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Presubmission Inquiry of the `cryptoQuotes`-package #644

Closed serkor1 closed 3 weeks ago

serkor1 commented 1 month ago

Submitting Author Name: Serkan Korkmaz Submitting Author Github Handle: !--author1-->@serkor1<!--end-author1-- Repository: Submission type: Pre-submission Language: en

Package: cryptoQuotes
Title: A Streamlined Access to Cryptocurrency OHLC-V Market Data and Sentiment Indicators
Version: 1.3.1
Authors@R: c(
    person("Serkan", "Korkmaz", , "", role = c("cre", "aut", "ctb", "cph"),
           comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-5052-0982")),
    person("Jonas", "Cuzulan Hirani", , "", role = "ctb",
           comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-9512-1993"))
  This high-level API client offers a streamlined access to public cryptocurrency market data and sentiment indicators. It features OHLC-V (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) that comes
  with granularity ranging from seconds to months and essential sentiment indicators to develop and backtest trading strategies, or conduct detailed market analysis. By interacting directly with
  the major cryptocurrency exchanges this package ensures a reliable, and stable, flow of market information, eliminating the need for complex, low-level API interactions or webcrawlers.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
    testthat (>= 3.0.0),
Config/testthat/edition: 3
    cli (>= 3.6.2),
    curl (>= 5.2.1),
    jsonlite (>= 1.8.8),
    lifecycle (>= 1.0.4),
    plotly (>= 4.10.4),
    TTR (>= 0.24.4),
    xts (>= 0.13.2),
    zoo (>= 1.8-12)
    R (>= 4.0.0)
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr


The package retrieves cryptocurrency market data by interacting with public API endpoints provided by the cryptocurrency exchanges.

The primary target audience are researchers and students of Finance, the package compliments the likes of TTR, FinancialInstruments and PerformanceAnalytics.

The secondary target audience are data scientists that are looking to find high quality cryptocurrency data for developing and evaluating prediction models.

The third target audience are traders that are looking to develop and evaluate trading strategies using cryptocurrency data.

The packages which comes closest is the coinmarketcapr- and crypto2-packages.

However, coinmarketcapr is gated behind an API subscription and haven't been updated in the last two years. The crypto2-package, a fork of crypto, scrapes the data from coinmarketcap; the package saw its last update 4 months ago, and prior to that it have not been updated since March 2023. Both packages only supports, to the best of my knowledge, daily data.

The cryptoQuotes-package, albeit new as it was released December 2023, retrieves the data by interacting with the public API endpoints provided by the cryptocurrency exchanges. Furthermore, the available data comes with a higher degree of quality and detail as the data is provided directly from the exchanges, from which the data can be extracted in 1 second to 1 month intervals, which can be a necessity when studying price dynamics.

Furthermore, cryptoQuotes is not gated behind a subscription, and all its functions and features are extensively documented.

NOTE: See issue and It seems that crypto2 lost its access to the coinmarketcap API; which leaves coinmarketcapr as the only similar package left.

Not applicable.

Firstly, cryptoQuotes has already been published on CRAN. Secondly, I have an update pending (1.3.1) which is the development-branch of my repository. This update haven't been published as I wanted to submit and, hopefully review, my package with you before that update gets published!

Edit: I have published 1.3.1 to CRAN and moved the latest update to the main-branch.

serkor1 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @jooolia,

I see that phangorn-package got its presubmission approval the same day it was labelled (Issue Have I missed something?


jooolia commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @serkor1 , Thanks for your submission and for your patience, I am currently discussing with the other editors about this submission.

Cheers, Julia

serkor1 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @jooolia

Thank you for the update, and your valuable time - I'll stay patient 😊


jooolia commented 3 weeks ago

Dear @serkor1 , Thanks for your submission. We have reviewed your information and deemed that the package makes sense as a data retrieval package. We welcome your full submission when you are ready. Thanks! Julia

serkor1 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @jooolia, looking forward to it - gonna be a blast! :smile:

sstoeckl commented 2 weeks ago

Dear @serkor1 and @jooolia, I have just pushed fixes for the broken @crypto2 package and, once again, all available historical prices, listing information etc is available for all cryptocurrencies (this is a truly survivorship bias-free dataset for research purposes). It is used to create asset-pricing factors for cryptos etc. If interesting I will consider submitting it to ropensci once I have it back on CRAN.