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quadkeyr: Tools for converting QuadKeys (Microsoft's Bing Maps Tile System) into raster images #619

Closed flor14 closed 3 months ago

flor14 commented 7 months ago

Date accepted: 2024-03-14

Submitting Author Name: Florencia D'Andrea Submitting Author Github Handle: !--author1-->@flor14<!--end-author1-- Repository: Version submitted: Submission type: Standard Editor: !--editor-->@emilyriederer<!--end-editor-- Reviewers: @mpaulacaldas, @vincentvanhees

Archive: TBD Version accepted: TBD Language: en

Package: quadkeyr
Title: Tools for converting QuadKeys used in Microsoft's Bing Maps Tile System into raster images
    person(given = "Florencia",
           family = "D'Andrea", 
           email = "", 
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-0041-097X"))
Description: quadkeyr enables the generation of raster images based on QuadKeys, facilitating efficient integration of Bing Maps data into R workflows. In particular, quadkeyr provides support to process and analyze Facebook mobility datasets within the R environment.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
    testthat (>= 3.1.10)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
    R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
    bslib (>= 0.5.1),
    dplyr (>= 1.1.2),
    DT (>= 0.27),
    ggplot2 (>= 3.4.3),
    leaflet (>= 2.2.0),
    lubridate (>= 1.9.2),
    purrr (>= 1.0.1),
    readr (>= 2.1.4),
    rnaturalearth (>= 0.3.2),
    sf (>= 1.0.14),
    shiny (>= 1.7.4),
    stars (>= 0.6.2),
    tidyr (>= 1.3.0),
    viridis (>= 0.6.4)


🗺️ The package offers tools to analyze data reported by QuadKey and convert it to raster images. QuadKeys are strings that encode information about map coordinates and the level of detail of the Bing Maps Tile System.

Anyone trying to analyze data reported in this format. Facebook mobility data, for example, can be reported by QuadKey. This package could help this StackOverflow user or this other one.

The closer R package dealing with this type of data is slippymath which has a more general objective. quadkeyr is only based on Microsoft Bing Maps Tile System documentation and it is focused on raster creation. You can read a list of packages with similar functions in the README references section.

Technical checks

Confirm each of the following by checking the box.

This package:

Publication options

MEE Options - [ ] The package is novel and will be of interest to the broad readership of the journal. - [ ] The manuscript describing the package is no longer than 3000 words. - [ ] You intend to archive the code for the package in a long-term repository which meets the requirements of the journal (see [MEE's Policy on Publishing Code]( - (*Scope: Do consider MEE's [Aims and Scope]( for your manuscript. We make no guarantee that your manuscript will be within MEE scope.*) - (*Although not required, we strongly recommend having a full manuscript prepared when you submit here.*) - (*Please do not submit your package separately to Methods in Ecology and Evolution*)

Code of conduct

Thank you!

flor14 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your detailed review, @vincentvanhees. I will have a look and reply/create PRs before the third week of January.

emilyriederer commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the thorough feedback, @vincentvanhees !

ropensci-review-bot commented 5 months ago

:calendar: @mpaulacaldas you have 2 days left before the due date for your review (2024-01-16).

mpaulacaldas commented 5 months ago

Hello @flor14 @emilyriederer! The start of the year has been a bit busier than anticipated (also with an unexpected bout of COVID), so I'll have to take a bit of an extension for my review. You will have it by the Friday 19th at the latest. Wishing you all a nice week, and apologies for the small delay!

flor14 commented 5 months ago

Don't worry @mpaulacaldas, I am a bit behind as well with the first changes, so probably I will be finishing them when you submit your comments. I hope you are feeling better!

ropensci-review-bot commented 5 months ago

:calendar: @vincentvanhees you have 2 days left before the due date for your review (2024-01-20).

flor14 commented 5 months ago

@vincentvanhees and @emilyriederer

I have been reviewing @vincentvanhees comments, and here are the actions I have taken to address most of them. There is pending section at the end of this issue, as I think that the final details should be addressed after Maria Paula's review to avoid overworking.

The revision has been quite detailed, so I want to express my gratitude again for all the comments provided.

1. Vignettes and README:

Specific comments onget_grid_from_quadkeys.Rmd (now called B-from_quadkey_data_to_raster.Rmd):

specific comments on create_rasters_from_grid.Rmd (now called C-from_facebook_quadkey_data_to_raster.Rmd)

specific comments quadkey_conversion.Rmd (now called A-bing_map_tile_system_functions.Rmd):

2. R functions:

I wrote a note in the pending section to double-check that I have added all the comments for the final review.

3. Test function:

4. Shiny app:

5. General / Other comments:

6. Suggestions (no need to respond):

See pending actions.

Pending Actions (To be addressed at the end of the revision):

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.

vincentvanhees commented 5 months ago

Thanks @flor14. I will have a closer look when you have also received and processed comments from the María. Regarding the auto-numbering: I have not had this problem myself and doubt vignettes as such prohibit this. See (link to example of my vignettes), maybe you could have a look whether I am doing something very different than what you have been trying.

flor14 commented 5 months ago

Oh, I tried something similar and it didn't work. I would double-check it then, thank you @vincentvanhees.

mpaulacaldas commented 5 months ago

@flor14 @emilyriederer @vincentvanhees - With apologies for the delay, I leave below my review. As you will see, it is extensive, so please feel free to ignore the more minor suggestions. I'm happy to discuss any points that are unclear or help brainstorm solutions, so please don't hesitate!

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:


Estimated hours spent reviewing: 5

Review Comments

Thank you very much for the opportunity to review this package. As someone who has struggled with quadkeys in the past, I think this package addresses a very real gap in the R spatial software space, and I believe it will be useful to many social scientists.

I leave below detailed comments on the different aspects of the package. The review is quite extensive, so please don’t hesitate to ignore the more minor suggestions. Likewise, I’m happy to discuss any points that are unclear or help brainstorm solutions.


This is an excellent README. If I could provide only one minor comment, it would be to put the section “What can this package do for you?” before “What are quadkeys and tile maps?”


Overall, I find the vignettes are informative and easy to understand, with truly excellent pedagogical figures.

I leave below my comments for possible improvements, to complement some of the points raised previously by Vincent:

Function documentation


API design

These comments touch more on the API design choices, which fall a bit out-of-scope of the reviewing guidelines from rOpenSci. I raise them here in case you find them useful, but I completely understand if you prefer not to implement them, since they can be time-consuming :smile:

flor14 commented 5 months ago

Thank you @mpaulacaldas for your review!

All the comments are relevant, and I have gained new insights after using the package myself. I will probably include some minor changes on my side during the revision. I will open issues so everything is clear.

My goal is to finish this by the end of January.

I am really happy to have such good reviewers.

emilyriederer commented 5 months ago

@ropensci-review-bot submit review time 3

ropensci-review-bot commented 5 months ago

Logged review for vincentvanhees (hours: 3)

emilyriederer commented 5 months ago

@ropensci-review-bot submit review time 5

ropensci-review-bot commented 5 months ago

Logged review for mpaulacaldas (hours: 5)

emilyriederer commented 5 months ago

@mpaulacaldas and @vincentvanhees - thank you both so much for your time and in-depth, thoughtful reviews! I really appreciate all your time and work on this.

ropensci-review-bot commented 4 months ago

@flor14: please post your response with @ropensci-review-bot submit response <url to issue comment> if you haven't done so already (this is an automatic reminder).

