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shinyDeviceAPI, access GPS/accelerometer data on mobile devices in shiny apps #29

Closed haozhu233 closed 7 years ago

haozhu233 commented 7 years ago

Mobile devices have unique input sources like GPS, acceleration, device orientation, camera and even video streaming. A Good news is that developers can access these info through APIs in javascript. Right now if I want to use these inputs in a shiny app, it seems that I will have to write some javascript in ui.R. It would be nice if programmers can access these info more easily in R.

Also, since we do our programming on desktops, which usually don't have GPS or accelerometer, it would be nice to be able to simulate data while users do their shiny programming. There can be a global option controlling it.

I found the following materials might be helpful: Exploring the JavaScript Device APIs

carlganz commented 7 years ago

Someone did this:

haozhu233 commented 7 years ago

that's pretty cool!