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rOpenSci Software Peer Review.
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dbhydroR package #61

Closed jsta closed 7 years ago

jsta commented 8 years ago


dbhydroR provides scripted access to the South Florida Water Management District's DBHYDRO database which holds over 35 million water quality and hydrologic data records from the Florida Everglades and surrounding areas.

Package: dbhydroR
Title: 'DBHYDRO' hydrologic and water quality data from R
Description: Client for programmatic access to the South Florida Water
  Management District's 'DBHYDRO' database at, with functions
  for accessing hydrologic and water quality data. 
Version: 0.1-6
Author: Jemma Stachelek <>
Maintainer: Jemma Stachelek <>
    R (>= 3.0.2)
License: GPL
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1

Anyone interested in water quality and hydrologic data from the Florida Everglades - ecologists, engineers, meteorologists, hydrogeologists, hydrologists, etc.

For the most part, no. However, a very small proportion of DBHYDRO mirrors data that is also present on the USGS (United States Geological Survey) NWIS (National Water Information System). This data could then be accessed by the dataRetrieval package.


Confirm each of the following by checking the box. This package:

Some components like the rOpenSci footer, README section ordering, and NEWS tags are pending this initial inquiry.

sckott commented 8 years ago

thanks for your submission @jsta - looks like you didn't check Do you intend for this package to go on CRAN?. Can you check it or explain why not

jsta commented 8 years ago

@sckott it's checked now.

sckott commented 8 years ago

Editor checks:

Reviewers: @aappling-usgs @fawda123 Due date: 2016-08-23

jsta commented 8 years ago

After working with the rnoaa package I was under the impression that this was the norm.

Should I enable them all on Travis or only certain types?

sckott commented 8 years ago

@jsta sorry about misleading! I don't remember exactly why but I usually only skip on travis temporarily if a web service is down temporarily .

Should I enable them all on Travis or only certain types?

Just skip on CRAN, and enable in all others

jsta commented 8 years ago

Ok, tests are enabled on Travis now.

jsta commented 8 years ago

@fawda123 is interested in reviewing this submission.

sckott commented 8 years ago

@jsta I'm revising my advice above - Skip on CRAN those tests that make web requests. If there are some tests that do not, then don't skip those. It's good to have at least some tests that run on CRAN if possible, but not required

sckott commented 8 years ago

thanks @fawda123 for offering, assigned above - Here's instructions for review and examples of good reviews: and

fawda123 commented 8 years ago

@jsta @sckott here's my review. See the comments below for items that aren't checked.


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 3

Review Comments

This package provides access to water quality and hydrological data from the dbhydro database provided by the South Florida Water Management District. Although the package has a regional focus, the database could be used to address more general ecological or environmental management questions. Having a package to more easily acquire the database will no doubt facilitate use and reach of the data.

The package is lightweight and is built around two main functions. The documentation and examples could be improved in some cases (see below), but overall I do not have any major concerns about package structure or functionality. However, access to metadata for the database is a serious limitation that needs to be addressed. Sure I could go online to find what I need but it seems like the package should facilitate that process in some way. The package does a good job retrieving data if the station id and test name are known but it would be much more helpful if there was some way to query the available information. Here are some options to consider:



> cleanhydro(gethydro(dbkey = "15081", date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02"))
Error: is.response(x) is not TRUE

I ran the check to include examples in \dontrun tags, as for the above. It makes sense to not run the example if it's supposed to fail but there is no description exaplaining what the example shows. Either fix the example above or provide some explanation as to why it fails. All other examples ran without issues.




Compliance with rOpenSci Packaging Guide

My comments above address most of the compliance concerns for rOpenSci. Below are some minor, additional points.

Function variable naming

I guess the CRAN gatekeepers don't care about this but I was having a mental block with getwq given it's similarity to getwd. You might consider changing the function name to make it more distinct.


The ropensci footer will have to be added eventually: [![ropensci_footer](](

Code of conduct

Also consider adding the code of conduct badge with devtools::use_code_of_conduct.