Here's the author guide for response.

flor14 commented 4 months ago

Update: I am moving forward with this. I am planning some changes in how the documentation is organized, so it is going to take me a bit longer than I expected originally.

emilyriederer commented 4 months ago

@flor14 - that sounds great! No pressure on the timing; the autoreminders are great to bump the thread in cases when nothing is happening, but definitely appreciate all of the updates your making and don't want to rush things

flor14 commented 4 months ago

@ropensci-review-bot check package

ropensci-review-bot commented 4 months ago

Thanks, about to send the query.

ropensci-review-bot commented 4 months ago


Editor check started


ropensci-review-bot commented 4 months ago

Checks for quadkeyr (v0.0.0.9000)

git hash: 9b7b8c43

Package License: MIT + file LICENSE

1. Package Dependencies

Details of Package Dependency Usage (click to open)

The table below tallies all function calls to all packages ('ncalls'), both internal (r-base + recommended, along with the package itself), and external (imported and suggested packages). 'NA' values indicate packages to which no identified calls to R functions could be found. Note that these results are generated by an automated code-tagging system which may not be entirely accurate. |type |package | ncalls| |:----------|:-------------|------:| |internal |base | 135| |internal |quadkeyr | 65| |internal |utils | 40| |internal |graphics | 6| |internal |stats | 1| |imports |dplyr | 11| |imports |sf | 7| |imports |stars | 3| |imports |purrr | 1| |imports |lubridate | NA| |imports |readr | NA| |imports |rlang | NA| |imports |shiny | NA| |suggests |bslib | NA| |suggests |DT | NA| |suggests |ggplot2 | NA| |suggests |knitr | NA| |suggests |leaflet | NA| |suggests |rmarkdown | NA| |suggests |rnaturalearth | NA| |suggests |shinytest2 | NA| |suggests |testthat | NA| |suggests |tidyr | NA| |suggests |viridis | NA| |suggests |withr | NA| |linking_to |NA | NA| Click below for tallies of functions used in each package. Locations of each call within this package may be generated locally by running 's <- pkgstats::pkgstats()', and examining the 'external_calls' table.


list (17), return (17), c (15), data.frame (9), for (9), min (5), seq (5), nrow (4), rbind (4), seq_len (4), expand.grid (3), nchar (3), pi (3), unique (3), abs (2), as.integer (2), by (2), file (2), floor (2), max (2), sign (2), sum (2), as.character (1), as.Date (1), as.numeric (1), atan (1), character (1), colnames (1), exp (1), (1), length (1), list.files (1), log (1), paste0 (1), rev (1), seq_along (1), sin (1), strsplit (1), subset (1), system.file (1)


clip (7), mapsize (7), quadkey_to_tileXY (7), pixelXY_to_latlong (4), missing_combinations (3), pixelXY_to_tileXY (3), quadkey_to_latlong (3), tileXY_to_pixelXY (3), complete_grid_for_polygons (2), create_qk_grid (2), create_stars_raster (2), get_qk_coord (2), grid_to_polygon (2), latlong_to_pixelXY (2), quadkey_to_polygon (2), regular_qk_grid (2), add_regular_polygon_grid (1), apply_weekly_lag (1), format_fb_data (1), get_regular_polygon_grid (1), get_tile_coord (1), ground_res (1), latlong_to_quadkey (1), mapscale (1), polygon_to_raster (1), qkmap_app (1), quadkey_df_to_polygon (1), tileXY_to_quadkey (1)


data (40)


mutate (7), anti_join (2), all_of (1), lag (1)


st_as_sf (4), st_bbox (1), st_sf (1), st_sfc (1)


grid (3), polygon (3)


st_as_stars (1), st_rasterize (1), write_stars (1)


map_dfr (1)


var (1)

**NOTE:** Some imported packages appear to have no associated function calls; please ensure with author that these 'Imports' are listed appropriately.

2. Statistical Properties

This package features some noteworthy statistical properties which may need to be clarified by a handling editor prior to progressing.

Details of statistical properties (click to open)

