ropenscilabs / statistical-software-review

Experiments for rOpenSci's project for peer review of statistical software
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fastadi submission #3

Open mpadge opened 3 years ago

mpadge commented 3 years ago

Thanks @alexpghayes for volunteering to submit your fastadi package for trial "soft submission" to rOpenSci's new system for peer review of statistical software. This issue includes output from our automated assement and reporting tools developed as part of this new system. These currently function as the following two distinct components (which will be integrated later):


library (packgraph)
packageVersion ("packgraph")
#> [1] ''
package <- "/<local>/<path>/<to>/fastadi"

g <- pg_graph (package, plot = FALSE)
pg_report (g)
#> ══ fastadi ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> The package has 4 exported functions, and 35 non-exported funtions. The
#> exported functions are structured into the following 1 primary cluster
#> containing 2 functions
#> | cluster|  n|name                | num_params| num_doc_words| num_doc_lines| num_example_lines| centrality|
#> |-------:|--:|:-------------------|----------:|-------------:|-------------:|-----------------:|----------:|
#> |       1|  1|adaptive_imputation |          5|           140|            18|                 0|          5|
#> |       1|  2|adaptive_initialize |          4|           232|             0|                 7|         NA|
#> There are also 2 isolated functions:
#> |  n|name            | loc|
#> |--:|:---------------|---:|
#> |  1|adaptive_impute |  19|
#> |  2|citation_impute |  19|
#> ── Documentation of non-exported functions ─────────────────────────────────────
#> |value  | doclines| cmtlines|
#> |:------|--------:|--------:|
#> |mean   |      4.9|      1.5|
#> |median |      0.0|      0.0|


library (autotest)
packageVersion ("autotest")
#> [1] ''
x <- autotest_package (package)
#> Loading fastadi
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loading required package: LRMF3
#> ✔ [1 / 4]: adaptive_impute
#> ✔ [2 / 4]: adaptive_impute
#> ✔ [3 / 4]: adaptive_initialize
#> ✔ [4 / 4]: citation_impute
x$yaml_hash <- substring (x$yaml_hash, 1, 6)
knitr::kable (x, row.names = TRUE)
type fn_name parameter operation content yaml_hash
1 diagnostic adaptive_impute rank ascertain integer range Parameter [rank] responds to integer values in [0, 22] c23cbd
2 diagnostic adaptive_impute rank match integer range to documentation Parameter range for rank is NOT documented c23cbd
3 diagnostic adaptive_impute max_iter ascertain integer range Parameter [max_iter] permits unrestricted integer inputs c23cbd
4 diagnostic adaptive_impute max_iter length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [max_iter] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 c23cbd
5 diagnostic adaptive_impute check_interval ascertain integer range Parameter [check_interval] permits unrestricted integer inputs c23cbd
6 diagnostic adaptive_impute check_interval length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [check_interval] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 c23cbd
7 diagnostic adaptive_impute rank ascertain integer range Parameter [rank] responds to integer values in [0, 22] 747b85
8 diagnostic adaptive_impute rank match integer range to documentation Parameter range for rank is NOT documented 747b85
9 diagnostic adaptive_impute max_iter ascertain integer range Parameter [max_iter] permits unrestricted integer inputs 747b85
10 diagnostic adaptive_impute max_iter length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [max_iter] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
11 diagnostic adaptive_impute initialization upper case character parameter Parameter initialization of function [adaptive_impute] is assumed to a single character, but is case dependent 747b85
12 diagnostic adaptive_impute initialization length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [initialization] is assumed to be a single value of character type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
13 diagnostic adaptive_impute check_interval ascertain integer range Parameter [check_interval] permits unrestricted integer inputs 747b85
14 diagnostic adaptive_impute check_interval length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [check_interval] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
15 diagnostic adaptive_initialize rank ascertain integer range Parameter [rank] responds to integer values in [0, 215] ee7464
16 diagnostic adaptive_initialize rank match integer range to documentation Parameter range for rank is NOT documented ee7464
17 diagnostic citation_impute rank ascertain integer range Parameter [rank] responds to integer values in [0, 28] 2cd207
18 diagnostic citation_impute rank match integer range to documentation Parameter range for rank is NOT documented 2cd207
19 diagnostic citation_impute max_iter ascertain integer range Parameter [max_iter] permits unrestricted integer inputs 2cd207
20 diagnostic citation_impute max_iter length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [max_iter] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
21 diagnostic citation_impute check_interval ascertain integer range Parameter [check_interval] permits unrestricted integer inputs 2cd207
22 diagnostic citation_impute check_interval length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [check_interval] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
23 diagnostic citation_impute initialization upper case character parameter Parameter initialization of function [citation_impute] is assumed to a single character, but is case dependent 2cd207
24 diagnostic citation_impute initialization length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [initialization] is assumed to be a single value of character type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
25 error adaptive_imputation NA This function has no documented example NA
summary (x)
#> autotesting package [fastadi, v0.0.0.9007] generated 25 rows of output of the following types:
#>      1 error
#>      0 warnings
#>      0 messages
#>      24 other diagnosticss
#> That corresponds to 8 messages per documented function (which has examples)
#>               fn_name num_errors num_warnings num_messages num_diagnostics
#> 1 adaptive_imputation          1           NA           NA              NA
#> 2     adaptive_impute         NA           NA           NA              14
#> 3 adaptive_initialize         NA           NA           NA               2
#> 4     citation_impute         NA           NA           NA               8
#> In addition to the values in that table, the output includes 1 functions which have no documented examples:
#>     1. adaptive_imputation
#>     git hash for package as analysed here:
#>     [26f7c132a4068a3a105f5518aad2692b87e4ddb1]

