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shiny interface to rtweet #55

Open jsta opened 7 years ago

jsta commented 7 years ago

I often use rtweet to search my old favorites for specific keywords or users. This involves some clunky one-off scripts on my part. Would be nice to have a cleaner shiny interface for this task.

jsta commented 7 years ago

I hesitate to close this because:

The arguments I see for closing are:

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi Joseph, I built a Shiny application that analyzes Twitter data, accessible at This application performs sentiment, network and emoji analysis along with geographic-specific trend analytics. I use the package twitteR for my analysis but would be happy to collaborate and figure out a Shiny app depending on whatever your specific interests are. Let me know and we can chat about this more!

jsta commented 6 years ago

@ajav17 Looks great! Very comprehensive. There are two use-cases I have in mind that are missing?:

Also, I wish there was an option to upload a saved data file so you could run analytics without re-downloading.

batpigandme commented 6 years ago

@ajav17 Really cool! One thing I might recommend adding would be a spinner while waiting for tweets to load.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jsta and @batpigandme for the advice! Will work on adding these features in a few days and follow up.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@jsta and @batpigandme, I updated the app with the spinner suggestion and the favorite keyword search, accessible at I also brushed up the app a bit so its cleaner.

@jsta, uploading saved data file seems like a great idea though I am not sure if my app would incorporate that since the main purpose of the app is to perform a live tweet analysis. Also the app currently has a number of applications so adding an upload capability might overload it. I can work with you though on a different, more streamlined application with upload integration if that is of interest.

jsta commented 6 years ago

For posterity, I was mainly looking for something like which I have replicated for myself at