The package has: - code in R (100% in 15 files) and - 1 authors - 4 vignettes - 2 internal data files - 8 imported packages - 29 exported functions (median 15 lines of code) - 29 non-exported functions in R (median 26 lines of code) --- Statistical properties of package structure as distributional percentiles in relation to all current CRAN packages The following terminology is used: - `loc` = "Lines of Code" - `fn` = "function" - `exp`/`not_exp` = exported / not exported All parameters are explained as tooltips in the locally-rendered HTML version of this report generated by [the `checks_to_markdown()` function]( The final measure (`fn_call_network_size`) is the total number of calls between functions (in R), or more abstract relationships between code objects in other languages. Values are flagged as "noteworthy" when they lie in the upper or lower 5th percentile. |measure | value| percentile|noteworthy | |:------------------------|-------:|----------:|:----------| |files_R | 15| 73.0| | |files_vignettes | 4| 95.3| | |files_tests | 14| 93.8| | |loc_R | 624| 54.5| | |loc_vignettes | 907| 89.4| | |loc_tests | 802| 83.5| | |num_vignettes | 4| 96.6|TRUE | |data_size_total | 2037907| 97.7|TRUE | |data_size_median | 1018953| 98.5|TRUE | |n_fns_r | 58| 61.1| | |n_fns_r_exported | 29| 77.4| | |n_fns_r_not_exported | 29| 51.8| | |n_fns_per_file_r | 2| 40.8| | |num_params_per_fn | 2| 10.4| | |loc_per_fn_r | 18| 54.1| | |loc_per_fn_r_exp | 15| 35.6| | |loc_per_fn_r_not_exp | 26| 73.5| | |rel_whitespace_R | 30| 69.7| | |rel_whitespace_vignettes | 26| 87.8| | |rel_whitespace_tests | 17| 78.2| | |doclines_per_fn_exp | 32| 36.7| | |doclines_per_fn_not_exp | 0| 0.0|TRUE | |fn_call_network_size | 54| 68.0| | ---

2a. Network visualisation

Click to see the interactive network visualisation of calls between objects in package

3. goodpractice and other checks

Details of goodpractice checks (click to open)

#### 3a. Continuous Integration Badges [![test-coverage.yaml](]( [![check-standard.yaml](]( [![pkgcheck](]( **GitHub Workflow Results** | id|name |conclusion |sha | run_number|date | |----------:|:--------------------------|:----------|:------|----------:|:----------| | 7895702388|pages build and deployment |success |80d094 | 34|2024-02-14 | | 7895653165|pkgcheck |success |9b7b8c | 15|2024-02-14 | | 7895653161|pkgdown |success |9b7b8c | 38|2024-02-14 | | 7895653168|R-CMD-check |success |9b7b8c | 38|2024-02-14 | | 7895653170|test-coverage |success |9b7b8c | 38|2024-02-14 | --- #### 3b. `goodpractice` results #### `R CMD check` with [rcmdcheck]( R CMD check generated the following note: 1. checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 11.8Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: data 2.3Mb doc 7.7Mb R CMD check generated the following check_fail: 1. rcmdcheck_reasonable_installed_size #### Test coverage with [covr]( Package coverage: 95.66 #### Cyclocomplexity with [cyclocomp]( No functions have cyclocomplexity >= 15 #### Static code analyses with [lintr]( [lintr]( found the following 17 potential issues: message | number of times --- | --- Avoid library() and require() calls in packages | 17

Package Versions

|package |version | |:--------|:--------| |pkgstats | | |pkgcheck | |

Editor-in-Chief Instructions:

This package is in top shape and may be passed on to a handling editor

flor14 commented 4 months ago

Hello, Before addressing the last review, I want to make some general updates regarding the state of the package. NOTE: When referencing changes made to items such as vignettes, that have received multiple changes in the text, I will link the last commit for easier identification.


PKGDOWN SITE (Technical changes)

  1. Vignettes filenames: There were some misunderstandings regarding the vignette names. The problem was that I was not including the articles in the _pkgdown.yml, so they appeared in a random order. Now, I have simplified and organized them as follows:
    • quadkey_to_sf_conversion
    • quadkey_identified_data_to_raster
    • facebook_mobility_csvs_to_raster_files
    • quadkey_visualization_app

I believe these names are much more representative of the content of the vignettes. You can find the last version of the vignettes here:

  1. Number of sections: @vincentvanhees, I copied and pasted the exactly same YAML you sent me, but for some reason, it was not working for me. After some reading, this worked:
    title: "Generating a Raster Image from Quadkey-Identified Data"
    toc : true
    number_sections: true
    toc_depth: 3
    as_is: true
    vignette: >
    %\VignetteIndexEntry{Generating a Raster Image from Quadkey-Identified Data}

    You can find the last version of the vignettes here:

PKGDOWN SITE (Changes in the articles)

The major change was made in response to Maria Paula’s comment about adding a basic workflow. In particular, I think the major improvement is in the second vignette (quadkey_identified_data_to_raster):




REVIEW @mpaulacaldas

Review Comments Thank you very much for the opportunity to review this package. As someone who has struggled with QuadKeys in the past, I think this package addresses a very real gap in the R spatial software space, and I believe it will be useful to many social scientists. I leave below detailed comments on the different aspects of the package. The review is quite extensive, so please don’t hesitate to ignore the more minor suggestions. Likewise, I’m happy to discuss any points that are unclear or help brainstorm solutions.


This is an excellent README. If I could provide only one minor comment, it would be to put the section “What can this package do for you?” before “What are quadkeys and tile maps?”

This one is easy to see in the README: Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@6e003884

2 - Vignettes

Overall, I find the vignettes are informative and easy to understand, with truly excellent pedagogical figures. I leave below my comments for possible improvements, to complement some of the points raised previously by Vincent:

On C-from_facebook_quadkey_data_to_raster.Rmd:

This issue has been resolved; some sections were not updated despite not giving errors. I missed the command that allows me to change all the variables in a project, which I have used with other editors. Next time, I will use regex. I am trying to make small commits for easier review, so this might not have helped either, I was expecting you to use the same commit as Vincent. This is the function now and here is one of the commits I used to fix it Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@4bd5cc9.

That is the new name of the vignette now, as you can see in the vignette: This is the vignette in the present commit

Thank you for your detailed suggestions, I agree. All the examples of the vignettes are reproducible now, as there have been added example files in inst/extdata. c27e452

On B-from_facebook_quadkey_data_to_raster.Rmd:

This vignette suffers the biggest changes. It is what I am saying in the previous point, you can use the bounding box or the list of QuadKeys to calculate this. You can read the improvements in the new versions of the vignettes that correspond to this commit

I tried to keep it exactly as appears in the documentation of Microsoft Bing Tile Maps, but I agree that the connection with other packages is desirable. Done in this commit and I also added a note in the first vignette about both terms being identical.

On A-bing_map_tile_system_functions.Rmd:

On D-quadkey_visualization_app.Rmd: It’s a nice and valuable addition to have a vignette introducing the Shiny app, with screenshots showing common behaviors. I will leave here some minor improvements I think you could make to the app:

2 - Function documentation

Following on the above, it would be useful to add to the function documentation of apply_weekly_lag(), a line in the Description clarifying that these are specific to the format of FB mobility data.

Is quadkeyr::clip() supposed to be exported? Its documentation mentions that this is an internal function and doesn’t provide much detail on functionality. It also masks graphics::clip(), so if you don’t think it will be much use to end-users, I would suggest to keep it internal.If you want to roxygen to produce a documentation file for the function, while preventing the function from being exported, you can use the @keywords internal tag instead of @export.

Yes, I thought about this. Most of the functions in map_functions.R could be internal. As I wasn’t sure how potential users could use the package I decided to make available all the functions. However, it is true that among the functions in map_functions.R, clip() is the most difficult to imagine and use in isolation and the masking is giving a justification to make this one internal. Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@c8f97282d

Similar comment for complete_grid_for_polygons(). Is this function meant to be exported? Are you exporting it because it may be useful for advanced users? If so, it would be useful to mention it in the function documentation.

I agree, this is pending.

The code style is at times inconsistent across the documentation (examples and vignettes). For example, = and <- both being used for assignment, sometimes even within the same example (e.g. create_raster()). Using styler::style_pkg() to catch these may be helpful.

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@f105177c. This also fixes most of the space issues that @vincentvanhees mentioned.

