ropensci / taxa

taxonomic classes for R
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What to do with cases with no data/results #95

Closed sckott closed 6 years ago

sckott commented 6 years ago

e.g., when using taxize, a user will often have some taxa with matches and some with no matches. We then have to turn the results into taxa pkg classes. Right now taxa classes can't do no data unless pass in e.g,. empty string like "" -

maybe we should explicitly handle this so that "null" classes are supported and are supported when combining classes, etc. (supported could mean for null objects that they are dropped or something, not sure yet)

zachary-foster commented 6 years ago

Yea, something to think about. This is related to #90.

sckott commented 6 years ago

thx, yep, def. related

zachary-foster commented 6 years ago

oops, did not mean to close