Created on 2020-10-06 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Most of these diagnostic messages are about the admissable ranges of single-value parameters, and can probably be safely ignored, or maybe taken to indicate a minor need to tweak documentation of the parameters to indicate expected or admitted ranges. The parsing of description entries by autotest to estimate stated ranges is currently fairly crude, so updates of documentation on your side to address these could provide useful test cases for refinement of those procedures.

Those aside, the only issues are generally lack of control for lengths of parameters presumed to be single-valued, and matching character arguments regardless of case. If you could please ping here once you've addressed those, we'll post an updated autotest output and proceed to subsequent stages of the review process. Thanks!

Further information on autotest output

The output of autotest includes a column yaml_hash. This in turn refers to the yaml specification used to generate the autotests, which can be generated locally by running examples_to_yaml (<path>/<to>/<package>). Those contain the yaml_hash values, and finding the matching value will show you the base code used to trigger the diagnostic messages. The operation column should then provide a sufficient description of what has been mutated with regard to the structure defined in the yaml.

alexpghayes commented 3 years ago

autotests results have been dealt with -- there are some other ongoing build failures related to vignettes and a convergence criterion. I believe things should be in a state where reviewers can give this a look, but I am also unable to replicate the convergence issues locally on my computer and reviewers might run into that immediately, just FYI.

Update: I've dealt with both of these issues.

mpadge commented 3 years ago

Thanks @alexpghayes. I still see some remaining autotest things, condensed here for brevity to what I deem as the relevant ones. (The remainder are primarily diagnostic messages about ranges for parameters like rank and max_iter; admissable ranges exist in practice, yet the documentation makes no indication of any ranges, so maybe adding some kind of helpful advice in the documentation on likely or expected ranges for these parameters would be useful.)

