ropensci / unconf14

Repo to brainstorm ideas (unconference style) for the rOpenSci hackathon.
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Replicate studies using our packages #8

Open sckott opened 10 years ago

sckott commented 10 years ago

Perhaps if there folks that can participate but are less interested in writing code, we could have someone try to get the McGlinn paper replicated. Started a repo here

Feel free to ixnay this idea - just throwing it out there.

williamgunn commented 10 years ago

I'd love to take part in this, personally.

sckott commented 10 years ago

Awesome, thanks @williamgunn - that repo is just one paper, but I think we have others in mind in notes somewhere

karthik commented 10 years ago

One low hanging approach would be to see who has submitted datasets (small enough to be csv) and R scripts. Then knit the whole thing together with the bib file extracted (we could automate this), throw together with a Makefile and some pandoc. We could set up a repo with 2-3 high profile papers and say that the pieces are already there and here's how to link them together.