ropensci / targets

Function-oriented Make-like declarative workflows for R
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add "niceNames" and "showAttributes" to deparse options #1375

Closed wlandau closed 4 hours ago

wlandau commented 5 hours ago

Options "niceNames" and "showAttributes" have been part of .deparseOpts() since I think I was resistant to adding these initially because they seemed recent additions to R, but they have been around since R 3.5.0, which is the minimum version of targets. Adding them would improve the user experience for cases like

wlandau commented 5 hours ago

To elaborate: targets currently does this:

deparse(structure(list(a = 1), class = "b"), control = c("keepNA", "keepInteger"))
#> [1] "list(1)"

I am proposing that it do this:

deparse(structure(list(a = 1), class = "b"), control = c("keepNA", "keepInteger", "niceNames", "showAttributes"))
#> [1] "structure(list(a = 1), class = \"b\")"

This will make tar_map() and tar_map_rep() easier to use.