Elevator pitch: It's like #26 but for good patterns! I feel like there are so many little helpful code memes that I've seen in all of your packages and I want to organize them, perhaps in a bookdown book. This also serves my desire to write a bookdown book with dozens of authors 😄. I feel like I've seen this idea in other issue comments here (for example https://github.com/ropensci/unconf17/issues/47#issuecomment-296272890). Here's an example of what I mean: http://seankross.com/r-programming-patterns/.
Closing this because there are so many other awesome ideas that would be better facilitated by folks being together in person, but I'm still interested in working on this over the long term.
Elevator pitch: It's like #26 but for good patterns! I feel like there are so many little helpful code memes that I've seen in all of your packages and I want to organize them, perhaps in a bookdown book. This also serves my desire to write a bookdown book with dozens of authors 😄. I feel like I've seen this idea in other issue comments here (for example https://github.com/ropensci/unconf17/issues/47#issuecomment-296272890). Here's an example of what I mean: http://seankross.com/r-programming-patterns/.