Hopefully these comments are helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.

sckott commented 8 years ago

@fawda123 thanks very much for your review!

aappling-usgs commented 8 years ago

Package Review

Joseph (@jsta) and Scott (@sckott), here's my review. Marcus (@fawda123), thanks for a thoughtful review to build on.


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 5

Review Comments

This package provides scriptable access to an extensive Florida water quality/quantity database, DBHYDRO. It's also noticeably faster than the browser-based interface. dbhydroR will enhance the usability of the database and the reproducibility of analyses of DBHYDRO data.

I agree with @fawda123 that the largest room for improvement is in the documentation. I have also made suggestions below for increasing the flexibility of the data-cleaning functions to serve several common use cases, and I've pointed out a few edge cases where the package's functionality might surprise a user.


As @fawda123 noted, it can be hard to identify the station IDs and tests you want if you don't know what the options are. There are a few ways you could helper users:

Questions that arose on my first encounter with the package/dataset:

Other documentation thoughts



> devtools::run_examples(run=FALSE)
> cleanhydro(gethydro(dbkey = "15081", date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02"))
Error: is.response(x) is not TRUE

Possibly unnecessary files & code


getwq + gethydro

These functions have a clean, intuitive interface. A few thoughts:

> getdbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ")
Search results for 'C111% WQ'
  Dbkey    Group Data Type Freq Recorder  Start Date    End Date
1 38097 C111WETL      H2OT   DA     ???? 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011
2 38104 C111WETL     SALIN   DA     ???? 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011
3 38100 C111WETL     SCOND   DA     ???? 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011
> getwq("FLAB01", "2014-09-14", "2014-09-18", "NITRATE+NITRITE-N", raw = TRUE)$Value
[1] -0.01
> getwq("FLAB01", "2014-09-14", "2014-09-18", "NITRATE+NITRITE-N", raw = TRUE, mdl_handling='half')$Value
[1] -0.01

Though not advertised in the README, the getdbkey function looks like a useful way to identify datasets to download. With that in mind, I have a few suggestions that are mostly illustrated by this example:

> getdbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ", detail.level="full")
Search results for 'C111% WQ'
  Get Data Dbkey \nStation\n    Group Data Type Freq Stat Recorder Agency
1          38097  C111WETLND C111WETL      H2OT   DA MEAN     ????   USGS
2          38104  C111WETLND C111WETL     SALIN   DA MEAN     ????   USGS
3          38100  C111WETLND C111WETL     SCOND   DA MEAN     ????   USGS
   Start Date    End Date Strata County Op Num Latitude Longitude    X Coord
1 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD      Â   251740    803112 814755.394
2 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD      Â   251740    803112 814755.394
3 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD      Â   251740    803112 814755.394
     Y Coord   Basin Struct Section Township Range
1 349549.418 C111_CO      Â      15       59    38
2 349549.418 C111_CO      Â      15       59    38
3 349549.418 C111_CO      Â      15       59    38
# we'd expect >100 dbkeys in this query
> nrow(getdbkey(category = "GW", detail.level = "full"))
Search results for 'NA GW'
[1] 100
# because we easily get >100 sites combined in these two queries:
> dba <- getdbkey(stationid = 'A%', category = "GW", detail.level = "full")
Search results for 'A% GW'
> dbi <- getdbkey(stationid = 'I%', category = "GW", detail.level = "full")
Search results for 'I% GW'
> nrow(dba) + nrow(dbi)
[1] 134
cleanwq + cleanhydro
> h <- gethydro(dbkey = "IY639", date_min = "2009-01-30", date_max = "2009-01-31")
Warning messages:
1: In cleanhydro(res) : Column headings missing. Guessing...
2: In cleanhydro(res) : Instantaneous data detected
> head(h$date)
[1] "2009-01-30 00:40:00 MST" "2009-01-30 00:55:00 MST" "2009-01-30 01:10:00 MST"
[4] "2009-01-30 01:25:00 MST" "2009-01-30 01:40:00 MST" "2009-01-30 01:55:00 MST"

Signing off

This package is already a nice contribution - thanks for developing it. Let me know if you'd like to clarify/discuss any of the above points. Best, Alison (@aappling-usgs)

sckott commented 8 years ago

@aappling-usgs thanks so much for your review!

