ropensci / taxize

A taxonomic toolbelt for R
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Offer to contribute function ncbi_children #348

Closed zachary-foster closed 10 years ago

zachary-foster commented 10 years ago

I needed a function to get the children of a given taxon (referenced by taxid or name) from the NCBI taxonomy database. I noticed that there are functions that do this for COL and ITIS, but I did not find one for NCBI. I made my own function to do this, inspired by the techniques and style implemented in taxize. It seems to work fine although I have not tested it extensively yet. It accepts a character vector of either taxid or taxon names. When searching by name, different taxa with the same name (e.g. Satyrium) can be differentiated by supplying a character vector of ancestor names (See examples in roxygen comments). Are you interested in having this function integrated into taxize? If so, I can do some more fine tunning, integrate in into taxize, and submit a pull request. What I have so far is pasted below. The first function relies on the second.

#' Search NCBI for children of a taxon
#' Search the NCBI Taxonomy database for uids of children of taxa. Taxa can be referenced by name
#' or uid. Referencing by name is faster.
#' In a few cases, different taxa have the same name (e.g. Satyrium; see examples). If one of these
#' are searched for then the children of both taxa will be returned. This can be avoided by
#' using a uid instead of the name or specifying an ancestor. If an ancestor is provided, only 
#' children of both the taxon and its ancestor are returned. This will only fail if there are two
#' taxa with the same name and the same specified ancestor. 
#' @param name (\code{character}) The string to search for. Only exact matches found the name given
#' will be returned. Not compatible with \code{id}.
#' @param id (\code{character}) The uid to search for. Not compatible with \code{name}.
#' @param start The first record to return. If omitted, the results are returned from the first
#'   record (start=0). 
#' @param max_return (\code{numeric; length=1}) The maximum number of children to return.
#' @param ancestor (\code{character}) The ancestor of the taxon being searched for. This is useful
#'   if there could be more than one taxon with the same name. Has no effect if \code{id} is used.
#' @param out_type (character) Currently either \code{"summary"} or \code{"uid"}:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{summary}{The output is a list of \code{data.frame} with children uid, name, and rank.}
#'     \item{uid}{A list of character vectors of children uids}
#'   }
#' @return The output type depends on the value of the \code{out_type} parameter. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{ncbi_get_taxon_summary}}, \code{\link[taxize]{children}}
#' @examples
#' ncbi_children(name="Satyrium") #Satyrium is the name of two different genera
#' ncbi_children(name="Satyrium", ancestor="Eumaeini") # A genus of butterflies
#' ncbi_children(name="Satyrium", ancestor="Orchidaceae") # A genus of orchids
#' ncbi_children(id="266948") #"266948" is the uid for the butterfly genus
#' ncbi_children(id="62858") #"62858" is the uid for the orchid genus
#' @export
ncbi_children <- function(name = NULL, id = NULL, start = 0, max_return = 1000,
                              ancestor = NULL, out_type = c("summary", "uid")) {
  # Argument validation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (sum(c(is.null(name), is.null(id))) != 1) {
    stop("Either name or id must be specified, but not both")
  out_type <- match.arg(out_type)
  # Get name from id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(name)) {
    if (class(id) != 'uid') attr(id, 'class') <- 'uid'
    id_taxonomy <- classification(id, db = 'ncbi')
    name <- vapply(id_taxonomy, function(x) x$name[nrow(x)], character(1))
    ancestor <- vapply(id_taxonomy,
                     function(x) ifelse(nrow(x) > 1, x$name[nrow(x) - 1], NA),
  } else if (is.null(ancestor)) {
    ancestor <- rep(NA, length(name))
  single_search <- function(name, ancestor) {
    # Make eutils esearch query --------------------------------------------------------------------
    base_url <- ""
    if ( {
      ancestor_query <- NULL
    } else {
      ancestor_query <- paste0("+AND+", ancestor, "[subtree]")
    taxon_query <- paste0("term=", name, "[Next+Level]", ancestor_query)
    max_return_query <- paste0("RetMax=", max_return)
    start_query <- paste0("RetStart=", start)
    query <- paste(base_url, taxon_query, max_return_query, start_query, sep="&")
    # Search ncbi for children ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    raw_results <- RCurl::getURL(query)
    # Parse results --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    results <- XML::xmlTreeParse(raw_results, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
    children_uid <- XML::xpathSApply(results, "//eSearchResult/IdList/Id", XML::xmlValue)
    Sys.sleep(0.34) # NCBI limits requests to three per second
  #Combine the result of multiple searches ----------------------------------------------------------
  output <- Map(single_search, name, ancestor)
  if (out_type == "summary") {
    output <- lapply(output, ncbi_get_taxon_summary)
    output <- Map(setNames, output, list(c("childtaxa_id", "childtaxa_name", "childtaxa_rank")))
  if (is.null(id)) names(output) <- name else names(output) <- id

#' NCBI taxon information from uids
#' Downloads summary taxon information from the NCBI taxonomy databases for a set of taxonomy uids
#' using eutils esummary.
#' @param id (character) NCBI taxonomy uids to retrieve information for.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with the following rows:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{uid}{The uid queried for}
#'     \item{name}{The name of the taxon; a binomial name if the taxon is of rank species}
#'     \item{rank}{The taxonomic rank (e.g. 'Genus')}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ncbi_get_taxon_summary(c(1430660, 4751))}
#' @export
ncbi_get_taxon_summary <- function(id) {
  # Argument validation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (length(id) <= 1 && return(NA)
  if (is.null(id)) return(NULL)
  id <- as.character(id)
  # Make eutils esummary query ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  base_url <- ""
  query <- paste0(base_url, "&id=", paste(id, collapse = "+"))
  # Search ncbi taxonomy for uid -------------------------------------------------------------------
  raw_results <- RCurl::getURL(query)
  # Parse results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  results <- XML::xmlTreeParse(raw_results, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
  output <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    uid = XML::xpathSApply(results, "/eSummaryResult//DocSum/Id", XML::xmlValue),
    name = XML::xpathSApply(results, "/eSummaryResult//DocSum/Item[@Name='ScientificName']",
    rank = XML::xpathSApply(results, "/eSummaryResult//DocSum/Item[@Name='Rank']", XML::xmlValue)
  output$rank[output$rank == ''] <- "no rank"
  Sys.sleep(0.34) # NCBI limits requests to three per second
sckott commented 10 years ago

thanks @zachary-foster ! I'll take a look and get back to ya in 2 shakes

eduardszoecs commented 10 years ago

Look's good @zachary-foster !

sckott commented 10 years ago

@zachary-foster looks good, i tested out locally, and all worked well. Can you send a PR?

zachary-foster commented 10 years ago

Thanks. PR sent.