ropensci / unconf14

Repo to brainstorm ideas (unconference style) for the rOpenSci hackathon.
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Identify consolidation areas and sustainability plans #6

Open emhart opened 10 years ago

emhart commented 10 years ago

Are there other areas where we can begin to recapitulate our efforts with spocc in terms of consolidating single data source packages. An example might be with packages that access opensource publications and metadata. We could use these to build in new data sources without building a new package. For instance, while F1000 has no API, we could easily integrate their results into a larger package because all their articles are available in XML and could be easily parsed, but with no formal API, a full package might make less sense. As we build out these consolidation packages, it would seem that we want to make sure that we have sustainability plans (at the very least ideas) in place as API's change to make sure they aren't broken.

sckott commented 10 years ago

We could make it more clear how to search for articles via crossref, etc. for OA full-text articles that may in F100 or elife or (and others with no API), then construct URLs to get the full text so all the user has to worry about is getting the id/doi for an article, then we can get the full text for them.

These things could go in rmetadata, but that's trying to be a catch all for scholarly metadata APIs, whereas this is full text stuff, but it could go in rmetadata I guess.