@jsta let us know if you need any help, and continue the conversation here

jsta commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the review @fawda123!

Review Comments (@fawda123)

This package provides access to water quality and hydrological data from the dbhydro database provided by the South Florida Water Management District. Although the package has a regional focus, the database could be used to address more general ecological or environmental management questions. Having a package to more easily acquire the database will no doubt facilitate use and reach of the data.

The package is lightweight and is built around two main functions. The documentation and examples could be improved in some cases (see below), but overall I do not have any major concerns about package structure or functionality. However, access to metadata for the database is a serious limitation that needs to be addressed. Sure I could go online to find what I need but it seems like the package should facilitate that process in some way. The package does a good job retrieving data if the station id and test name are known but it would be much more helpful if there was some way to query the available information. Here are some options to consider:



cleanhydro(gethydro(dbkey = "15081", date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02"))
Error: is.response(x) is not TRUE

I ran the check to include examples in \dontrun tags, as for the above. It makes sense to not run the example if it's supposed to fail but there is no description exaplaining what the example shows. Either fix the example above or provide some explanation as to why it fails. All other examples ran without issues.

The example has been fixed and now runs without error




Good suggestion. I think it might be best to wait on this until we are closer to acceptance?

Compliance with rOpenSci Packaging Guide

My comments above address most of the compliance concerns for rOpenSci. Below are some minor, additional points.

Function variable naming

I guess the CRAN gatekeepers don't care about this but I was having a mental block with getwq given it's similarity to getwd. You might consider changing the function name to make it more distinct.


The ropensci footer will have to be added eventually: ropensci_footer

I think the onboarding guidelines have been updated to say that the footer is only added after a package has been accepted.

Code of conduct

Also consider adding the code of conduct badge with devtools::use_code_of_conduct.

A COC has been added.

Hopefully these comments are helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.

jsta commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the review @aappling-usgs!

Review Comments (@aappling-usgs)

This package provides scriptable access to an extensive Florida water quality/quantity database, DBHYDRO. It's also noticeably faster than the browser-based interface. dbhydroR will enhance the usability of the database and the reproducibility of analyses of DBHYDRO data.

I agree with @fawda123 that the largest room for improvement is in the documentation. I have also made suggestions below for increasing the flexibility of the data-cleaning functions to serve several common use cases, and I've pointed out a few edge cases where the package's functionality might surprise a user.


As @fawda123 noted, it can be hard to identify the station IDs and tests you want if you don't know what the options are. There are a few ways you could helper users:

Questions that arose on my first encounter with the package/dataset:

Other documentation thoughts



cleanhydro(gethydro(dbkey = "15081", date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02"))
Error: is.response(x) is not TRUE

  • devtools::check() runs cleanly with 0 errors, 0 warnings, and 0 notes.

The example has been fixed and now runs without error

Possibly unnecessary files & code


getwq + gethydro

These functions have a clean, intuitive interface. A few thoughts:

getdbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ")
Search results for 'C111% WQ'
Dbkey Group Data Type Freq Recorder Start Date End Date
1 38097 C111WETL H2OT DA ???? 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011
2 38104 C111WETL SALIN DA ???? 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011
3 38100 C111WETL SCOND DA ???? 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011

I realize that this is a bit confusing. The getwq function pulls data from a seperate set of DBHYDRO tables than gethydro. Only the gethydro tables contain dbkeys. Then, confusingly, the gethydro tables have a category called "WQ". The getwq tables do not support selection by dbkey. The getwq water quality data is generated from laboratory tests while the gethydro "WQ" data is generated from things like automated sondes.

getwq("FLAB01", "2014-09-14", "2014-09-18", "NITRATE+NITRITE-N", raw = TRUE)$Value
[1] -0.01
getwq("FLAB01", "2014-09-14", "2014-09-18", "NITRATE+NITRITE-N", raw = TRUE, mdl_handling='half')$Value
[1] -0.01

I refactored getwq and cleanwq so that MDL handling occurs regardless of how raw is set. Also, the "No data found" message should now appear regardless of how raw is set.


