ropensci / unconf14

Repo to brainstorm ideas (unconference style) for the rOpenSci hackathon.
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Video Happy Fun Documentation Times! #13

Closed dtrapezoid closed 10 years ago

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Video Issue

Hi Y'all awesome folks---

We could use some tasty technology morsels to get this video documentation thing satiated...Here is what would be epic:

-Access to a Wacom -A videocamera of some kind -Laptop w/Adobe Premiere Pro for all the edits in the lands (My suite was stolen with my laptop, sad day) *I met @dreww (GitHub)---perhaps he could help with said impetus?

If not Drew or the GitHub videography team, if anyone knows some solid folks who wouldn't mind allowing us to borrow said devices, that would be most <3ly. We could definitely get some good footage of both the process (on-screen and off) and interviews!

That being said, what do you all think would be most pivotal to document?

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

@karthik Any thoughts to offer on this? :8ball:

karthik commented 10 years ago

Howdy @dtrap Sorry I've been swamped with two other deadlines due this Thursday. I'm still thinking and am sure we'll be able to find you the gear.

With respect to what to document, I think it would be awesome to document how a piece of research software come together, what thought process goes into it, and to show that the people building these are just regular scientist and not professional developers. If we can mix that in with screenshots and descriptions of some of the tools, people will also see why it's worth investing time into learning these skills. I'll add more thoughts soon.

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

@karthik Thanks for checking in! No worries on being busy just wanted to post this issue because... March and April are sneaking up on us. March and April are sneaking up on us! I think you're doing absolutely smashing on organizing and let me know if I can be of any further help!

dreww commented 10 years ago

very lackadasically responding to this, apologies.

i'll check with my video compatriots about either their desire to shoot this or what kind of gear we can loan. editing workstation-wise, we could probably set something up on site the following week?

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

No worries, we've got plenty of tiempo to sort it all.

Both things sound super solid, thanks for checking in!

On Thursday, March 6, 2014, Drew Woods wrote:

very lackadasically responding to this, apologies.

i'll check with my video compatriots about either their desire to shoot this or what kind of gear we can loan. editing workstation-wise, we could probably set something up on site the following week?

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Dani Traphagen (dtrap)

karthik commented 10 years ago

Bringing @matthewmccullough into the conversation. If you can help us with resources to make this happen, that would be fantastic! Also just noticing @dreww's response. Thanks Drew!

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Awesome! Welcome @matthewmccullough! On Mar 12, 2014 1:23 PM, "Karthik Ram" wrote:

Bringing @matthewmccullough into the conversation. If you can help us with resources to make this happen, that would be fantastic! Also just noticing @dreww's response. Thanks Drew!

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matthewmccullough commented 10 years ago

@karthik I think it sounds like Drew has it well in hand. Keep me posted if you need me to fly out for any reason and I'll try to make it happen.

@dtrap Hello! Any time I spend with @karthik is always enlightening; today's lunch got me more excited about version control in science domains. Did we possibly meet at an event at GitHub at some time in the past?

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Lovely to hear @dreww will be helping us out. We're so grateful for GitHub's support in this and are pleased we can document this process in a fashion that makes it better reproducible and deeply understood, at least that's our goal!

@matthewmccullough The same is true for me whenever I hang with @karthik ! I am really excited about the receptivity towards expansion into scientific and educational domains. It is really exciting stuff and with some lessons learned from events like this, it's more than feasible to attract more groups or make tweaks that lower the barriers towards larger numbers of practitioners using dvcs. This is good for everybody imho.

I believe we may have met at the the patchwork event Jessica Lord hosted? If it wasn't that, it may have been virtually through the webinar you hosted with @tlberglund. I remember you being on deck for this, right? On Mar 12, 2014 2:00 PM, "Matthew McCullough" wrote:

@karthik I think it sounds like Drew has it well in hand. Keep me posted if you need me to fly out for any reason and I'll try to make it happen.

@dtrap Hello! Any time I spend with @karthik always enlightening; today's lunch got me more excited about version control in science domains. Did we possibly meet at an event at GitHub at some time in the past?

