ropensci / taxa

taxonomic classes for R
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Look into other ids besides numerics ones #72

Closed zachary-foster closed 7 years ago

zachary-foster commented 7 years ago

alpha when no official database ids are available.

perhaps also a hash of ex_taxmap$name_classifications()

zachary-foster commented 7 years ago

I found a function in the oro.dicom package that can convert from base 10 to any other base, but it still uses numbers for the first 10 values. I modified it to use any list of characters (letters by default) and added it to the package.

> taxa:::convert_base(1:100)
  [1] "b"  "c"  "d"  "e"  "f"  "g"  "h"  "i"  "j"  "k"  "l"  "m"  "n"  "o"  "p"  "q"  "r"  "s"  "t"  "u"  "v"  "w"  "x"  "y"  "z"  "ba" "bb" "bc" "bd" "be" "bf"
 [32] "bg" "bh" "bi" "bj" "bk" "bl" "bm" "bn" "bo" "bp" "bq" "br" "bs" "bt" "bu" "bv" "bw" "bx" "by" "bz" "ca" "cb" "cc" "cd" "ce" "cf" "cg" "ch" "ci" "cj" "ck"
 [63] "cl" "cm" "cn" "co" "cp" "cq" "cr" "cs" "ct" "cu" "cv" "cw" "cx" "cy" "cz" "da" "db" "dc" "dd" "de" "df" "dg" "dh" "di" "dj" "dk" "dl" "dm" "dn" "do" "dp"
 [94] "dq" "dr" "ds" "dt" "du" "dv" "dw"

The package now uses these for taxon ids. Still need to use actual database ids when they are available