ropensci / unconf17

Website for 2017 rOpenSci Unconf
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#rstats community #63

Closed ShanEllis closed 6 years ago

ShanEllis commented 7 years ago

While maybe not exactly a project, something I'd love to chat more with people at the unconf about is how to make sure the #rstats community is looking ahead and including both concepts that and individuals who may not otherwise be on the community's radar. For example:

  1. ensuring that we're not missing tools/ideas/concepts that exist in related communities due to any possible tunnel vision from interacting primarily with R-people? (I am totally guilty of this, so I want to know what else is out there! What am I missing? What should I be doing to be more well-rounded?)
  2. Keeping up with the community on twitter is a lot of fun and there are a lot of rockstars who are super active..which makes this community SO awesome...but are we missing people who may not be on twitter? Is there a better way to include newcomers in conversations? What can I do to help (even though I'm a ~newcomer myself)?
stefaniebutland commented 7 years ago

As rOpenSci's Community Manager, I 100% support this and appreciate @ShanEllis for adding it as an issue.

For those who might be sheepish about stating their opinions here for all to see, would great if people just identified themselves here as being interested in talking / listening about this. Good way for us to look for each other at unconf!

sckott commented 7 years ago

Great idea @ShanEllis !

jules32 commented 7 years ago

I'm definitely interested!

stefaniebutland commented 7 years ago

@jules32 I was going to ping you about this to channel the community manager in you! Glad you beat me to it

eringrand commented 7 years ago

I am also interested in chatting about this. :)

karthik commented 7 years ago

Count me in.

bzkrouse commented 7 years ago

Great idea! I'm interested too! :)

njtierney commented 7 years ago

Sounds great, count me in as well! :)

ateucher commented 7 years ago

I'm definitely in - I'm continuously trying to foster an engaged R community where I work (in government), and it is challenging.

Ironholds commented 7 years ago


jenniferthompson commented 7 years ago

Definitely interested!

nistara commented 7 years ago

I'm interested as well!

jhollist commented 7 years ago

Also interested in this. Since I'll be remote, ping me on slack or twitter if the conversation gets going. I'm involved with pushing R at EPA and any ideas to help with that (and to keep us tied into the larger community) will be most welcome!

revodavid commented 7 years ago

I'd love to be part of this discussion.

stefaniebutland commented 6 years ago

For the record, @ShanEllis wrote up the unconf17 discussion for the rOpenSci blog: