ropensci / taxize

A taxonomic toolbelt for R
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Could taxize do without {conditionz}? #908

Closed maelle closed 1 year ago

maelle commented 1 year ago

:wave: @zachary-foster! {conditionz} has been archived on GitHub (not archived on CRAN yet) because it is no longer maintained. Do you think rgbif could do without it? Would you need help, for instance a PR keeping the same kind of functionality? If I am reading the conditionz usage correctly, it could be replaced with functions

zachary-foster commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info! I am not sure. Let me take a look and I will get back to you.

salix-d commented 1 year ago

It's only used in one function (pchk in R/zzz.R) that is only used by deprecated arguments and was gonna be removed.

zachary-foster commented 1 year ago

Ok, conditionz is no longer a dependency. I adapted the code to use lifecycle instead.

maelle commented 1 year ago

Thank you!! Could you please tell me when approximately you plan taxize's next CRAN release?

zachary-foster commented 1 year ago

I did not have a distinct time in mind. Do you think I should release a new version soon to avoid issues with conditionz?

maelle commented 1 year ago

my hope is to archive it on CRAN soon-ish together with other similar packages, there's no particular hurry but if I wait too much maybe new rev deps will appear. :sweat_smile: