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ROpenSci storage for package caching #29

Open mpadge opened 6 years ago

mpadge commented 6 years ago

Lots of packages need caching. When things get complicated enough, packages may need to access their own eternal data to do their internal stuff. This means caching somewhere, somehow, in a form that is reliable and available. This costs money.

Oh, I don't have any of that; okay, I can't do that package.

And there it ends. How about considering applications to ROpenSci to (financially) support caching via some suitable provider? The flipper package is a case in point. This works at the moment because it only trawls the CRAN_package_db. We would like to extend this to all man/ directories, all non-CRAN packages on github, and many potential other places. This is impossible without some sorta cloudy caching scheme.

Any chance of ROpenSci having an application scheme whereby those with existing ROpenSci packages apply for access to a wee chunk of server space?

ldecicco-USGS commented 6 years ago

I was literally just crafting a proposal for a caching process for drake! I think it's a slightly different use-case than what you are proposing here, but maybe we can combine forces and think of all the caching use-cases and needs. (See #30 )

wlandau commented 6 years ago

When it comes to caching, I am a huge fan of @richfitz's storr package. It's a general key-value storr with an expanding variety of backends ("drivers"), including storr_rds() and storr_dbi(). Maybe a remote storr driver would help here? Related:

sckott commented 6 years ago

thoughts (chat with @mpadge and @sckott):