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tlberglund commented 10 years ago

@dtrap I do believe it was that webinar! We emailed a bit afterwards. I hope we can help you out here. :)

P.S. The kitten/iguana GIF has been harvested, and already shared with animal-loving daughter. Well worth the 10MB hit to the data plan. So good.

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

@tlberglund Great to hear from you again! As to your comment on help in this pursuit well, that would just be great! We are so grateful to [?][?]!

I think the general idea is to do a compilation of video footage and documentation that details the process of a scientifically aimed hackathon. I'd add an generalist element

Details: I mentioned previously that a great way to do this would be to schedule a time to utilize a* wacom, if possible, to do a walk through of what we shipped. [?] *Footage would need to be gathered along the way but we could schedule this at a few set points. If we schedule it out in advance we could probably get a good story together and make it easier on everyone including our excellent helpers.

A possible process would be:

Let me know if you have any thoughts to add @Karthik or logistics/planning/equipment matters @Dreww Thanks so much for joining the front and offering to fly out @matthewmccullough. I think it would be excellent to have you on board if any of the aforementioned interests you. Caution: There will be many much scientists! Did you have thoughts on this @Karthik? I think having someone from training.github would be a huge asset for varying levels of git prowess, but that's just my 2 cents.

P.S. I am so glad it was worth the hit! Because you mentioned animals, I just gotta, can't resist....I just think this event is going to be: [image: Inline image 1]

On Mar 18, 2014 9:57 AM, "Tim Berglund" wrote:

@dtrap I do believe it was that webinar! We emailed a bit afterwards. I hope we can help you out here. :)

P.S. The kitten/iguana GIF has been harvested, and already shared with animal-loving daughter. Well worth the 10MB hit to the data plan. So good.

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karthik commented 10 years ago

Got a couple of other thoughts for you @dtrap Sending via email.

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Great! Thanks @Karthik! On Mar 18, 2014 4:31 PM, "Karthik Ram" wrote:

Got a couple of other thoughts for you @dtrap Sending via email.

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matthewmccullough commented 10 years ago

Folks, it looks like there are date and project commitments that are going to keep me from attending this even though I'd love to. :crying_cat_face: But keep GitHub training in mind any time we can help facilitate learning about the platform, especially if we can virtually participate (we can BlueJeans in to you on a big screen). Also, for events at GitHub HQ, definitely keep it on @brntbeer's radar if he has time and bandwidth!

matthewmccullough commented 10 years ago

Also, this is just me saying I have commitments. We also have @tlberglund in the conversation above and @jordanmccullough too!

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your interest @matthewmccullough! Perhaps we will meet irl at some future event.

Cheers! On Mar 18, 2014 5:10 PM, "Matthew McCullough" wrote:

Also, this is just me saying I have commitments. We also have @tlberglund the conversation above and @jordanmccullough too!

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furyus commented 10 years ago

@dtrap @karthik Hi, I'm Peter - I make videos at GitHub. I'm happy to say we will be able to get some HQ video coverage of this event. We'll have one of our preferred cinematographers there, Kevin Jones, and he'll be shooting with a Canon C100 both days from ~9am-5pm. Additionally, we may be able to provide one or two Sony HD camcorders if any of you guys want to get additional coverage.

@dreww Gave me a few details, but I'd love to know more. As far as content goals, here's what I have thus far - please advise if there's anything else:


  • Detail the process of a scientifically aimed hackathon.
  • Document how a piece of research software come together, what thought process goes into it, and to show that the people building these are just regular scientist and not professional developers.
  • If we can mix that in with screenshots and descriptions of some of the tools, people will also see why it's worth investing time into learning these skills.

