ropensci / spocc

Species occurrence data toolkit for R
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how can I save my search results in csv, can anyone help me ? #262

Open Angievillalobol opened 11 months ago

Angievillalobol commented 11 months ago

res_set[["gbif"]] Species [Abrotanella linearifolia (37), Abrotanella purpurea (12), Abrotanella submarginata (13), Acaena masafuerana (39), Acaena trifida var. glabrescens (3), Acaena trifida var. trifida (0), Acrisione cymosa (118), Acrisione denticulata var. pilota (13), Adenopeltis serrata (214), Adesmia aphylla (47)] First 10 rows of [Abrotanella_linearifolia]

A tibble: 37 × 121

name longitude latitude prov issues key scientificName datasetKey publishingOrgKey

1 Abrotanella … -73.1 -51.4 gbif "cdc,… 2618… Abrotanella l… 0943f690-… 6ba9a8cc-513a-4… 2 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "inco… 6203… Abrotanella l… c1a13bf0-… 8879085f-09ed-4… 3 Abrotanella … -74.0 -42.4 gbif "gass… 1259… Abrotanella l… e053ff53-… 90fd6680-349f-1… 4 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "inco… 6203… Abrotanella l… c1a13bf0-… 8879085f-09ed-4… 5 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "" 3350… Abrotanella l… d8cd16ba-… ada9d123-ddb4-4… 6 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "" 2250… Abrotanella l… 040c5662-… b3bf3a83-1f68-4… 7 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "" 4028… Abrotanella l… 861e6afe-… 485ff490-e3b7-1… 8 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "osii… 1456… Abrotanella l… 821cc27a-… bc092ff0-02e4-1… 9 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "inco… 2618… Abrotanella l… 0943f690-… 6ba9a8cc-513a-4… 10 Abrotanella … NA NA gbif "inco… 1096… Abrotanella l… 0943f690-… 6ba9a8cc-513a-4… # ℹ 27 more rows # ℹ 112 more variables: installationKey , hostingOrganizationKey , # publishingCountry , protocol , lastCrawled , lastParsed , crawlId , # basisOfRecord , occurrenceStatus , taxonKey , kingdomKey , # phylumKey , classKey , orderKey , familyKey , genusKey , # speciesKey , acceptedTaxonKey , acceptedScientificName , kingdom , # phylum , order , family , genus , species , genericName , … # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows, and `colnames()` to see all variable names