ropensci / spelling

Tools for Spell Checking in R
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Spell check does not for for two or more languages #47

Open samuel-rosa opened 4 years ago

samuel-rosa commented 4 years ago

I have a package in which the documentation in written in English (functions) and a second language (vignettes). These languages are set in the Language field of the DESCRIPTION file. This is done following the 'Writing R Extensions' manual:

A ‘Language’ field can be used to indicate if the package documentation is not in English: this should be a comma-separated list of standard (not private use or grandfathered) IETF language tags as currently defined by RFC 5646 (, see also, i.e., use language subtags which in essence are 2-letter ISO 639-1 ( or 3-letter ISO 639-3 ( language codes.

When running devtools::spell_check(), the following error message is issued:

> devtools::spell_check()
Error: Dictionary file not found: pt_BR, EN_US.dic

I haven't found a way around this.