Though not advertised in the README, the getdbkey function looks like a useful way to identify datasets to download. With that in mind, I have a few suggestions that are mostly illustrated by this example:

getdbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ", detail.level="full")
Search results for 'C111% WQ'
Get Data Dbkey \nStation\n Group Data Type Freq Stat Recorder Agency
1 38097 C111WETLND C111WETL H2OT DA MEAN ???? USGS
Start Date End Date Strata County Op Num Latitude Longitude X Coord
1 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011 0 DAD Â 251740 803112 814755.394
2 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011 0 DAD Â 251740 803112 814755.394
3 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011 0 DAD Â 251740 803112 814755.394
Y Coord Basin Struct Section Township Range
1 349549.418 C111_CO Â 15 59 38
2 349549.418 C111_CO Â 15 59 38
3 349549.418 C111_CO Â 15 59 38

I added some advertisement for getdbkey to the README.

we'd expect >100 dbkeys in this query

nrow(getdbkey(category = "GW", detail.level = "full"))
Search results for 'NA GW'
[1] 100

because we easily get >100 sites combined in these two queries:

dba <- getdbkey(stationid = 'A%', category = "GW", detail.level = "full")
Search results for 'A% GW'
dbi <- getdbkey(stationid = 'I%', category = "GW", detail.level = "full")
Search results for 'I% GW'
nrow(dba) + nrow(dbi)
[1] 134

I circumvented this limitation.

cleanwq + cleanhydro

h <- gethydro(dbkey = "IY639", date_min = "2009-01-30", date_max = "2009-01-31")
Warning messages:
1: In cleanhydro(res) : Column headings missing. Guessing...
2: In cleanhydro(res) : Instantaneous data detected
[1] "2009-01-30 00:40:00 MST" "2009-01-30 00:55:00 MST" "2009-01-30 01:10:00 MST"
[4] "2009-01-30 01:25:00 MST" "2009-01-30 01:40:00 MST" "2009-01-30 01:55:00 MST"

I forced hydro and wq date/times to return in EST.

*Maybe I have captured the spirit of this comment by standardizing the behavior of the clean functions, and forcing mdl_handling to occur regardless of the value of raw? Also, timestamps are parsed to the date column regardless of the value of raw.**

Signing off

This package is already a nice contribution - thanks for developing it. Let me know if you'd like to clarify/discuss any of the above points. Best, Alison (@aappling-usgs)

sckott commented 8 years ago

@jsta Thanks for responding to reviews and making changes.

@fawda123 @aappling-usgs There's a few questions for you, see his responses. Also, any more thoughts, or are you happy?

fawda123 commented 8 years ago

@jsta Looks like you've done a good job addressing my comments, nice work. I'm responding below to your specific questions and some follow-up points after having some time to stew on the review.

About the wild-cards, I guess I was wondering if you could have a few more examples in the vignette of how these can be used to get info on several stations in the case where a user has some knowledge about the station naming convention but specific names are unknown. For example, all stations that start with 'A' or 'B', etc. Are there other characters besides '%' that can help with retrieval (e.g., regex matching)? It's not all that important, the additional links in the vignette are very helpful.

The link for the test_name argument in getwq documentation is really helpful. Maybe also add the station-search utility link under the station_id argument description.

Minor typo, 'hydrolgic' in the README description.

I'll try clarify my comment on the QA field blanks, which might be related to my misunderstanding of the data. For an instance of using getwq to retrieve multiple stations, would there not be separate fields for each station? Removing rows for fields that apply to one station would remove valid data for a station wasn't flagged if the data were in wide format, yes? Just wanted to clarify that the cleaning function isn't removing valid data.

