ropensci / webchem

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Fix pkgdown config for reference #373

Closed maelle closed 1 year ago

maelle commented 1 year ago

Some topics are missing from the configuration file.

Error in check_missing_topics(rows, pkg) : 
  All topics must be included in reference index
✖ Missing topics: chembl_atc_classes, chembl_resources
ℹ Either add to _pkgdown.yml or use @keywords internal

Note that for topics you do not want to include in the index you can create an "internal" section

You can also use the @keywords internal tag and redocument for, say, the package manual page.

To check all topics are listed, after editing the configuration file you can run pkgdown::check_pkgdown().

Aariq commented 1 year ago

We should probably set up a GH action to run check_pkgdown() at some point too.

stitam commented 1 year ago

Thanks @maelle, I have updated the config file and set up a GitHub Action to check_pkgdown().

maelle commented 1 year ago

set up a GitHub Action to check_pkgdown()

Nice! This made me open