ropensci / weatherOz

An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 7 forks source link

Release weatherOz 1.0.0 #67

Open adamhsparks opened 3 months ago

adamhsparks commented 3 months ago

First release:

Prepare for release:

Submit to CRAN:

Wait for CRAN...

adamhsparks commented 3 months ago

Setting up the release issue only, @bozaah.

Please do this when you get the time. My suggestion is get it accepted to CRAN and then we publish it in JOSS in that order so I've updated the paper branch so we can have a clean PR once this is all finalised.

bozaah commented 2 months ago

One issue I am unsure how we address is the urlchecker::url_check() and rhub::check() errors given the lack of https certificate in the Bureau website. Any ideas?

adamhsparks commented 2 months ago

yeah, I've had a discussion in the rOpenSci Slack Package Maintenance channel about this very topic that you can look at.

I'm of two minds. One is to just remove them as BOM could change the URL any day and we'd not be able to track it easily. The other is, BOM hasn't changed those URLs in years, so we can just include a note in the to that effect that BOM won't allow headless access, but that we've verified they work and BOM is very unlikely to change the URLs.

adamhsparks commented 1 month ago

OK, I think it's really ready now. I've done all the checks, it passes everything as far as I can tell. I've included a note in about the BOM URLs and updated all others that were reported as moved or incorrect.

I've submitted one last check to Winbuilder just to be sure.

adamhsparks commented 1 month ago

Seems passing winbuilder checks now. I think it's good to submit to CRAN now that the paper is accepted @bozaah