ropensci / textworkshop17

Text Workshop at the London School of Economics, April 2017
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Tokenization a.k.a. Boundary Analysis a.k.a. Text Segmentation in ICU #9

Open gagolews opened 7 years ago

gagolews commented 7 years ago

ICU allows for specifying arbitrary boundary rules based on a regex-like syntax. Moreover, it supports dictionary-based break iteration with dictionaries specified by users. I haven't created any interface to that in stringi yet.. Should I do it? Are there any interesting use cases for that?


gagolews commented 7 years ago

gagolews commented 7 years ago

I will add support for custom rule-based break iterators in stringi

gagolews commented 7 years ago

For custom dictionary-based break iterators (something that will enable to handle Korean better), I'm afraid you'll have to contribute to the ICU4C core lib directly - but more users will benefit from this :)

gagolews commented 7 years ago

example use case for rule-based break iteration -- rules can be specified for handling URLs nicely, among others

gagolews commented 7 years ago


> # example from
>    rules <- "
+ !!chain;
+ $VoiceMarks = [\\uff9e\\uff9f];
+ $Format = [\\p{Word_Break = Format}];
+ $Katakana = [\\p{Word_Break = Katakana}-$VoiceMarks];
+ $ALetter = [\\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
+ $MidLetter = [\\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
+ $MidNum = [\\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
+ $Numeric = [\\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
+ $ExtendNumLet = [\\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
+ $CR = \\u000d;
+ $LF = \\u000a;
+ $Extend = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Extend}$VoiceMarks];
+ $Control = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
+ $dictionary = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
+ $ALetterPlus = [$ALetter [$dictionary-$Extend-$Control]];
+ $KatakanaEx = $Katakana     ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $ALetterEx = $ALetterPlus  ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $MidLetterEx = $MidLetter    ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $MidNumEx = $MidNum       ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $NumericEx = $Numeric      ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $ExtendNumLetEx = $ExtendNumLet ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $Hiragana = [:Hiragana:];
+ $Ideographic = [:IDEOGRAPHIC:];
+ $HiraganaEx = $Hiragana ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ $IdeographicEx = $Ideographic  ($Extend |  $Format)*;
+ # ============= Custom Rules ================
+ # Abbreviation: Uppercase alpha chars separated by period and optionally followed by a period
+ $Abbreviation = [A-Z0-9](\\.[A-Z0-9])+(\\.)*;
+ # Hyphenated Word : sequence of letter or digit, (punctuated by - or _, with following letter or digit sequence)+
+ $HyphenatedWord = [A-Za-z0-9]+([\\-_][A-Za-z0-9]+)+;
+ # Email address: sequence of letters, digits and punctuation followed by @ and followed by another sequence
+ $EmailAddress = [A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.]+\\@[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+\\.[a-z]+;
+ # Internet Addresses:
+ $InternetAddress = [a-z]+\\:\\/\\/[a-z0-9]+(\\.[a-z0-9]+)+(\\/[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\.]+);
+ # XML markup: A run begins with < and ends with the first matching >
+ $XmlMarkup = \\<[^\\>]+\\>;
+ # Emoticon: A run that starts with :;B8{[ and contains only one or more of the following -=/{})(
+ $Emoticon = [B8\\:\\;\\{\\[][-=\\/\\{\\}\\)\\(]+;
+ !!forward;
+ $CR $LF  ($Extend | $Format)*;
+ .? ($Extend |  $Format)+;
+ $NumericEx {100};
+ $ALetterEx {200};
+ $KatakanaEx {300};
+ $HiraganaEx {300};
+ $IdeographicEx {400};
+ $ALetterEx $ALetterEx {200};
+ $ALetterEx $MidLetterEx $ALetterEx {200};
+ $NumericEx $NumericEx {100};
+ $ALetterEx $Format* $NumericEx {200};
+ $NumericEx $ALetterEx {200};
+ $NumericEx $MidNumEx $NumericEx {100};
+ $KatakanaEx $KatakanaEx {300};
+ $ALetterEx $ExtendNumLetEx {200};
+ $NumericEx $ExtendNumLetEx {100};
+ $KatakanaEx $ExtendNumLetEx {300};
+ $ExtendNumLetEx $ExtendNumLetEx{200};
+ $ExtendNumLetEx $ALetterEx  {200};
+ $ExtendNumLetEx $NumericEx  {100};
+ $ExtendNumLetEx $KatakanaEx {300};
+ # Custom : Abbreviation
+ $Abbreviation {500};
+ $HyphenatedWord {501};
+ $EmailAddress {502};
+ $InternetAddress {503};
+ $XmlMarkup {504};
+ $Emoticon {505};
+ !!reverse;
+ $BackALetterEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $ALetterPlus;
+ $BackNumericEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $Numeric;
+ $BackMidNumEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidNum;
+ $BackMidLetterEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidLetter;
+ $BackKatakanaEx = ($Format | $Extend)* $Katakana;
+ $BackExtendNumLetEx= ($Format | $Extend)* $ExtendNumLet;
+ ($Format | $Extend)* $LF $CR;
+ ($Format | $Extend)*  .?;
+ $BackALetterEx $BackALetterEx;
+ $BackALetterEx $BackMidLetterEx $BackALetterEx;
+ $BackNumericEx $BackNumericEx;
+ $BackNumericEx $BackALetterEx;
+ $BackALetterEx $BackNumericEx;
+ $BackNumericEx $BackMidNumEx $BackNumericEx;
+ $BackKatakanaEx $BackKatakanaEx;
+ ($BackALetterEx | $BackNumericEx | $BackKatakanaEx | $BackExtendNumLetEx) $BackExtendNumLetEx;
+ $BackExtendNumLetEx ($BackALetterEx | $BackNumericEx | $BackKatakanaEx);
+ !!safe_reverse;
+ ($Extend | $Format)+ .?;
+ $MidLetter $BackALetterEx;
+ $MidNum $BackNumericEx;
+ $dictionary $dictionary;
+ !!safe_forward;
+ ($Extend | $Format)+ .?;
+ $MidLetterEx $ALetterEx;
+ $MidNumEx $NumericEx;
+ $dictionary $dictionary;
+    "
>    expect_identical(
+       stri_extract_all_boundaries("test1 test2\ntest3\ttest4", skip_word_none = TRUE, type="word"),
+       stri_extract_all_boundaries("test1 test2\ntest3\ttest4", skip_word_none = TRUE, type=rules)
+    )
>    x <- "
+ Jaguar will sell its new XJ-6 model in the U.S. for a small fortune :-).
+ Expect to pay around USD 120ks. Custom options can set you back another
+ few 10,000 dollars. For details, go to <a href=\"\"
+ alt=\"Click here\">Jaguar Sales</a> or contact
+    "
>    stri_extract_all_boundaries(x, skip_word_none = TRUE, type="word")
 [1] "Jaguar"         "will"           "sell"           "its"            "new"           
 [6] "XJ"             "6"              "model"          "in"             "the"           
[11] "U.S"            "for"            "a"              "small"          "fortune"       
[16] "Expect"         "to"             "pay"            "around"         "USD"           
[21] "120ks"          "Custom"         "options"        "can"            "set"           
[26] "you"            "back"           "another"        "few"            "10,000"        
[31] "dollars"        "For"            "details"        "go"             "to"            
[36] "a"              "href"           "http"           "" "sales"         
[41] "alt"            "Click"          "here"           "Jaguar"         "Sales"         
[46] "a"              "or"             "contact"        "xj"             "6"             
[51] ""    

