ropenscilabs / deposits

R Client for access to multiple data repository services
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`deposit_update` on frictionless datapackages causes metadata validation issue #104

Closed collinschwantes closed 3 weeks ago

collinschwantes commented 3 weeks ago

I'm trying to update the metadata for a deposit and every method I have tried results in a dcmi term issue

retrieving and updating

   cli <- deposits::depositsClient$new (service = "zenodo", sandbox = TRUE)


  cli$deposit_update(path = "outputs/iris_clean/datapackage.json")
## returns: 
  instancePath             schemaPath              keyword additionalProperty
1              #/additionalProperties additionalProperties           metadata
2              #/additionalProperties additionalProperties          resources
1 must NOT have additional properties
2 must NOT have additional properties
Error: Stopping because the DCMI metadata terms listed above do not conform with the expected schema.

Creating a new client with metadata specified from a file:

   cli2 <- deposits::depositsClient$new (service = "zenodo", sandbox = TRUE,
                               metadata = "outputs/iris_clean/datapackage.json")

## returns: 
  instancePath             schemaPath              keyword additionalProperty
1              #/additionalProperties additionalProperties           metadata
2              #/additionalProperties additionalProperties          resources

1 must NOT have additional properties
2 must NOT have additional properties
Error: Stopping because the DCMI metadata terms listed above do not conform with the expected schema.


mpadge commented 3 weeks ago

@collinschwantes The issue is that the metadata argument currently only allows these two options:

Rendered version at

What i will do in response to this is simply check first if that argument points to a "datapackage.json" file, and extract the metadata only for that.

mpadge commented 3 weeks ago

Hmmm ... No, it's actually already in the code:

But a "datapackage.json" file should also have a "profile" field, which yours does not have. I'm not sure what you've done there, but I guess there's no harm simply easing that condition by removing "profile". Next commit will do that.

mpadge commented 3 weeks ago

This code failed before the above commit, but now works:

library (deposits)
packageVersion ("deposits")
#> [1] ''

url <- ""
destfile <- file.path (tempdir (), basename (url))
chk <- download.file (url = url, destfile = destfile)

cli <- deposits::depositsClient$new (service = "zenodo", sandbox = TRUE, metadata = destfile)
#> <deposits client>
#>  deposits service : zenodo
#>            sandbox: TRUE
#>          url_base :
#>  Current deposits : <none>
#>    hostdata : <none>
#>    metadata : 10 terms (see 'metadata' element for details)
#>  local_path : /tmp/RtmpQlQKxv
#>   resources : 1 local, 0 remote

Created on 2024-08-23 with reprex v2.1.1

collinschwantes commented 3 weeks ago

Works for me as well - thanks!