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Foster an LGBTQ community for R #57

Open revodavid opened 6 years ago

revodavid commented 6 years ago

R-Ladies has been enormously successful at promoting gender diversity within the R community, and bringing many new women (and their diverse perspectives) into the R community. Can we do something similar for the LGBTQ community?

There are some differences between the communities we'd need to consider:

I propose we form a small group to discuss these issues and to make some recommendations for fostering an LGBTQ community as a part of the R community.

batpigandme commented 6 years ago

Couple examples (albeit much more general than this would be):

laderast commented 6 years ago

As someone who is is part of the LGBTQ community and in the R community, this is worth thinking about. I've often felt a bit compartmentalized in my academic career and my identity, and I would welcome any group supporting both.

bduckles commented 6 years ago

Would love to join this discussion about the LGBTQ community (also including intersex/nonbinary people) and possibly also expanding it to talk about racial/ethnic minority groups as well. How might we talk about welcoming people to the R community who are not cis, hetero white males?

stefaniebutland commented 6 years ago

I'd love to join this discussion with open ears. Safe to say we'd publish an rOpenSci blog post on this if someone / a group decides to write something up after the discussion.

For example, last year, this post by Shannon Ellis came out of this unconf17 issue that became a lunch time discussion