What is the difference between extract_qk_coord() and extract_tile_coord()? It is unclear from the documentation and the examples. Doing a quick test, I also get that both functions return the same result, with the exception that extract_qk_coord() does not require a level argument.

 grid <- create_qk_grid(
   xmin = -59,
   xmax = -40,
   ymin = -38,
   ymax = -20,
   level = 6

 tile_result <- extract_tile_coord(data = grid$data, level = 6)
 qk_result   <- extract_qk_coord(data = grid$data)

 waldo::compare(tile_result, qk_result)
 #> ✔ No differences

Yes, the difference between these two functions is the input, not the output. Instead of using the QuadKey to get the geographic coordinates, you can use the Tile coordinates. One of the QuadKeys’ properties is that the length of the string provides information about the level of detail, that is why you need to specify the level when starting the conversion from the Tile coordinates. What I think you find weird about this is that I don’t need to define in detail both functions, I can call get_tile_coord() inside get_qk_coord(). That is the change I applied in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@6054769

The example in format_fb_data() is not reproducible for users and is wrapped in a dontrun{}. Couldn’t you provide an internal data frame mimicking the format of facebook mobility data? The name fb_mobility_file that you use in the function documentation sounds like a great name for this example data frame. Alternatively, you could also demo how to download the file from a stable link with download.file(), saving to a temporary directory, and reading from there.

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@63c8932

In ground_res(), it would be useful to add a link to the Microsoft documentation. Same goes for mapscale(), mapsize().

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@2772dd9

In latlong_to_quadkey(), do the returned coordinates correspond to the upper-left corner of the pixel? Is this where the caveat from the vignette applies? If so, it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it again in the function documentation. Same comment goes for pixelXY_to_latlong(), tileXY_to_pixelXY()

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@157701dba0

It’s a shame that the example of polygon_to_raster() is not runnable nor reproducible, as this is the example that best describes that the entire workflow. My comments and suggestions to fix it are the same as mentioned above for the C-from_facebook_quadkey_data_to_raster.Rmd vignette. These would also apply to the function documentation of read_fb_mobility_fiels().

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@c27e452

There is some inconsistency in the argument names for quadkey_to_tileXY() and quadkey_to_langlot(), despite both taking a character quadkey as primary argument. Some suggestions:

Making both functions vectorised, so they can each accept a quadkey character vector of any length, OR… Keep the current behavior, but change the argument name of qk to quadkey in quadkey_to_tileXY(), for more consistency with quadkey_to_latlong()

Done but let me think again about it. 🤔

The documentation of quadkey_to_tileXY says the argument needs to be a character vector, but in the example, you use a numeric vector and rely on type coercion. I suggest fixing the example to use an argument, but also making quadkey_to_tileXY fail explicitly if the input type is not character.

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@f4ecb2ddb and also mentioned as an issue in the quadkeyr repo Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr#2

3 - Functionality

As mentioned above, apply_weekly_lag() is currently failing for the C-from_facebook_quadkey_data_to_raster.Rmd vignette. When you implement a fix, it would perhaps be a good idea to add a unit test checking that the function works for the data used in the vignette.

The problem was really that the data that that function was reading was incorrect, that was why it didn't failed.

The example provided in complete_grid_polygons() returns a data frame where the quadkey column is filled with NA, which does not seem like the intended behaviour. If you fix this, I suggest adding a unit-test based on the example. It should be easy since your example is already in a compact-enough format.

No. By intentionally retaining the NA values in those QuadKeys, you're indicating that these specific QuadKeys serve a purpose in completing polygons but are not considered part of the grid. After calculating the polygons I subset the data and remove them. I added comments to the function documentation to clarify this.

4 - API design

These comments touch more on the API design choices, which fall a bit out-of-scope of the reviewing guidelines from rOpenSci. I raise them here in case you find them useful, but I completely understand if you prefer not to implement them, since they can be time-consuming 😄 From the user perspective, I find it a bit difficult to differentiate between the functions that are specific to the FB mobility data (e.g. apply_weekly_lag(), missing_combinations()) and those that are more general and could be used in other applications (e.g. create_quadkey_grid()). Perhaps a way to remove some of this confusion could be to create different sections in the pkgdown website, bundling together functions that are specific to FB mobility data and those that are more general. usethis uses a similar approach, see for example their function reference and how they define the categories via the _pkgdown.yml. If you want to take it a step further, it could also be useful to use a common prefix for FB-specific operations (e.g. fb_apply_weekly_lag(), fb_format_data()).

