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Package for naming packages #65

Open jimhester opened 7 years ago

jimhester commented 7 years ago

Briefly started at, but might be a good thing to work on at the unconf.

Basically it would check if the package name is already taken on CRAN / Bioconductor / Omegahat or a previously archived package. Also potentially do other things like search the name on Urban Dictionary, Foreign Dictionaries, Common Acronyms, and public GitHub package names.

rmflight commented 7 years ago

This would definitely be useful! Maybe even do a Google search to see what else would come up when someone is trying to find help for said package ....

cboettig commented 7 years ago

It would be awesome if it had a function to propose valid, concise package names given some keywords, but maybe that's not a realistic possibility....

rctatman commented 7 years ago

There are three of us working on this package (@mllewis, @jimhester & me). We're by the Southwest windows.

jimhester commented 7 years ago