Join all synonyms tables together for a more comprehensive list(?). Will require de-duplication.
Create a function that will query the name against synonym list and return the correct match. Note: unlike a generic 'fuzzy match' or 'spell check', most synonym tables provide specific matches to accepted IDs/names. This is nice as it permits automation where we can auto-correct names without having to request user input, but a fuzzy-match behavior might be a useful further addition.
, needs porting here)Join all synonyms tables together for a more comprehensive list(?). Will require de-duplication.
Create a function that will query the name against synonym list and return the correct match. Note: unlike a generic 'fuzzy match' or 'spell check', most synonym tables provide specific matches to accepted IDs/names. This is nice as it permits automation where we can auto-correct names without having to request user input, but a fuzzy-match behavior might be a useful further addition.