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Consider moving development version to its own branch #158

Closed zachary-foster closed 6 years ago

zachary-foster commented 6 years ago

Some reviewers lately commented on failing tests. I personally don't worry too much about failing tests mid development (since often times the test at fault rather than what it is testing), but It might give some people a bad impression.

@sckott and I started this conversion over email, so I will paste @sckott's reply here:

Hmm, that might be a good idea to develop on a dev branch and then only merge to master perhaps right before cran push or similar. But e.g, there are drawbacks to using a different branch. In a world like we have where most people probably install R packages from CRAN, it's almost like Github master branch is the develop branch relative to its CRAN version, I don't know, thoughts?

it's almost like Github master branch is the develop branch relative to its CRAN version

Thats how I think of it.

That link is interesting. I tend to lean towards not using a development branch. I have done it in the past and I remember it being more trouble than it was worth.

What bout a hybrid approach, where master is considered a "stable" development version, different than the CRAN release, and any change significant enough to break things, or complicated enough to not be able to completely implemented (test, docs included) in a single commit we put on a temporary branch just for that change and merge to master when its done and all the tests pass?

sckott commented 6 years ago

any change significant enough to break things, or complicated enough to not be able to completely implemented (test, docs included) in a single commit we put on a temporary branch just for that change and merge to master when its done and all the tests pass?

sure, sounds good. e.g., a spelling change we can just commit, but if you add a new function, branch and get that done with tests and make sure passing, then merge

zachary-foster commented 6 years ago

Nice, lets do that