For schedule, can you outline more info and specific times, so we can strategize what coverage we'll get? When were you thinking you'd do progress interviews on Monday night? Here's what I have currently:


  • Monday morning 3/31: Footage of initial meeting, pre-hackathon high fives, some footage on discussion and delineation of ideas
  • Monday night 3/31: Progress interviews from 1 party in each group
  • Tuesday morning 4/1: Progress interviews from 1 party in each group
  • Tuesday night 4/1: Overall consensus interviews, progress recap, walkthrough of outcomes w/ the wacom (1 volunteer from each group) More high fives



karthik commented 10 years ago

Wow @furyus!! This is fantastic on so many levels! I'll work on the outline with specific times and get back to you in a day or two (running to another meeting now). To answer your other questions:

Sorry I'm out of the loop - is this event taking place at GitHub HQ? If so, 1st floor only?

Yes, first floor only.

What's the intention with the finished video? Promote this and future rOpensci Hackathons?

Promote open source sw in science, show how collaboration happens in developing science sw, more visibility for the project, inspire others to host similar events etc.

Where did you want it released? GitHub YouTube/Vimeo? or different channels?

GitHub YT would be a huge boost. I was thinking Vimeo that could then get embedded into other blogs.

Were you planning on handling all video editing or looking for help?

I'm clueless on this. But I think @dtrap can answer. She's done this before but lacks equipment?

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Double wows from me! This is amazing! Thank you @furyus! Looks like you have the impetus behind the video on lock!

To answer your other questions:

Were you planning on handling all video editing or looking for help?

I'm clueless on this. But I think @dtrap can answer. She's done this before but lacks equipment

Yes, as far as my editing hat goes- I have experience with Adobe premiere pro. Had a laptop theft which leaves us to sort out the details. I'm not sure what would be appropriate to arrange here as far as access to editing bays following the event. Perhaps we can arrange something based upon these constraints? And help is definitely welcome here!

For schedule, can you outline more info and specific times, so we can strategize what coverage we'll get? When were you thinking you'd do progress interviews on Monday night? Here's what I have currently:


Monday morning 3/31: Footage of initial meeting, pre-hackathon high fives, some footage on discussion and delineation of ideas

I think getting some footage following lunch would be great. Would 2pm work alright for you all? @karthik and I talked about it and we're looking to hear:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. Ask them about their ideas/work at the hackathon, their workflow, etc.

Monday night 3/31: Progress interviews from 1 party in each group

8pm-9pm -Check in with those same individuals re: progress on hackathon project -See how much they've accomplished and ask them to describe any roadblocks or successes.

Tuesday morning 4/1: Progress interviews from 1 party in each group

I'd say this step is unnecessary, we could probably get all we need Tuesday afternoon/evening.

Tuesday ~night~ 4/1: Overall consensus interviews, progress recap, walkthrough of outcomes w/ the wacom (1 volunteer from each group) More high fives

4pm-5pm I think this is a good approach to the last day. We don't necessarily interview the same folks here, @karthik and I will be monitoring developments that may be of interest here to express in the video and we'll direct them to get interviewed.

@furyus Will this work for your scheduling? @karthik can ring in here if we need to adjust anything, but this timing should work around our eating schedule so we can get working footage. As far as working together, I'll make an outline of questions that will satisfy our goals for footage but we'd like it to be pretty organic, not super contrived...just enough so you all can organize and allocate timing appropriately. I'll be fully on deck to ask questions and such. So, let me know if I can clarify anything and thank you!!!

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Just an update, I'll be in the mountains backpacking until Saturday night. I won't have service but I'll check this thread right when I get back on the grid. @karthik should be able to help for any urgent matters. See Y's soon! Yay!

karthik commented 10 years ago

Have an awesome time. Let's check in on Sunday. :deciduous_tree: Happy hiking! :paw_prints: :leaves: :bug: :snail:

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Awe thanks! πŸŒ±πŸŒΏπŸŒΌβ›ΊπŸŒ™β˜‰πŸŒŸ

furyus commented 10 years ago

@dtrap @karthik Thanks for the add'l info. Putting a schedule below - please let me know if this looks good. One thing I'm not clear on is when you want to do the final recap/walkthrough on Tuesday: 4-6ish?. Also, I should be on-site most of both days, but Kevin will be doing most of the filming. Since he can't do Monday night, I will shoot those progress interviews.

