ropg / ezTime

ezTime — pronounced "Easy Time" — is a very easy to use Arduino time and date library that provides NTP network time lookups, extensive timezone support, formatted time and date strings, user events, millisecond precision and more.
MIT License
327 stars 92 forks source link

If you consider adding CA (Catalan) language #64

Closed clydde closed 4 years ago

clydde commented 4 years ago

` String monthStr(const uint8_t month) { switch(month) { case 1: return F("gener"); case 2: return F("febrer");
case 3: return F("març"); case 4: return F("abril"); case 5: return F("maig"); case 6: return F("juny"); case 7: return F("juliol"); case 8: return F("agost"); case 9: return F("setembre"); case 10: return F("octubre"); case 11: return F("novembre"); case 12: return F("desembre"); } return ""; }

String monthShortStr(const uint8_t month) { return monthStr(month).substring(0,3); }

String dayStr(const uint8_t day) {
    switch(day) {
        case 1: return F("diumenge");
        case 2: return F("dilluns");
        case 3: return F("dimarts");        
        case 4: return F("dimecres");
        case 5: return F("dijous");
        case 6: return F("divendres");
        case 7: return F("dissabte");
    return "";

String dayShortStr(const uint8_t day) {
    switch(day) {
        case 1: return F("Dg");
        case 2: return F("Dl");
        case 3: return F("Dt");     
        case 4: return F("Dc");
        case 5: return F("Dj");
        case 6: return F("Dv");
        case 7: return F("Ds");
    return "";  


ropg commented 4 years ago

Can you make this a pull request? That way you also get proper credit in github...

ropg commented 4 years ago

( Independència ! )

clydde commented 4 years ago