I also ask you to reconsider changing the name of getwq based on my previous comment. As proof of point, @aaplling-usgs has used getwd by accident a few times.

aappling-usgs commented 8 years ago

Hah - true, I did end up typing getwd a bunch of times in my comments accidentally, didn't I? It's hard to type getwq when the habit is in your fingers.

@jsta, a quick glance suggests you've made some great improvements. I've been out of town and will need a few more days to catch up and reply properly.

jsta commented 8 years ago


jsta commented 8 years ago

I went ahead and refactored to underscored function names. Maybe that will break the getwd muscle memory?

fawda123 commented 8 years ago

@jsta The underscore works better, good idea.

@sckott I'm happy with the changes from my end, this package is good to go pending comments from @aappling-usgs

sckott commented 8 years ago

thanks @fawda123 - we'll wait for a thumbsup from @aappling-usgs

aappling-usgs commented 8 years ago

@jsta - yeah, tons of great changes, and I'm satisfied as-is. I agree that there are several ways to address the division between getting and cleaning, and I like what you've chosen. I also like the new underscores.

I'm not particularly worried about it, but the  symbols in the Num and sometimes also Struct columns are still appearing for me, even after updating to the most recent version. Maybe it's just how my system is set up, and it does seem to vary by query - the query you showed gives 'SPIL' in the Struct column but still gives  in the Num column, while a different query gives Âs in both.

> get_dbkey(category = "SW", stationid = "ALLIGAT", param = "STG", detail.level = "full")
Search results for 'ALLIGAT SW'
  Get Data Dbkey Station   Group Data Type Freq Stat Recorder Agency  Start Date    End Date Strata County Op Num
1          00875 ALLIGAT ALLIGAT       STG   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 05-OCT-1979 06-DEC-1979      0    CHA      Â
  Latitude Longitude    X Coord    Y Coord    Basin Struct Section Township Range
1 26.34222  -81.8303 338357.138 932249.714 CHARLOTT   SPIL      23       41    23
> get_dbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ", detail.level="full")
Search results for 'C111% WQ'
  Get Data Dbkey    Station    Group Data Type Freq Stat Recorder Agency  Start Date    End Date Strata County Op Num
1          38097 C111WETLND C111WETL      H2OT   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD      Â
2          38104 C111WETLND C111WETL     SALIN   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD      Â
3          38100 C111WETLND C111WETL     SCOND   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD      Â
  Latitude Longitude    X Coord    Y Coord   Basin Struct Section Township Range
1    25.74   -80.112 814755.394 349549.418 C111_CO      Â      15       59    38
2    25.74   -80.112 814755.394 349549.418 C111_CO      Â      15       59    38
3    25.74   -80.112 814755.394 349549.418 C111_CO      Â      15       59    38
jsta commented 8 years ago

@aappling-usgs My guess is that it is some sort of encoding issue. I've just pushed a commit that specifies the encoding of httr::content(). Does this fix the issue?

aappling-usgs commented 8 years ago

Hmm. nope.

jsta commented 8 years ago

Ok, I think I figured it out. Those two columns were being read as native encoding despite setting encoding to UTF-8 in the initial pull. My latest commit should fix (

For future reference, I used stringi::stri_enc_mark() to check encoding. This r-help thread describes the issue but it seems that my "fix" is not documented anywhere.

aappling-usgs commented 8 years ago

That's it!