@dreww You could potentially borrow Pam's wacom, but not sure of all the other A/V needs they may have - I assume you're handling.

@dtrap Re: editing, if we're going to release the finished video on GitHub's YouTube/Vimeo channels, we would probably prefer to handle post-production in-house. That okay with you guys? Happy to share an early edit and get your input if you'd like. Also, what's your desired release date for the video?

Revised Shooting Schedule



I'll make an outline of questions that will satisfy our goals for footage but we'd like it to be pretty organic, not super contrived

Our shooting style is usually pretty organic, so no worries about this one. :wink:

Have a great weekend y'all!

karthik commented 10 years ago

Sounds fantastic, @furyus Happy with everything you've proposed. Thanks again.

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Still got service so I'll check in here. On email so pardon any formatting or emoji fails. But, everything looks spot on from my end.

For the Tuesday night scheduling piece you addressed, I think that should be perfectly in line with our schedule.

Post-prod from your end sounds way legit and I agree that it should be coming from your seasoned hands. Glad you all hopped on board, so grateful to have you!

Forge on, you're killing it! πŸ‘ŠπŸ“ΉπŸŽ¬ On Mar 27, 2014 9:40 AM, "Peter Furia" wrote:

@dtrap @karthik for the add'l info. Putting a schedule below - please let me know if this looks good. One thing I'm not clear on is when you want to do the final recap/walkthrough on Tuesday: 4-6ish?. Also, I should be on-site most of both days, but Kevin will be doing most of the filming. Since he can't do Monday night, I will shoot those progress interviews.

@dreww You could potentially borrow Pam's wacom, but not sure of all the other A/V needs they may have - I assume you're handling.

@dtrap Re: editing, if we're going to release the finished video on GitHub's YouTube/Vimeo channels, we would probably prefer to handle post-production in-house. That okay with you guys? Happy to share an early edit and get your input if you'd like. Also, what's your desired release date for the video? Revised Shooting Schedule Monday

  • 9-1: initial meeting, pre-hacking high-fives, discussion
  • 2-4: initial interviews (who are you?, etc)
  • 4-5: additional b-roll
  • 8-9pm: progress interviews (filmed by @furyus )


  • 10-1: additional b-roll
  • 3-6: consensus interviews, progress recap, walkthrough of outcomes

I'll make an outline of questions that will satisfy our goals for footage but we'd like it to be pretty organic, not super contrived

Our shooting style is usually pretty organic, so no worries about this one. [image: :wink:]

Have a great weekend y'all!

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furyus commented 10 years ago

Happy to help and looking forward to learning about Open Science from you guys.

If you end up putting together any new lists of interview questions or footage guidelines, please post here and I'll relay to Kevin via email. Thanks!

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

For sure! I'll check in with those Sunday! :) On Mar 27, 2014 9:54 AM, "Peter Furia" wrote:

Happy to help and looking forward to learning about Open Science from you guys.

If you end up putting together any new lists of interview questions or footage guidelines, please post here and I'll relay to Kevin via email. Thanks!

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dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Here we go: 😸

Basic Questions?

  1. What's your name?
  2. Where do you work?
  3. What project do you aim to tackle during the hackathon or are you just here to learn and help?
  4. How did you get started with ROpenSci?
  5. Are you currently working on any projects for ROpenSci? Could you explain them?

Bigger Picture Ideas?

  1. What are your thoughts regarding the current state of reproducibility in science?
  2. Do you think collaboration is an issue for your discipline, if so, why?
  3. What tools have been helpful for you computationally and why?
  4. Have you repurposed tools that already exist for other disciplines? If you can think of a specific example, can you describe it?
  5. Why do you think the open science community is important?


  1. What does your workflow consist of?Β 
  2. How do you think your workflow could be improved?
  3. Are there technical challenges or social challenges that impede your work? If so what?Β 
  4. Are there technical challenges or social challenges that impede your colleagues work? If so what?
  5. What are some essentials for your workflow and why do you find them integral?