type fn_name parameter operation content yaml_hash
5 diagnostic adaptive_impute rank length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [rank] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 c23cbd
8 diagnostic adaptive_impute max_iter length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [max_iter] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 c23cbd
11 diagnostic adaptive_impute check_interval length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [check_interval] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 c23cbd
16 diagnostic adaptive_impute rank length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [rank] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
19 diagnostic adaptive_impute max_iter length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [max_iter] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
20 diagnostic adaptive_impute initialization lower case character parameter Parameter initialization of function [adaptive_impute] is assumed to a single character, but is case dependent 747b85
21 diagnostic adaptive_impute initialization upper case character parameter Parameter initialization of function [adaptive_impute] is assumed to a single character, but is case dependent 747b85
22 diagnostic adaptive_impute initialization length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [initialization] is assumed to be a single value of character type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
25 diagnostic adaptive_impute check_interval length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [check_interval] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 747b85
32 diagnostic citation_impute rank length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [rank] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
35 diagnostic citation_impute max_iter length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [max_iter] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
38 diagnostic citation_impute check_interval length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [check_interval] is assumed to be a single value of integer type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
39 diagnostic citation_impute initialization lower case character parameter Parameter initialization of function [citation_impute] is assumed to a single character, but is case dependent 2cd207
40 diagnostic citation_impute initialization upper case character parameter Parameter initialization of function [citation_impute] is assumed to a single character, but is case dependent 2cd207
41 diagnostic citation_impute initialization length 2 vector for single-length parameter parameter [initialization] is assumed to be a single value of character type, yet admits vectors of length > 1 2cd207
summary (x)
#> autotesting package [fastadi, v0.0.0.9011] generated 41 rows of output of the following types:
#>      0 errors
#>      3 warnings
#>      3 messages
#>      35 other diagnosticss
#> That corresponds to 13.667 messages per documented function (which has examples)
#>               fn_name num_errors num_warnings num_messages num_diagnostics
#> 1     adaptive_impute         NA            2            2              21
#> 2 adaptive_initialize         NA           NA           NA               2
#> 3     citation_impute         NA            1            1              12
#>     git hash for package as analysed here:
#>     [27e052cc42d6a7e618eb111e31ba97d14ae7d59c]

Created on 2020-10-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

alexpghayes commented 3 years ago

All of these are addressed in my commit from above, but perhaps not in ways that autotest is aware of?

mpadge commented 3 years ago

oh great, then that'll give me a chance to compare currently coded autotest expectations with your actual implementation. Will report back...

mpadge commented 3 years ago

Reporting back: It was a bug in autotest. Everything now checks clear except that the parameter initialization of citation_impute() is case-dependent. That's obviously very superficial, so up to you whether you want to address it or not. Next steps will appear here very soon. I'll also delete the autotest output from above, along with the previous couple of comments, if that's okay with you?

alexpghayes commented 3 years ago

That's a little weird since citation_impute() is essentially a copy-paste of adaptive_impute() with slightly different computations, but equivalent error checking. I'm happy to ignore the case matching, I think that's a pretty low priority given that I already use arg.match().

mpadge commented 3 years ago

Thanks @alexpghayes for your submission and improvements that have already been made to the package. Don't worry about the remaining autotest output. Most of it can be ignored in this case, and the few things that can't are ultimately going to be optional (like case-matching). The testing regime is currently hard-coded, but will soon allow user-specified regimes to be applied. We also plan to implement a system to record written explanations for any categories of tests you choose to disable, with your justifications ultimately incorporated within initial package submission/pre-review templates. None of that is yet possible, so we're happy to just move on, but will likely re-visit with autotest at a later stage, for which we have all the relevant git hash information.

Given that, we would now like to proceed to the formal review stage, for which members of the project's advisory board @bbolker and @topepo have kindly agreed to review your package. They are now requested to perform a two-stage review, the first part involving assessment of the package against the standards as they are currently drafted, with the second being a more "traditional" review. We hope, by the time we proceed to this second component, that many aspects which might otherwise have arisen within a "traditional" unstructured review will already have been covered, and will thereby make the review process notably easier.

Our review system will ultimately perform much of the preceding automated assessment prior to actual submission, and reviewers will be provided with a high-level interactive graphical overview of the package's functions and their inter-relationships. In lieu of the system being that far, reviewers can clone Alex's repo from, then run the following three lines in the brolgar directory:


That should give you an interactive version something like this:


Instructions for review

@bbolker and @topepo, could you please now asses the fastadi package with respect to the current General Standards for Statistical Software, and the category-specific standards for Unsupervised Learning Software.

Please do this in two phases:

In each case, please only note those standards which you judge the package not to conform to, along with a description of what you would expect this particular software package to do in order to conform to each standard. When you do that, please provide sufficient information on which standard you are referring to. (The standards themselves are all enumerated, but not yet at a necessarily stable state, so please provide enough information for anyone to clearly know which standard you are referring to regardless of potential changes in nomenclature.) Please also note as a separate list all those standards which you think should not apply to this package, along with brief explanations of why.

