ropensci / tabulapdf

Bindings for Tabula PDF Table Extractor Library
Apache License 2.0
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Improve Shiny-based `extract_areas()` functionality #49

Open leeper opened 7 years ago

leeper commented 7 years ago

Both locate_areas() and extract_areas() use, optionally, a Shiny interface to identify areas. This could probably improved because I'm not much of a Shiny expert. Any advice on improvements and new functionality can be pitched here and/or submitted as PRs.

jkeuskamp commented 7 years ago

I am working on a new Shiny interface for my application of tabulizer::locate_areas. When finished I'll do a pull request.

jkeuskamp commented 7 years ago

to give you an idea, this is what my code currently looks like; suggestions are welcome.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  #This script expects to find a variable called thumbnaildir containing the name of the directory containing thumbnails

  thumbnails <-  normalizePath(list.files(thumbnaildir,full.names = TRUE))
  pages <- length(thumbnails)
  Arealist <- vector("list", pages) 
  updateSliderInput(session, "page", max = pages)

  output$image2 <- renderImage({

      src = thumbnails[input$page],
      contentType = "image/png",
      width= paste0(100*input$zoom,"%"),
      alt = thumbnails[input$page]
  }, deleteFile = FALSE)

  xy_range_str <- function(e) {
    if(is.null(e)) return("NULL")
    list=c("top"=round(e$ymin/input$zoom, 1),
           "left"=round(e$xmin/input$zoom, 1),
           "right"=round(e$ymax/input$zoom, 1),
           "bottom"=round(e$ymin/input$zoom, 1))

  output$image_brushinfo <- renderText({

  update_list <- function(brush) {
    if(!is.null(brush)) Arealist[[input$page]]<<-xy_range_str(brush)

    if(input$page > 0) update_list(input$image_brush)

    if(input$done > 0){


ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Image output"),

             sliderInput("page", "page :", min = 1, max = 10,
                         value = 1, step = 1),
             sliderInput("zoom", "zoom :", min = 1, max = 3,
                         value = 1, step = .1),
             actionButton("done", "Done")
           imageOutput("image2",height ="auto", width = "auto",
                       brush = brushOpts(id = "image_brush", 
                                         direction = c("xy"), resetOnNew = TRUE))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
jkeuskamp commented 7 years ago

I placed another incarnation of a potential shiny interface for tabulizer online on If you want to have a look please mail send me an email so that I can make an account. I am not a Shiny expert at all so I'll need some time to optimize the code, but its getting there