ropensci / tidync

NetCDF exploration and data extraction
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tidync() fails on NetCDF4 file with groups; expected? #110

Closed mike-lawrence closed 3 years ago

mike-lawrence commented 3 years ago

Just wanted to double-check that the docs-noted incompatibility with groups applies to reading as well as writing. If not, and it is expected that files with groups should be readable, here's an example:

tmp = tempfile()
    url = ""
    , destfile = tmp

And the resulting error:

Error: `distinct()` must use existing variables.
x `id` not found in `.data`.
x `name` not found in `.data`.
x `type` not found in `.data`.
x `ndims` not found in `.data`.
x `natts` not found in `.data`.
mdsumner commented 3 years ago

Not supported, should error better though