ropensci / unconf14

Repo to brainstorm ideas (unconference style) for the rOpenSci hackathon.
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Post hackathon guest blog posts #31

Open emhart opened 10 years ago

emhart commented 10 years ago

Would anyone be interested in writing a guess blog post about their hackathon projects? It'd be a great place to show off anything that you've accomplished, future directions you want to take what you've started, etc....

stewid commented 10 years ago

The following code gives the number of commits by user and repository in the master branch during the hackathon. It uses clone and contributions in the git2r package.


## Repositories with activity during hackathon
repos <- c('git2r', 'docs', 'testdat', 'apistatus',
           'reproducibility-guide', 'EML', 'togeojson',
           'rfigshare', 'dependencies', 'plotly', 'paleobioDB',
           'taxize', 'ecoretriever', 'hackathon', 'elife')

## Clone repositories
hackathon <- lapply(repos, function(repo) {
    clone(paste0('', repo, '.git'),
          paste0('hackathon/', repo))

df <- lapply(hackathon, function(repo) {
    cbind(basename(workdir(repo)), contributions(repo, breaks='day', by='user'))
df <-'rbind', df)
(df <- df[df$when > as.Date('2014-03-30') & df$when < as.Date('2014-04-02'),])
cpsievert commented 10 years ago

I have a start on a post here. I'm just waiting on a subscription to I'm finally making the move from glimmer since this app requires 3.0.0 :)

I'll let you guys know when I'm ready to post

sckott commented 10 years ago

Awesome, thanks @cpsievert - good luck with shinyapps, sometimes can be a bit buggy

sckott commented 10 years ago

Thanks @stewid - good material for a blog post

karthik commented 10 years ago


sckott commented 10 years ago

@mfenner / @cboettig / @gavinsimpson Possibly a blog post on the knitr jekyll plugin workflow you were working on?

mfenner commented 10 years ago

@sckott: we need to do some more polishing and bug fixing, but happy to do a blog post. Might be 1-2 weeks. One idea is to wrap this up in a Ruby gem to make it easier to install and use.

sckott commented 10 years ago

Okay, thanks @mfenner

sckott commented 10 years ago

@jure agreed do a post on the code citation project

alyssafrazee commented 10 years ago

I'm in the process of writing a blog post about the hackathon for Simply Statistics. If the simply stat folks are okay with it being cross-posted (I'm pretty sure they will be, but I'll ask just in case!) I'd be happy to send it your way.

karthik commented 10 years ago

Thanks @alyssafrazee I think it's ok for this just to be on Simply Stats. We can link to it from our own report. Thanks for writing one!

alyssafrazee commented 10 years ago

@karthik sounds good!

mfenner commented 10 years ago

I wrote a post which is more of a teaser on my blog: literate blogging. I want to give a full report of our project for the rOpenSci blog next week - ideally as Rmarkdown file.

sckott commented 10 years ago

Okay, thanks @mfenner

cpsievert commented 10 years ago

Hey @hadley, I still haven't heard back about a subscription to, could you look into that for me? :)

cpsievert commented 10 years ago

Thanks @hadley. I just got the app up and running --

I'll need a couple more days to polish up the blog post...

sckott commented 10 years ago

awesome, looking forward to it @cpsievert

sckott commented 10 years ago

@stewid @karthik Draft post here ( let me know if okay, edit, etc.

stewid commented 10 years ago

Very nice plot @sckott One minor edit, add: res <- gsub("Sara_Varela", "Sara Varela", res)

sckott commented 10 years ago

Thanks, will change

cpsievert commented 10 years ago

Hey guys, we just received notice that our a paper on LDAvis was accepted for publication. We will be revising it over the next couple weeks.

Since I plan on referring to some results/terminology in this paper, do you mind if I wait a few weeks on the blog post so I can reference the paper?

sckott commented 10 years ago

@cpsievert Okay, sounds good

karthik commented 10 years ago

@cpsievert If it's not a huge bother, it might be better to post soon and update the blog post later with references to the paper (we can add a note and re-advertise). But that's just my opinion. Otherwise these things just fall by the wayside.

cpsievert commented 10 years ago

No problem @karthik. You should be able to post what I have here. Let me know if there is anything else you need.

ps. I tried to make the post accessible to a general audience by stripping out as much jargon and technical details as possible, but please let me know if you think some parts are hard to follow or have any ideas for improvement! Thanks!

karthik commented 10 years ago

Thanks @cpsievert! I'll post this sometime today and link to your webpage. Let me know once the paper is ready and we can update the links etc. :shipit: