ropg / ezTime

ezTime — pronounced "Easy Time" — is a very easy to use Arduino time and date library that provides NTP network time lookups, extensive timezone support, formatted time and date strings, user events, millisecond precision and more.
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hour() is off when passing in a timestamp, or I'm using it wrong? #149

Open alager opened 2 years ago

alager commented 2 years ago

Startup logs, showing correct operation for central time: Received time: Sunday, 20-Mar-22 14:50:07.359 UTC Time is in sync our Timezone: America/Chicago Timezone lookup for: America/Chicago ... (round-trip 392 ms) success. Olson: America/Chicago Posix: CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 Central Time: Sunday, 20-Mar-2022 09:50:07 CDT

Serial << "now: " << << mendl; now: 1647769859

Serial << "storedTime: " << storedTime << mendl; storedTime: 1647769900

Serial << "timezone: " << myTZ.getTimezoneName( storedTime, LOCAL_TIME ) << mendl; timezone: CDT

uint8_t hour = myTZ.hourFormat12(); Serial << "hour: " << hour << mendl; hour: 9 <-- the expected value

uint8_t hourStored = myTZ.hourFormat12( storedTime, LOCAL_TIME ); Serial << "hourStored: " << hourStored << mendl; hourStored: 2 <-- wrong value. I think it should be either 9, or 4 depending on UTC or local timezone.

uint8_t minute = myTZ.minute(); Serial << "minute: " << minute << mendl; minute: 50

uint8_t minuteStored = myTZ.minute( storedTime, LOCAL_TIME ); Serial << "minuteStored: " << minuteStored << mendl; minuteStored: 51

The same behavior happens with both hour() and hourFormat12()

k5map commented 1 year ago


I'm experiencing the same problem as you with both the hour() and hourFormat12() functions. What is even more confusing is if I output hour using the dateTime() function, the hour is correct. I'm in the CDT timezone and my hour() value is +5 higher than it should be (hour() returns 9 when my local hour is 4). My timezone and DST are set correctly.

nilton61 commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem with the day(t) function when passing a timestamp in thew t parameter. I started a new issue on this