This is a great comment!

I find the name of create_raster() confusing. As a spatial R user, the name create_raster() leads me to believe that the function returns a raster Raster* object, while in reality it returns a stars object. In my opinion, a slightly different name (e.g. create_stars() or create_stars_raster()) would be slightly less confusing.

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@75a1c76aa

Similarly, when I read extract_qk_coord() or extract_tile_coord(), I expect a function that behaves similarly to terra::extract()/raster::extract() (i.e. which extract the value of a raster based on a polygon or point; functions that take a raster and a polygon/point object as arguments). However, extract_qk_coord() and extract_tile_coord() are not doing spatial extractions. Perhaps a name like get_qk_coord() would be better.

Done in Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@f5966b66

flor14 commented 4 months ago

@emilyriederer and reviewers

There are 4 comments and 1 bug on the last revision that I have pending, but there are minor ones: 1 - Make the function complete_grid_for_polygon() internal 2 - Split the reference section regarding what the functions are for. 3 - I want to see if the argument names of quadkey_* functions still make sense after all the changes. 4- Fix a bug in one of the vignettes: the hour column appears as NA by a parsing error in read.csv.

I have to leave this for some days now, so I decided to share my comments anyway. I will open issues with these pending items and post them when finished.

emilyriederer commented 4 months ago

Hi @flor14 - thank you so much for the hard work and all of your updates! Your dedication to the work and all of the new developments are really impressive to see. Please keep us posted whenever you prefer the reviewers to take a final look

flor14 commented 4 months ago

Vincent, Maria Paula, and @emilyriederer,

First of all, thank you for your patience. Here are the last modifications, the revision is now complete on my end:

1 - I have created an image illustrating this concept and added it to the vignette. Aditionally, I have created it for latlong_to_quadkey() as well:


2 - I have updated the argument names for quadkey_to_latlong() to quadkey_data and keep quadkey for quadkey_to_tileXY(). 👉🏼Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@7d0a9da17

Finally, I have run again stylr_pkg() after most of this changes 👉🏼 Fernandez-Lab-WSU/quadkeyr@0df053ebb

Last but not least, I would like to thank you for the detailed review once again. When I began this particular part of the project in August 2023, I was very new to working with QuadKeys. It has been a very ambitious package from the start, but as the intention is to continue working with this data I know that all of this hard work will pay off. I am quite happy with the results, as we now have a package to condense all that I've learned from my research and from you to share with the rest of the community.

Question: Would it be possible to leave a version of this package in Spanish (I mean, not to have the review in Spanish again, if not leave a version of it in Spanish)? I am not sure if that is possible or if you have any comments/examples about other developers doing something like that.

Thank you! And just in case @ropensci-review-bot check package

emilyriederer commented 4 months ago

Thank you @flor14 ! Your dedication to this ambitious project is very impressive and its great to see all these updates. I know we are actively reviewing packages now in multiple languages, so I will check in with the editorial team regarding best practices for maintaing versions of both.

@mpaulacaldas and @vincentvanhees - can you please take a pass through all these wonderful updates and confirm your approval with this template?

emilyriederer commented 4 months ago

Hi there @mpaulacaldas and @vincentvanhees - just a reminder, at your convenience, could you please review @flor14 's updates and confirm your approval with this template? Per our reviewer guide, the goal of this stage is to ensure you feel your comments have been sufficiently addressed

vincentvanhees commented 4 months ago

Sorry, I have been crazily occupied, it is on my to do list for the weekend.

flor14 commented 4 months ago

For the past few days, I have been using quadkeyr and I have added improvements in apply_weekly_lag(), read_fb_mobility_files(), and format_fb_data() along with their tests.

I will not merge these changes because I believe the review has already been addressed, and I don't want to create confusion. However, if after reading the review you still have concerns about these specific functions, you can check that branch.