Edited for grammar

furyus commented 10 years ago

@dtrap Thanks so much for these. There are a lot of questions here and interview time will be limited. For this reason, and for the strongest video, I recommend we interview no more than 4-5 people in-depth. Any additional people would likely be short sound bytes. Any chance you can select 4-5 people by tomorrow and provide us with a list of names?

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

@furyus You are as welcome as a tourist in the summer! And now that the shame of typing that has washed away...I'm on it---

  1. Carl- confirmed with me in person just now @cboettig
  2. Karthik- @karthik 3. 4. 5.

Will be updated as confirmations continue! *Update: We are still getting this sorted, there's been a switcheroo

furyus commented 10 years ago

:metal: :octocat:

furyus commented 10 years ago

@dtrap @karthik FYI Kevin Jones will be arriving around 8:30am tomorrow to start filming. I told him to keep an eye out for you guys. I will be there around 11:30am to check-in and setup a bit for afternoon interviews.

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Word. Look forward to meeting Kevin and I'll save you some bacon.

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Agenda for today:

Time Task
10am Ask participants the following: What does open science mean to you? Why is open science important? What progress have you made?
1pm/after lunch On screen walk through of the following projects: rMaps, reproducibility guide, test dat
furyus commented 10 years ago

@dtrap Just got off the phone with Kevin. I won't be able to make it in today, but he's got everything you need to do the walk throughs. Call me if you have any questions! (Kevin has my cell).

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

No sweat! Take it easy!

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

& that's a wrap on principal photography, thank so much @furyus for getting Kevin Jones involved. He was great! Keep me posted on editing magic!

furyus commented 10 years ago

:tada: So glad we could pull something together! Nice terminology - principle photography :movie_camera: :eyes:. Talk soon on the edits. Thx

dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Yeah we might need a pick-ups. LOL On Apr 1, 2014 4:17 PM, "Peter Furia" wrote:

[image: :tada:] So glad we could pull something together! Nice terminology - principle photography [image: :movie_camera:][image: :eyes:]. Talk soon on the edits. Thx

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dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

No, I'm kidding. On Apr 1, 2014 4:20 PM, "Dani Traphagen" wrote:

Yeah we might need a pick-ups. LOL On Apr 1, 2014 4:17 PM, "Peter Furia" wrote:

[image: :tada:] So glad we could pull something together! Nice terminology - principle photography [image: :movie_camera:][image: :eyes:]. Talk soon on the edits. Thx

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dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

To tackle today:

*Discuss releases to send out via email (I'll get that sorted with the attendants).

Big Picture: This video is about bRidging the gap between researchers and programmers to learn more efficient data management mechanisms for scientists.

For Editing:

Interviewee Timepoint Content Goal (keywords)
Carl, Karthik see 1. 2. 3. below How ROpenSci was born (background)
Karthik 10:53 & 13:26 Hackathon's Purpose (hackathon)
Ted 59s 3 frames Screenflow Walkthru (projects)
Karthik 3:17:07, 8:40 Tools (tools, agency, data, workflow, colab, projects)
Karthik 6:45 & 12:47 What does Open Science mean to you? (open science, credit in ed)
TBD TBD Collaboration/Bridging the gap (colab, researchers, bridge the gap, max, scis and progs)
Karthik 2:09 14 frames Reproducibility (reproducibility)
Karthik 6:41:15 Wrap Up (wrap up, open science)
  1. Carl Interview: How ROpenSci was born "We decided...Karthik seemed to join disc." around 1m
  2. Karthik 55s "with Carl...project had its new life"
  3. Carl Interview 25s-40s describes package process w/ROpenSci | How ROpenSci got started
dtrapezoid commented 10 years ago

Content goals listed above can serve as an outline for the things we want to cover---I think everyone touched on this subject matter so finding balance by providing different participants pov on the respective subject matter will be helpful. We want to keep the bulk of the talking from Carl, Karthik, Ted and Ramnat (sp?) and then sprinkle in the rest...but that is just mho.