ropensci / unconf17

Website for 2017 rOpenSci Unconf
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A "wizard mode" for contributing a test pull request to an R project hosted on github. #93

Open earino opened 7 years ago

earino commented 7 years ago

Audience: Students before they get their first real DS/analytics job

User Story: As a pretty junior but excited R user, I want to be able to add a test to an existing open source project easily, so that I can practice my skills and enhance my resume by demonstrating how I added value.

Elevator Pitch: We make it really easy to add a test to an open source R project, it's 3 commands!


I had the good fortune of being co-instructor of the UCLA MAS Data Science tools class this semester. A lot of the students were quite bright, but had no way of demonstrating their ability to generate outcomes to potential employers, aside from traditional academic signals (papers published, GPA, etc...)

I advised them that the strongest evidence they could provide a future employer was literal examples of themselves adding value, specifically adding tests to open source projects. I feel that a student who has added a number of tests to some open source projects, and had the pull requests accepted shows an employer:

  1. They are capable of reading other people's code
  2. They are capable of following a convention
  3. They can collaborate with someone

They also add value by literally writing tests for code! We should make it super easy for R and rOpensci to get more unit tests by making it trivial to add one.