ropensci / spelling

Tools for Spell Checking in R
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urls are treated as spelling errors #21

Closed GregorDeCillia closed 5 years ago

GregorDeCillia commented 5 years ago

urls in markdown (md) documents are spell-checked in spell_check_files() and spell_check_package() as long as they have angle brackets around them. This is inconsistent with the behavior of links without angle brackets, which are not spellchecked.

Here is a repex where I create a markdown file from an rmarkdown file using rmarkdown::github_document().

writeLines(con = "test.Rmd", text = "
output: github_document

rmarkdown::render("test.Rmd", quiet = TRUE)

cat(readLines(""), sep = "\n")
#> <>

spelling::spell_check_files(c("", "test.Rmd"))
#>   WORD       FOUND IN
#> github
#> https
#> ropensci

As we can see, only the urls in the .md file are spellchecked. If the angle brackets get removed, all spell checks pass.

readLines("") %>% sub("<", "", .) %>% 
  sub(">", "", .) %>% writeLines("")

spelling::spell_check_files(c("", "test.Rmd"))
#> No spelling errors found.

It would be very handy if this could be fixed in the spelling package, since I am using rmarkdown::github_document() for most of my R packages and I don't see an elegant way to run spell_check_package() without getting spellcheck-warnings because of this behavior.

jeroen commented 5 years ago

It doesn't happen if you give the url a real text like this:

[issue #21](

Or if you want the text to be the actual link to you can wrap it in backticks:


But yes if you insert plain URLs in your text they are going to be spell checked...

GregorDeCillia commented 5 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. The workaround with the backticks looks good to me.