Importantly, to aid us in refining the standards which will ultimately guide the peer review of statistical software, we also ask you to please consider whether you perceive any aspects of software (design, functionality, algorithmic implementations or applications, testing, and any other aspects you can think of) which you think might be able to be addressed by standards, and yet which are not addressed by our standards in their current form.

In particular, we note that the nominated category "Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, and Unsupervised Learning" only partially describes @alexpghayes's package, notably because our categories effectively aim to describe the general aims of software, whereas in this case that category applies to much of the methodology, while the actual aim remains arguably beyond that scope. We will therefore be particularly interested in hearing your thoughts on the applicability or otherwise of the category-specific standards in this case.

To sum up, please post the following in this issue:

  1. Your 2 itemized lists of standards which the software initially failed to meet, along with an indication of which of that subset of standards the most recent version then actually meets. Please provide git hashes for the repository head in each case.
  2. An indication of any aspects of the software which you think are not addressed by the current standards yet could (potentially) be.

Once you've done that, we'll ask to you proceed to a more general review of the software, for which we'll provide more detail at that time. Thanks all for agreeing to be part of this!

Due date

We would like to have this review phase completed within 4 weeks, so by the 13th of November 2020. We accordingly suggest that you aim to have the first of the two tasks completed within two weeks, by the 30th October.

Could you both please also record approximately how much time you have spent on each review stage. Thank you!

mpadge commented 3 years ago

Update for reviewers @bbolker and @topepo, note that this repo now includes an R package which enables you to get a pre-formatted checklist for your reviews (inspired by, and with gratitude to, co-board member @stephaniehicks) by running the following lines:

library(statsoftrev) # the name of the package
rssr_standards_checklist (category = "unsupervised")

That will produce a markdown-formatted checklist in your clipboard ready to paste where you like, or you can use a filename parameter to specify a local file.

ping @noamross so you'll be notified of these conversations.

bbolker commented 3 years ago

OK, will do. Note that I had to use githubinstall::githubinstall("pkgapi") (this package searches github for relevant repos rather than requiring you to know the repo owner in advance) in order to install pkgapi: remotes::install_github() doesn't know how to get arbitrary dependencies from GitHub, only from CRAN.

bbolker commented 3 years ago

also, there's a typo "funtions" in the packgraph messages shown in the first comment above (sorry)

bbolker commented 3 years ago

General Standards


In vignettes/README/DESCRIPTION only; could be more prominent?

Statistical Terminology

Not sure about this. Uses standard definitions (the bulk of this package is mathematical and algorithmic rather than statistical)

Function-level Documentation

Supplementary Documentation

no associated pubs [yet? vignette looks like a ms in early stages of prep: readme says " the vignettes are currently scratch work for reference by the developers and are not yet ready for general consumption."

[README says " In simulations fastadi often outperforms softImpute by a small margin.", but I don't know if/where this code lives]

Input Structures

Uni-variate (Vector) Input

Tabular Input

Software only accepts sparse matrices.

Missing or Undefined Values

Inf or NA values give TridiagEigen: eigen decomposition failed. This is an imputation method, but I don't actually understand enough about the area to know how missing values are filled? I guess missing values are coded as structural zeros???

Output Structures


Test Data Sets

Responses to Unexpected Input

Algorithm Tests

Extended tests

Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, and Unsupervised Learning Standards

Input Data Structures and Validation

Pre-processing and Variable Transformation

Documentation points out that results will be unreliable if a rank is chosen for approximation that is approximately equal to, or greater than, the rank of the input. (Testing the rank of a large matrix is expensive and probably impractical for typical input data; don't know if it is worth pointing out Matrix::rankMatrix() or not




Group Distributions and Associated Statistics

Return Results

Reporting Return Results




Input Scaling

Output Labelling


Batch Processing

bbolker commented 3 years ago

MINOR comments

alexpghayes commented 3 years ago

This feedback is very useful, thank you!