ropensci / unconf15

rOpenSci's San Francisco hackathon/unconf 2015
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Working with Docker #12

Open benmarwick opened 9 years ago

benmarwick commented 9 years ago

Docker is popular in the DevOps world, and the R community are especially well served by the excellent rocker project (thanks to @eddelbuettel and @cboettig) and @wch's harbor package which provides functions for controlling docker containers on local and remote hosts.

We might consider how best to combine Docker and R, especially how best to incorporate Docker into package development and package-as-research-compendium (cf workflows . Some additional helper functions to work with Docker could include:

I previously suggested these might be part of devtools (, and discussion of that issue suggests that there might be more approporiate options for integrating Docker to R workflows. I'd be interested to hear more about what others think on these topic.

cboettig commented 9 years ago

Also tagging @sckott 's analogsea R package for deploying R and RStudio quickly & easily on DigitalOcean clusters as possibly relevant here as well, as it mostly uses Docker with rocker images to quickly set up the software environment on the remote server.

benmarwick commented 9 years ago

Yes thanks, sorry I missed that one.

richfitz commented 9 years ago

I accidentally made something along these lines today trying to use docker to replicate a travis build error (thanks @cboettig for pointing this out to me). Proof-of-concept only, but might be useful:

benmarwick commented 9 years ago

@richfitz very neat package! Thanks for pointing it out. Have you seen dependencies which also tries to get at dependencies external to R?

richfitz commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the pointer @benmarwick - definitely some overlap there though I think my needs are a bit different. Possibly there is some scope for discussion of dependency management in the broad sense in March (#7).

sjackman commented 9 years ago

I have an interest in this topic.

thibautjombart commented 7 years ago

This is something I am interested in too. I have generated a docker image to include a set of packages hosted on a github organisation:

It would be nice to automate the build upon changes of the various repos.

gaborcsardi commented 7 years ago

@thibautjombart Note, that this repo is for 2015. 2017 is here:

thibautjombart commented 7 years ago

Hahaha thanks.. proof I need more coffee still ;)