Thank you.

vincentvanhees commented 4 months ago

Reviewer Response

Great job @flor14! My comments have been addressed satisfactory.

A few remarks for your consideration:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1

mpaulacaldas commented 4 months ago

Reviewer Response

Thank you @flor14 for all of the detailed and careful changes you made in this last round. With these, I believe you have addressed my key comments in a satisfactory way, and I am happy for to recommend approval.

Like Vincent, I leave here a couple of remarks for future consideration:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1

flor14 commented 4 months ago

Thank you @mpaulacaldas and @vincentvanhees

I will change what you are saying @mpaulacaldas tomorrow morning. The @export tag was removed in the other internal functions, probably I missed removing them in the last review. Thank you for pointing this out.

emilyriederer commented 4 months ago

Thank you, @mpaulacaldas and @vincentvanhees for your continued, thoughtful engagement! We really appreciate your support

@flor14 - please give me a tag after you've made the last tweaks based on @mpaulacaldas 's feedback, and I think we will be ready to approve quadkeyr!

flor14 commented 3 months ago

I am on hold with this because the researcher I am working with is asking the university about the copyright. Also, I will ask a question in ROpenSci Slack regarding how to specify the authorship, in case you have an opinion about it.

vincentvanhees commented 3 months ago

My understanding is that if you work for an institute then usually they are the copyright holder and not the external funder that funded the research.

Also, I will ask a question in ROpenSci Slack regarding how to specify the authorship, in case you have an opinion about it.

You can just do:

    c(person(given = "Florencia",
           family = "D'Andrea", 
           email = "", 
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-0041-097X")),
    person("Your Institute Name", role="cph"))

EDIT: I now saw the question you posted which is a of a different nature. Agree with Noam that minor contributors do not need to be code contributions, and auth should be reserved for those who made significant contributions.

flor14 commented 3 months ago

Thank you @vincentvanhees, you are always ready to answer. The researcher told me that she wanted to ask someone from the university about this, so I will wait anyway. I don't work for any institution, this is just a contract.

flor14 commented 3 months ago

The review is finished, I have updated the authors, and created a release.

Remaining questions:

Thank you

vincentvanhees commented 3 months ago

thanks, there is a typo in my name, it is "van Hees" not "Van Hess".

flor14 commented 3 months ago

Oh, I will fix it before the end of the day.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 12:06 AM Vincent van Hees @.***> wrote:

thanks, there is a typo in my name is "van Hees" not "Van Hess".

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flor14 commented 3 months ago

Done! I modified the release so there is not a version with your name incorrect.

emilyriederer commented 3 months ago

Congratulations @flor14 ! Thank you so much for your dedication to this package

emilyriederer commented 3 months ago

@ropensci-review-bot approve quadkeyr

ropensci-review-bot commented 3 months ago

Approved! Thanks @flor14 for submitting and @mpaulacaldas, @vincentvanhees for your reviews! :grin:


Should you want to acknowledge your reviewers in your package DESCRIPTION, you can do so by making them "rev"-type contributors in the Authors@R field (with their consent).

Welcome aboard! We'd love to host a post about your package - either a short introduction to it with an example for a technical audience or a longer post with some narrative about its development or something you learned, and an example of its use for a broader readership. If you are interested, consult the blog guide, and tag @ropensci/blog-editors in your reply. They will get in touch about timing and can answer any questions.

We maintain an online book with our best practice and tips, this chapter starts the 3d section that's about guidance for after onboarding (with advice on releases, package marketing, GitHub grooming); the guide also feature CRAN gotchas. Please tell us what could be improved.

Last but not least, you can volunteer as a reviewer via filling a short form.

emilyriederer commented 3 months ago

A few additional notes @flor14 :

yabellini commented 3 months ago

I will jump here to add that we are discussing multilingual documentation and publishing and sharing projects, ideas, and progress in the #multilingual channel in our Slack. 😃

flor14 commented 3 months ago

@ropensci-review-bot finalize transfer of quadkeyr

ropensci-review-bot commented 3 months ago

Transfer completed. The quadkeyr team is now owner of the repository and the author has been invited to the team