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Simplify access to Google Cloud SQL (i.e. fun with Go!) #70

Open michaelquinn32 opened 7 years ago

michaelquinn32 commented 7 years ago

This blog post details the process for connecting to a Google Cloud SQL instance:

In short, it involves:

It would be awesome to handle all of this seamlessly within R.

From what I understand about each step, working with the Go tool will be the most interesting. More recent versions of Go have cgo. It might be possible to use this for creating R extensions with Go.

(An example of combining C and Go)

At the very least, there's some other examples of doing something like this in Ruby.

I don't nearly enough about the Ruby (or R) internals to know if this is applicable, but I think it'd be pretty cool if we could get this to work!

jimhester commented 7 years ago is relevant to this, however the problem in my mind isn't how you call the go shared library from R but how you distribute the package. CRAN is not going to provide go binaries so you would need users to have the go compiler installed, which most R users will not have.

cboettig commented 7 years ago

Possibly related: rstudio/blogdown depends on a Go binary and just uses a user-called function to grab/ install the correct binary for your system (from a GitHub release page for those binaries)

michaelquinn32 commented 7 years ago

@jimhester Thanks for the heads up on the Romain blog post. I was working through the exact same thing, and it's so great to see that this is really possible!

@cboettig Thanks for the suggestion! I'd be happy to go that route too. Just to keep everything together, the hugo installer is here:

And the api around the binary is here:

Either way, it sounds like this might not be eligible for CRAN. I don't consider that too much of a loss.