterations. Also, checking the inputs so the mean isn't negative would help. I like the suggestion of having the minimum size being user defined. Anyway, I would follow whatever @qdread suggests on this since I don't really know anything about this topic.

Regarding the comment about .data$ throwing warnings during testing, the PR I submitted should resolve this

maelle commented 1 year ago

Thanks @qdread for your thoughtful review! :smile: :bird: You mean using tidyverse packages increases the number of upstream dependencies, not downstream, correct?

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot submit review time 5

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Logged review for qdread (hours: 5)

qdread commented 1 year ago

@maelle Yes, upstream :-)

maelle commented 1 year ago

I thought that as a salmon I was maybe confused about the flow direction. :grin:

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

:calendar: @qdread you have 2 days left before the due date for your review (2023-04-11).

maelle commented 1 year ago

@qdread please ignore the comment above, sorry (we're investigating the bug :sweat_smile: ).

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

@diazrenata: please post your response with @ropensci-review-bot submit response <url to issue comment> if you haven't done so already (this is an automatic reminder).

Here's the author guide for response.

maelle commented 1 year ago

@diazrenata any update? :smile_cat:

diazrenata commented 1 year ago

@maelle (and everyone!) Thank you very much for the feedback! I'm in the progress of incorporating changes. I am dealing with some health issues at the moment and have slightly longer turnaround times than usual, for which I apologize!

maelle commented 1 year ago

@diazrenata no problem, thanks for the update, take care!

maelle commented 1 year ago

Note that if needed we can put the submission on hold

The author can choose to have their submission put on hold (editor applies the holding label). The holding status will be revisited every 3 months, and after one year the issue will be closed.

diazrenata commented 1 year ago

@maelle, thank you very much for pointing this out! I think putting this on hold for the next 3 months would be the ideal move here. I expect to be able to complete the revisions within those 3 months, so things should proceed smoothly from there!

maelle commented 1 year ago

@ropensci-review-bot put on hold

ropensci-review-bot commented 1 year ago

Submission on hold!

maelle commented 1 year ago

@diazrenata Done! Thank you and take care.

ropensci-review-bot commented 11 months ago

@maelle: Please review the holding status

maelle commented 11 months ago

@diazrenata just checking in :smile_cat:

maelle commented 9 months ago

@diazrenata any update? I hope you're ok! :smile_cat:

maelle commented 8 months ago

@diazrenata just checking in, I hope you're ok.

diazrenata commented 8 months ago

Hi @maelle, thank you for checking in! I apologize for the long hiatus. I am back online, and have just about completed revisions! I expect to resubmit them in the next week, and no later than the end of the month, if that is all right?

maelle commented 8 months ago

Ok, thank you, glad to read you're back online! Here's the author guidance (as a reminder):