> library(dbhydroR)
> get_dbkey(category = "SW", stationid = "ALLIGAT", param = "STG", detail.level = "full")
Search results for 'ALLIGAT SW'
  Dbkey Station   Group Data Type Freq Stat Recorder Agency  Start Date    End Date Strata County Op Num Latitude
1 00875 ALLIGAT ALLIGAT       STG   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 05-OCT-1979 06-DEC-1979      0    CHA        26.34222
  Longitude    X Coord    Y Coord    Basin Struct Section Township Range
1  -81.8303 338357.138 932249.714 CHARLOTT   SPIL      23       41    23
> get_dbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ", detail.level="full")
Search results for 'C111% WQ'
  Dbkey    Station    Group Data Type Freq Stat Recorder Agency  Start Date    End Date Strata County Op Num Latitude
1 38097 C111WETLND C111WETL      H2OT   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD           25.74
2 38104 C111WETLND C111WETL     SALIN   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD           25.74
3 38100 C111WETLND C111WETL     SCOND   DA MEAN     ????   USGS 04-OCT-2003 10-OCT-2011      0    DAD           25.74
  Longitude    X Coord    Y Coord   Basin Struct Section Township Range
1   -80.112 814755.394 349549.418 C111_CO             15       59    38
2   -80.112 814755.394 349549.418 C111_CO             15       59    38
3   -80.112 814755.394 349549.418 C111_CO             15       59    38
sckott commented 8 years ago

thanks @aappling-usgs and @fawda123 for your reviews!

@jsta Just looking over it before approving, a few questions:

In e.g.,

get_wq(station_id = "FLAB08", date_min = "2011-03-01",
    date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")
#>          date FLAB08_CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE_ug/L
#> 1  2011-03-21                           0.196
#> 2  2011-04-11                           0.276
#> 3  2011-05-09                           0.328
#> 4  2011-06-07                           0.329
#> 5  2011-07-05                           0.402
#> 6  2011-08-08                           0.907
#> 7  2011-09-06                           0.887
#> 8  2011-10-06                           0.573
#> 9  2011-12-08                           0.369
#> 10 2012-02-02                           0.260
#> 11 2012-04-05                           0.509

Is the 2nd column name a combination of the station name and the variable? If so, I'd prefer that this is changed to be in more of tidy format, with station as it's own column, and variable as its own column. At least have a function to get it in that format easily would be nice.

jsta commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your question @sckott.

There is already a method for returning station name and variable in separate columns.

get_wq(station_id = "FLAB08", date_min = "2011-03-01",
    date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE",
    raw = TRUE)[,c("date", "Station.ID", "Test.Name", "Units", "Value")]

         date Station.ID           Test.Name Units Value
1  2011-03-21     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.196
3  2011-04-11     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.276
5  2011-05-09     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.328
6  2011-06-07     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.329
7  2011-07-05     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.402
9  2011-08-08     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.907
10 2011-09-06     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.887
11 2011-10-06     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.573
12 2011-12-08     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.369
13 2012-02-02     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.260
14 2012-04-05     FLAB08 CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE  ug/L 0.509

The reason why raw is an argument rather than the default is because my initial feedback on the package was from users who appreciated receiving output in non-tidy format for simple plotting and Excel import.

Also, it was valuable for users to be able to do things like:

plot(get_wq(station_id = "FLAB08", date_min = "2011-03-01",
    date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE"))

Do you think I should do away with the raw argument and make a separate function?

sckott commented 8 years ago

@jsta Thanks. I think it's okay to leave as is, the raw parameter takes care of it I think.

jsta commented 7 years ago

@sckott Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for this submission. I think both reviewers have given their :+1:

sckott commented 7 years ago

thanks again for the reviews @aappling-usgs and @fawda123 🚀 ✏️ 📋

@jsta - There's a few things I'd like changed before approving:

dbh_GET <- function(url, ...) {
    res <- httr::GET(url, ...) # any params can be passed to GET() when calling dbh_GET()
    stop_for_status(res) # make sure to check if the http status is good or not
    httr::content(res, "text", encoding = "UTF-8") # parse to text

Then use dbh_GET() in your functions.

Then after that, the steps to move to ropensci are:

jsta commented 7 years ago

Ok, I think I've addressed all the items you've listed under pre-approval. Should I move forward with transferring? @sckott

sckott commented 7 years ago

thanks for the change. Yes, do move forward