>    stri_extract_all_boundaries(x, skip_word_none = TRUE, type=rules)
 [1] "Jaguar"                                                      
 [2] "will"                                                        
 [3] "sell"                                                        
 [4] "its"                                                         
 [5] "new"                                                         
 [6] "XJ-6"                                                        
 [7] "model"                                                       
 [8] "in"                                                          
 [9] "the"                                                         
[10] "U.S."                                                        
[11] "for"                                                         
[12] "a"                                                           
[13] "small"                                                       
[14] "fortune"                                                     
[15] ":-)"                                                         
[16] "Expect"                                                      
[17] "to"                                                          
[18] "pay"                                                         
[19] "around"                                                      
[20] "USD"                                                         
[21] "120ks"                                                       
[22] "Custom"                                                      
[23] "options"                                                     
[24] "can"                                                         
[25] "set"                                                         
[26] "you"                                                         
[27] "back"                                                        
[28] "another"                                                     
[29] "few"                                                         
[30] "10,000"                                                      
[31] "dollars"                                                     
[32] "For"                                                         
[33] "details"                                                     
[34] "go"                                                          
[35] "to"                                                          
[36] "<a href=\"\"\nalt=\"Click here\">"
[37] "Jaguar"                                                      
[38] "Sales"                                                       
[39] "</a>"                                                        
[40] "or"                                                          
[41] "contact"                                                     
[42] "" 
haven-jeon commented 7 years ago

Korean is not supporting well on ICU compared with KoNLP. It needs contribute.

국민은 -> 국민(Noun) + (post-position)

can be vary on different sentences. Tokenizer in Korean means dropping post-position correctly.

Simple method based on dictionary can be

  1. find candidate post-positions
  2. searching remaining part on Korean dictionaries.
  3. if match, returns.
> library(KoNLP)
> library(stringi)
> txt <- "국민은 일회용 컵과 비닐의 사용을 억제하고 산업계는 
+ 제품 생산 단계부터 순환 가치를 고려하는 생산 구조로 전환하는 방안도 제시했다."
> stri_extract_all_boundaries(txt, skip_word_none = TRUE, type="word")
 [1] "국민은"   "일회용"   "컵과"     "비닐의"   "사용을"   "억제하고" "산업계는" "제품"    
 [9] "생산"     "단계부터" "순환"     "가치를"   "고려하는" "생산"     "구조로"   "전환하는"
[17] "방안도"   "제시했다"

> extractNoun(txt)
 [1] "국민"   "일회용" "컵"     "비닐"   "사용"   "억제"   "산업계" "제품"   "생산"   "단계"  
[11] "순환"   "가치"   "고려"   "하"     "생산"   "구조"   "전환"   "하"     "방안"   "제시"