ropensci / wateRinfo

R package to download time series data from
MIT License
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Order and titles of articles #68

Closed peterdesmet closed 5 years ago

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

We currently have two titles per article:

  1. their article title (defined in the vignette):
  2. their introduction title on the hidden articles page (defined in _pkgdown.yml)

And their order is also different in the navigation and articles page:

file nav order article title articles page order introduction title
define_date_periods.Rmd 1 Definition of the date period to download 3 How to define the period?
download_timeseries_batch.Rmd 2 Downloading time series in batch 2 Downloading the data of multiple stations/variables
download_timeseries.Rmd 3 Download time series from 1 Tutorial on the main downloading functionalities

I don't find that very intuitive. Here is what I suggest:


This is clearly the introduction article, going deeper than the example in the README. I would make this one the get started article, cf. bioRad (can be done by naming it wateRinfo.Rmd), with the title Introduction to wateRinfo or Introduction to downloading data from


This vignette is referenced twice in the above one (although without a link) and it's an important one, so I would list it first in articles. I suggest to use the title Define the date period to download


This vignette can be second. I would keep the title Download time series from multiple stations/variables

(I'm use active tense titles Define, Download, as those are also used for the subtitles in the vignettes)

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

@stijnvanhoey what do you think?

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

See #69 for an implementation of this issue.

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

I like the proposal, certainly the 'get started' page similar to the biorad package. The titles you propose are clear as well.

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

thanks a lot, closing as fixed by #69